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UFO Researcher :

Richard Hall

Brief Biography

Richard Hall was born December 25, 1930, in Hartford, Connecticut. When the Korean War was imminent, Richard enlisted in the fledgling U.S. Air Force in 1949 and served into early 1951, followed by six years in the Air Force Reserve. After returning to civilian life he enrolled at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1954. Attracted by then emerging news about sightings of "flying saucers" (UFOs) in the 1950s he opted to make himself available to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) then being formed. After working for NICAP for about 10 years, Hall resigned to find paying work because of his impending marriage. For a number of years thereafter, he worked for various trade associations in Washington, D.C., and for some "Beltway Bandit" consulting firms as a writer-editor. His final formal job before semi-retirement was as an abstractor-indexer at Congressional Information Service, Bethesda, Maryland for about 10 years. (See full resume below.) Hall served as Chairman of the Fund for UFO Research, 1993-1998, and is the author of several books. He was selected to be listed in Marquis Who's Who in the East. Currently he is a part-time abstractor-indexer for a Washington, D.C., consulting firm that manages an online database for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, of the National Institutes of Health.
Books and papers on the UFO Subject by Richard Hall:
"The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report." (2001)
"The Science of UFOs: Facts vs. Skepticism," International Space Sciences. Organization, web site: www.isso.org (December 1999)
"Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves," International UFO Reporter. (Winter 1998)
"Bridging 50 Years of UFO History," chapter in UFOs: 1947-1997, edited by Hilary Evans & Dennis Stacy (1998)
"Uninvited Guests: A Documented History of UFO Sightings, Alien Encounters & Coverups." Santa Fe, NMex. (1988).
"The UFO Evidence". NICAP (1964)



Richard H. Hall
4418 39th Street
Brentwood, MD 20722


Richard Hall was born December 25, 1930, in Hartford, Connecticut, reincarnated from a previous life as a Civil War soldier. (So his ex-wife tried to convince him.) His early years were spent in West Hartford, including attendance at the Sedgwick School. His parents (James A. Hall and Rachel Rudd Hall) and his four male siblings moved to Pleasant Valley in the mid-1930s, where the younger attended the grammar school and all went on to high school at The Gilbert School in Winsted, Connecticut. There they were exposed to intellectual stimulation by the offspring of families named Nader, Halberstam, Amenta, Dery, and others.

When the Korean War was imminent, Richard enlisted in the fledgling U.S. Air Force in 1949 to avoid being drafted into the Army (does that make him a "draft-dodger?") and served into early 1951, followed by six years in the Air Force Reserve. During his time at Keesler AFB, Mississippi, he worked in the base athletic department and other areas of Personnel Services, winning several table tennis ("Ping Pong") tournaments.

After returning to civilian life he flopped around for a few years trying a little of this and a little of that, and then enrolled at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1954. Originally a mathematics major, he tired of that discipline and switched to a major in philosophy and a minor in mathematics. Because of his generally high grades (A-/B+) he was wooed by Phi Beta Kappa but didn't care to participate in what seemed to him snobbish activities. Instead, attracted by then emerging news about sightings of "flying saucers" (UFOs) in the 1950s he opted to make himself available to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) then being formed.

After working for NICAP for about 10 years, Hall resigned to find "honest" (i.e., paying) work because of impending marriage. For a number of years thereafter, he worked for various trade associations in Washington, D.C., and for some "Beltway Bandit" consulting firms as a writer-editor. The marriage failed. His final formal job before semi-retirement was as an abstractor-indexer at Congressional Information Service, Bethesda, Maryland for about 10 years. (See resume below.)

Hall served as Chairman of the Fund for UFO Research, 1993-1998, and is the author of several books. He was selected to be listed in Marquis Who's Who in the East. Currently he is a part-time abstractor-indexer for a Washington, D.C., consulting firm that manages an online database for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, of the National Institutes of Health.

He is also a founding member of the Church of Equine Velocity and holds the title of magister velocitatis equinae.


Versatile writer-editor, semi-retired with 40 years experience. Extensive background in copy editing, proofreading, rewriting, and substantive editing on newsletters, reports, manuals, and book-length manuscripts. Member, Authors Guild.

Editorial Employment

1998-2003: Abstractor-indexer, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism data base, CSR, Inc., Arlington, VA.

August 1993 to December 1994: Part-time staff member and editorial consultant, technical report editing, Columbia Telecommunications Corp., Columbia, Maryland.

January to December, 1993: Part-time abstractor, National Center on the Aging, Washington, D.C. Creating summaries of journal articles and books on computer disc for gerontology and geriatrics abstracts journal (quarterly).

November 1980 to December 1992: Abstractor/indexer, Congressional Information Service, Bethesda, Maryland. Staff member, C.I.S. Index (monthly). Accuracy editing (style).

Primary specialties in aviation and aerospace, and environmental issues.

Prior credits (1970s & 1980s):

Editing of technical reports on social science and environmental topics for John F. Holman & Co., Washington, D.C.

Science Writer, monographs on agricultural commodities for United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, then in Washington, D.C.

Senior Abstracts Editor, psychology and related bioscience literature, for American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Writing/Editing Credits

Author, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report. Scarecrow Press (2001)

Author, "Loreta Janeta Velazquez: Civil War Soldier and Spy, chapter in 'Cubans in the Confederacy' Dr.Philip Tucker (ed.), McFarland & Co., N.C. (2002).

Author, "The Science of UFOs: Facts vs. Skepticism," International Space Sciences Organization

Author, "Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves," International UFO Reporter. (Winter 1998)

Author, "Bridging 50 Years of UFO History," chapter in UFOs: 1947-1997, edited by Hilary Evans & Dennis Stacy, London: John Brown Publishing Ltd. (1998)

Author, "Women in Battle in the Civil War," Social Education (February 1994). (*)

Author, Patriots in Disguise: Women Warriors of the Civil War. New York: Paragon House (1993); Marlowe & Co., paperback edition. (1994)

Author, Uninvited Guests: A Documented History of UFO Sightings, Alien Encounters & Coverups. Santa Fe, NMex.: Aurora Press (1988).

Editor, technical reports on cable TV systems, Columbia Telecommunications, Columbia, Maryland. (1993-1994)

Author, "They All Fought at Bull Run," Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military. (Fall 1991) (*)

Review Editor, CIS Index to Unpublished U.S. House of Representatives Committee Hearings 1937-1946. Bethesda, Md.: Congressional Information Service. (1990)




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