Raymond E. Fowler
Brief Biography
Raymond E. Fowler was born in Salem, Massachusetts and received a B.A. degree (magna cum laude) from Gordon College of Liberal Arts. His career included a tour with the USAF Security Service and 25 years with GTE Government Systems. He retired early after working as a Task Manager and Senior Planner on several major weapons systems including the Minuteman and MX Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Ray Fowler’s contributions to UFOlogy are respected by UFO researchers throughout the world. His investigation reports have been published in: Congressional Hearings, Military Publications, newspapers, magazines and professional journals in the U.S.A.and abroad. The USAF UFO Projects' Chief Scientific Consultant, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, has called Raymond Fowler, "An Outstanding UFO investigator . . . I know of none who is more dedicated, trustworthy or persevering." Ray served as chairman of the NICAP Massachusetts Subcommittee, an early warning coordinator for the USAF-contracted UFO Study at the University of Colorado and as a scientific associate for the Center for UFO Study. In later years he served as director of investigations on the board of directors of the Mutual UFO Network. He also has appeared on hundreds of radio/TV shows in the U.S.A. since 1963 including: Dave Garroway, Dick Cavett, Mike Douglas, Good Morning America, Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings and a number of Network and syndicated documentaries on UFOs.
UFO Books by Ray Fowler:
UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors
The Andreasson Affair
The Andreasson Affair - Phase Two
Casebook of a UFO Investigator
The Melchizedek Connection
The Watchers
The Allagash Abductions
The Watchers II
The Andreasson Legacy
Ray Fowler, 13 Friend Court, Wenham, MA 01984
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