Stephen Bassett
Website: http://www.x-ppac.org/
Stephen Bassett is a political activist, founder of Paradigm Research Group, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC, pronounced "expack"), author of the Paradigm Clock website, and a political columnist and commentator.
Presently he is the only registered lobbyist in the United States representing UFO/ET research/activist organizations, and X-PPAC is the first political action committee to target the political implications of UFO/ET phenomena. Between April 19 and November 5 of 2002 he conducted an independent candidacy in the 2002 congressional campaign for the 8th District of Maryland. It was the first instance in which a candidate on the November ballot in a federal election addressed the matter of an extraterrestrial presence and the government imposed truth embargo.
On January 13 of 2003 he launched a new project, Citizen Hearing, which intends to conduct a week-long hearing in Washington, DC before former Members of the House and Senate. The motto for this project is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."
Since 1996 Bassett has assisted a number of organizations and initiatives, which have been making the case for
1. An end to the government embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence and
2. Open congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees witness to UFO/ET events and evidence. He has spoken to millions of Americans about the likelihood and implications of a formal disclosure event.
Mr. Bassett is a lobbyist, activist, commentator and columnist. He is the founder of the Paradigm Research Group and the Executive Director of the political action committee, X-PPAC. His work has been referenced in, among others, the Washington Post, Washington Times, New York Times, Legal Times, Christian Science Monitor, National Journal and O’Dweyer’s Washington Report. He has been featured in documentaries and a guest on numerous radio programs addressing the "Politics of Disclosure."
In 1995 Stephen Bassett decided to bring a 15-year background in business development and consulting and a degree in physics into the field of extraterrestrial phenomena research.
His point of entry was a five-month stint working at the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER), founded by Dr. John Mack in Cambridge, MA.
In July of 1996 he left Cambridge to set up a consulting practice, Paradigm Research Group, in Bethesda, MD, just outside of Washington, DC. This consulting has consisted of providing professional support to researchers such as lobbying (he is the only lobbyist to register on behalf of UFO/ET research/activist organizations), media liaison, funding proposals, and secondary research.
In April of 1996 he attended the press conference held in Washington, DC by Richard Hoagland on the Mars/Moon anomalies photographic evidence. In April of 1997 he attended the press and congressional briefings conducted in Washington, DC by Dr. Steven Greer and CSETI.
During the July, 1997 events in Roswell, New Mexico, he assisted Stargate International in launching the "Petition for an Open Congressional Hearing on Modern UFO Evidence." This is part of an ongoing process to bring the United States Congress formally into the process of disclosure. The petition continues to gather paper and e-mail signatures and will eventually be presented to the Congress at the appropriate time.
In October 1997 he assisted Frances Barwood, city councilwoman in Phoenix Arizona, in dealing with an aggressive attempt by her political opponents to discredit and punish her for speaking publicly and in council session on the lack of a proper investigation of the Phoenix UFO sighting in March of 1997. Ms. Barwood won her recall election by a 2 to 1 margin.
Another project of importance became publicizing the complex issues represented by the Area 51 environmental damage lawsuit on behalf of former Area 51 employees. This case was pressed by Jonathan Turley of the Environmental Law Advocacy Center at George Washington University and eventually went to the Supreme Court where it was unfortunately rejected.
In November of 1997, he turned his attention to the issue of the disposal of records and documents which may have historical bearing on the actions and posture of the U. S. government relating to UFO events and evidence.
In January of 1998, Mr. Bassett assisted in launching the campaign of Frances Emma Barwood for Secretary of State of Arizona, the first candidate to ever run for high state or federal office in the United States who will directly address publicly the issue of possible intelligent extraterrestrial presence in our airspace and lack of proper government response to citizens demands on this matter. She subsequently lost the primary election.
At midnight on April 30, 1998 he published the "Paradigm Clock" to the World Wide Web. This website is designed to support the researchers/activists in the field. The Clock itself is a metaphor to help citizens and the media to develop a feel for the process of disclosure now underway.
Also in 1998 Mr. Bassett worked to develop media interest in the anomalies present in the photographic returns of the Cydonia region of Mars from the Mars Global Surveyor. Additional concerns include the fate of journalists who have done investigative pieces unfavorable to elements of the government and the secrecy reform legislation (S-712) introduced by Sen. Patrick Moynihan.
Early in 1999 Mr. Bassett began a collaboration with Robert Bletchman and Larry Bryant of MUFON who had developed a UFO State Ballot Initiative targeting the 16 states permitting direct referendum. A web subsite was developed to represent this project. Missouri became the first test effort under the guidance of MUFON state director, Bruce Widaman. Then in July, after assisting Virginia MUFON in promoting MUFON's '99 International Symposium in DC metro area, he begun a process for a more intense approach to Congressional members.
Consequently, on July 13, 1999 he founded the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), the first PAC in history to target the politics of UFO/ET phenomena and the government embargo of facts confirming the presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world, now. Announced nationally on July 21 it has been promoted via its website at http://www.X-PPAC.org/index.htmland by ongoing guest media appearances.
In 2000 political initiatives were restrained by the pending change of government. Mr. Bassett continued to speak publicly culminating in addresses to conferences in Santa Clara, CA and Santa Fe, NM later that year. In October of 2000, X-PPAC held a Town Hall Meeting on the Politics of Disclosure at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
Early in 2001 Paradigm Research Group and X-PPAC put their support firmly behind a major new political initiative titled “The Disclosure Project.” Specifically, assistance was given to the holding of an important press conference on May 9, 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. At that time the testimony of 75 government and agency employees, 21 in person, directly relating to UFO/ET events and evidence was presented to the media. The totality of this testimony, compiled from 120 hours of interviews, essentially confirms an extraterrestrial presence and a government embargo on formal acknowledgement of this fact.
With the nation and world moving into new and troubling territory, Mr. Bassett has worked to create a broad based coalition within the UFO/ET research/activist community capable of reaching out to the twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics of UFOs/disclosure with interest and concern. The aim is to form a political structure of sufficient size to meaningfully influence government policies and actions leading up to and following the formal acknowledgment of an extraterrestrial presence.
On April 17, 2002, in a press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, "Disclosure2003: the Maryland 8th District Congressional Campaign of Stephen Bassett" was formally announced. The campaign will attempt to challenge the voters of the 8th District (parts of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties) as well as the other candidates to engage the politics of disclosure and the facts of an extraterrestrial presence along with a range of other controversial issues neglected by America's increasingly risk averse politics. The website for the campaign is: www.disclosure2003.net.
Mr. Bassett's family has lived in the 8th District of Maryland since 1933.
From ParadigmClock:
Stephen Bassett is arguably the leading advocate in the world for ending the 58-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and the planet earth. He is a political activist, lobbyist, commentator and columnist. He is the founder of the Paradigm Research Group the Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC) and the author of the Paradigm Clock website. His work has been referenced in, among others, the Washington Post, Washington Times, New York Times, Legal Times, Christian Science Monitor, National Journal, Pravda, London Sunday Express and O’Dweyer’s Washington Report.
Since 1996 Bassett has assisted many other organizations and initiatives which have been making the case for 1) an end to the government embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence, and 2) open congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees witness to extraterrestrial-related events and evidence. He has appeared on hundreds of radio and television talk shows, in numerous documentaries and brought the message to millions of people of the likelihood and implications of "Disclosure" - the formal acknowledge by the United States government of an extraterrestrial presence about the earth - not maybe, not someday, but NOW.
In 1995 Bassett decided to bring a 15-year background in business development and consulting and a degree in physics into the field of extraterrestrial phenomena research. His point of entry was a five-month stint working at the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER), founded by the late Dr. John Mack in Cambridge, MA.
In July of 1996 he left Cambridge to set up a consulting practice, Paradigm Research Group, in Bethesda, MD, just outside of Washington, DC. This consulting has consisted of providing professional support to researchers such as lobbying (he is only lobbyist to register on behalf of UFO/ET research/activist organizations), media liaison, funding proposals, and secondary research.
In April of 1997 he attended the press and congressional briefings conducted in Washington, DC by Steven Greer and CSETI. During the July, 1997 events in Roswell, New Mexico, he assisted Stargate International in launching the "Petition for an Open Congressional Hearing on Modern UFO Evidence." This is part of an ongoing process to bring the United States Congress formally into the process of disclosure. The petition continues to gather paper and e-mail signatures and will eventually be presented to the Congress at the appropriate time. In October 1997 he assisted Frances Barwood, city councilwoman in Phoenix Arizona, in dealing with an aggressive attempt by her political opponents to discredit and punish her for speaking publicly and in council session on the lack of a proper investigation of the Phoenix UFO sighting in March of 1997. Ms. Barwood won her recall election by a 2 to 1 margin.
Another project of importance during this period was publicizing the complex issues represented by the Area 51 environmental damage lawsuit on behalf of former Area 51 employees. This case was pressed by Jonathan Turley of the Environmental Law Advocacy Center at George Washington University and eventually went to the Supreme Court where it was unfortunately rejected. In November of 1997, he turned his attention to the issue of the disposal of records and documents which may have historical bearing on the actions and posture of the U. S. government relating to UFO events and evidence.
In January of 1998, Mr. Bassett assisted in launching the campaign of Frances Emma Barwood for Secretary of State of Arizona, the first candidate to ever run for high state or federal office in the United States who will directly address publicly the issue of possible intelligent extraterrestrial presence in our airspace and lack of proper government response to citizens demands on this matter. She subsequently lost the primary election.
At midnight on April 30, 1998 he published the "Paradigm Clock" to the World Wide Web. This website is designed to support the researchers/activists in the field. The Clock itself is a metaphor for citizens and the media to develop a feel for the process of disclosure underway. Then from early April of 1998 Mr. Bassett workede to develop media interest in the anomalies present in the photographic returns of the Cydonia region of Mars from the Mars Global Surveyor. Additional concerns included the fate of journalists who had done investigative pieces unfavorable to elements of the government and the secrecy reform legislation (S-712) introduced by Sen. Patrick Moynihan.
Early in 1999 Bassett began a collaboration with Robert Bletchman and Larry Bryant of MUFON who had developed a UFO State Ballot Initiative targeting the 16 states permitting direct referendum. He developed a web subsite to represent this project. Missouri became the first test effort under the guidance of MUFON state director, Bruce Widaman. Then in July, after assisting Virginia MUFON in promoting MUFON's '99 International Symposium in DC metro area, he begun a process for a more intense approach to Congressional members. Consequently, on July 13, 1999 he founded the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), the first PAC in history to target the politics of UFO/ET phenomena and the government embargo of facts confirming the presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world, now. Announced nationally on July 21 it will be promoted via its website at www.x-ppac.org and by ongoing guest media appearances.
In 2000 political initiatives were restrained by the pending change of government. Mr. Bassett continued to speak to the issue at conferences in Santa Clara, CA and Santa Fe, NM later that year.
Early in 2001 Paradigm Research Group and X-PPAC put their support firmly behind a major new political initiative titled “The Disclosure Project.” Specifically assistance was given to the holding of an important press conference on May 9, 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. At that time the testimony of 70 government and agency employees, 21 in person, directly relating to extraterrestrial-related events and evidence was presented to the media. The totality of this testimony, compiled from 120 hours of interviews, essentially confirmed an extraterrestrial presence and a government embargo on formal acknowledgement of this fact.
On April 17, 2002, in a press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, "Disclosure2003: the Maryland 8th District Congressional Campaign of Stephen Bassett" was formally announced. This campaign sought to challenge the voters of the 8th District (parts of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties) as well as the other candidates to engage the politics of disclosure and the facts of an extraterrestrial presence along with a range of other controversial issues neglected by America's increasingly risk averse politicians. The campaign website is archived..
On January 13 of 2003 he launched a new project, Citizen Hearing, which intends to conduct a week-long hearing in Washington, DC before former Members of the House and Senate. The motto for this project is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."
In April of 2004 he produced the 1st Annual Exopolitics Expo - the X-Conference - held at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg. It was a project of Paradigm Research Group. Throughout the balance of 2004 he spoke at a number of conferences including: Ancient of Days in Roswell, NM, the MUFON International Symposium in Denver and the National UFO Conference in Hollywood, CA.
The 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo (X-Conference 2005) was completed on April 22-24, 2005. The 3rd X-Conference is tentatively planned for early June of 2006.
With the nation and world moving into new and troubling territory, Mr. Bassett will continue to work to create a broad based coalition within the extraterrestrial phenomena research/activist community capable of reaching out to the twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics disclosure with interest and concern. The aim is to form a political structure of sufficient size to meaningfully influence government policies and actions leading up to and following the formal acknowledgment of an extraterrestrial presence.