John A. Keel
John A. Keel, arguably the world’s foremost researcher into the paranormal, has traveled extensively to over 40 countries investigating the unknown for almost fifty years. At age 16 he began his illustrious writing career inspired by the ground-breaking work of anomalist Charles Fort (1874-1932). In 1952 he produced the radio program Things In The Sky about unidentified flying objects which was heard by millions. Author of thirty books since Jadoo, his 1957 autobiography, Keel’s groundbreaking books have been published in over twenty countries and include many of ufology’s most acclaimed titles: Operation Trojan Horse, Our Haunted Planet and The Mothman Prophesies. His incredible Mothman investigations are the subject of a major motion picture starring a Keel-inspired character played by Richard Gere. The movie is slated for a spring 2002 release. Keel has written articles that have appeared in many leading periodicals including Playboy, Saga and Fate magazines. Keel’s monthly Beyond The Known column is a popular Fate feature. John was recently the subject of Secrets of the Shadow World, a feature-length documentary by acclaimed director George Kuchar which premiered at Lincoln Center in NYC. John’s extensive television appearances include: Johnny Carson, Jack Paar, Hugh Downs and David Letterman.
An engaging humorist with a razor-sharp wit, John A. Keel’s thought provoking, often radical insights have sometimes placed him outside the mainstream of ufology. “I abandoned the extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations disclosed an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs . . . I feel that the ultimate solution [to the UFO question] will involve a complicated system of new physics related to theories of the space-time continuum . . . The objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate on another planet and may not even exist as permanent constructions of matter. It is more likely that we see what we want to see and interpret such visions according to our contemporary beliefs.”
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