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 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 635 of 918
Bristol, Virginia, United States

Summary:  The first one had rows of lights beneath it with one red light in the center. The other one was a ball of light flying along with it..

Date Posted: 2/14/2005 11:48:08 PM

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Sighting Time: 7:00-8:00
Day/Night: Nighttime
Duration: 1-5minutes

No. of Witnesses: 2
No. of Object(s): Multiple

Size of Object(s): first UFO 30-50 feet in diameter, the second UFO probably about 8-10 feet in diameter
Distance to Object(s): first UFO 30-40 feet overhead second UFO about 300 feet away
Shape of Object(s): first UFO a disk shape second UFO spherical
Color of Object(s): first UFO was dark with white lights and one red blinking light the second UFO one whole light

Full Description & Details
Me and my dad went out to feed our dog. While my dad was feedig him I was standing there and looked up in the night sky (which was and still is a habit of mine). When I looked up, there it was right over our heads, probably about 30-40 feet overhead, it was flying in a slow continuous straight line and not making a sound. It scared me and excited me all at the same time! It scared me because I didn't know something like this was right over head and so close and compleatly silent. I got excited because it was my first clear UFO. Beneath it, it had rows of lights, evenly spaced, the rows went toward the center where the red light was at, it was blinking slowly. It was heading south toward Bristol, Tenn. I was living in Bristol Va. at the time. The other UFO was ball of light, it also had no sound, it was off to my right (facing south) flying around in a field and seemingly near some newly built houses which were located on the other side. Its flight pattern was like a moth flying around a light. While the first UFO was flying in it's slow straight line, this other UFO would fly up along beside it, then it would break away from it and dip down in that field and fly in that irradic flight path again. This break away maneuver took place further away from me,in another a part of that field. This took place probably about 500 feet further south, but I could still clearly see this. I went to get my binoculars and watched the first UFO through them until they went out of sight. For some reason our dog didn't pay any attention to the first UFO, the second UFO I don't think would have had an influence on our dog because of its distance.

Other Comments
I didn't see an outline of it to indicate the first UFO was a disk but the configuration of the lights indicated this. Going toward a center, etc.

Reported Sighting? No
Name: Harold J. Dollar, Jr.
Location: Wyhteville, VA, United States
Age: 32


 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 635 of 918