August, 4, 2003
| Location
Gulf Of Mexico , Louisiana, United States
| |
watching clouds on airplane window, notice a large object moving next to airplane almost same speed. suddenly moved upward and when out of sight
Date Posted: 2/13/2005 3:23:54 PM |
Sighting Time: 2:42 PM
Day/Night: Daytime
Duration: 10 to 15 seconds
No. of Witnesses: picture
Urban or Rural: enterin US by New Orleans
No. of Object(s): Single
Size of Object(s): 100 to 150feet long
Distance to
Object(s): 50 to 600 feet
Shape of Object(s): banjo shape
Color of Object(s): silver with ultra white and red lights
Full Description & Details
watching clouds on airplane window, notice a large object moving next to airplane almost same speed. I took my camera and take a picture and soon as possible, suddenly moved upward and when out of sight
it look like vibrates or waves very fast
Personal Background
Reported Sighting? No
Location: Cancun
Age: 45