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 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 643 of 918
February, 9, 2005
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States

Summary:  Triangular object moving slowly south to north at approx. 600 ft. No sound, no lights, going perhaps 30-40 mph. Clear night w/slight could cover at 800-1000 feet. Very, very difficult to see.

Date Posted: 2/10/2005 3:26:01 PM

Sighting Time: 6:45 pm
Day/Night: Nighttime
Duration: 4-5 minutes

No. of Witnesses: myself
Urban or Rural: Suburban
No. of Object(s): Single

Size of Object(s): My best guess is about 100+ ft from tip to tail and a bit more across the bottom of the triangle
Distance to Object(s): perhaps 400 feet, maybe less
Shape of Object(s): triangle
Color of Object(s): black with a very, very faint grayish v on underside

Full Description & Details
[[EDITOR'S NOTE: This sighting was featured in a news story on the website of a local TV station in Washington, D.C., W*USA 9 News, after it was seen on the UFOEvidence.org website by a reporter from that station. The address of the webpage with the story is:


The article is titled "UFO Over Maryland?".]]

We live in a single family house on a hillside over looking "the valley" where Reisterstown RD. runs from east to West. We are on the south side of Reisterstown Rd. (21 Old Tollgate Rd). I was laying on our trampoline looking up at the stars and I noticed that some of them were dissappearing almost directly above me. There was a very faint V shape that I could see moving slowly from south to north.

As I looked harder at it, and it began to move directly over the valley, it was below a very slight cloud layer that was at most 1000 ft. I guess that because it was reflecting some light from the valley. When the vehicle came between the cloud layer and myself you could see that it was pretty much perfectly triangular, almost equilateral.

It was black with the exception of a very slight gray V shape along the bottom. There were no lights what so ever on it. Nothing at the points of the triangle, no collision stobes. It looked a good bit like a stealth fighter from directly below, but I could not see the serrated rear edge. I have seen both stealth aircraft up close on the ground and doing daylight flybyes at around 300-600 feet, and it did look a bit like one.

There was no sound what so ever. There was no masking noise in the area to disrupt any sound coming off of it, and it appeared to be no more that 400 feet away when I first noticed it. No exhaust, no apparent heat trail, nothing.

It was moving very slowly, so although it was very low, I had a pretty good long look at it. It maintained altitude and heading and went straight north. I got off of the trampoline so that the pine tree in the back would not block my view and could see a fairly low angle view from the rear. When it got to a certain point, perhaps a half mile away it seemed to just dissappear, although as flat as it seemed, just the angle would have made it even harder to see.

It was definitely solid, and so black that it was extremely hard to see, even as close as it was. If I had not been looking directly at the stars it passed in front of I would never have noticed it. The thing that scared me about it was the fact that a thousand of those could go over this neighborhood every night and no one would even notice them.

I am very familiar with all known civilian aircraft, and all known military aircraft in the current inventory. I work for Lockheed Martin and I have had that interest since childhood. The absolute total silence of it was spooky, along with the slow air speed.

About 20 minutes prior to seeing it, a helocopter had made a complete transit of the area at a slighly higher altitude, which was interesting. I lived about a half mile from the Garrison county police unit and the county copter would at least pass by there if not land very frequently. Generally, the county copter goes over this area every night at around 11 or so. I could not see the colors on it, but it sounded like the usual, but not like the JetRangers that the state police fly. What made it notable was the slow racetrack it ran over the area, but with no spotlight to the ground as if it was looking for something. I don't know if that was related at all.


News report from W*USA 9 News:

UFO Over Maryland?

Written By Kari Pugh, Online Regional Reporter


Frank Griffin is a firm believer in extraterrestrial life, but he didn’t like the eerie shadow he saw gliding across the sky behind his home in Owings Mills earlier this month.

The Lockheed Martin software engineer was in his backyard looking at the stars the evening of Feb. 9 when a black triangle hovering overhead caught his eye.

"It was very dark and this thing was so hard to see," he said. "But it was moving slowly, with no lights and no noise. Honestly, I didn’t feel comfortable. It was sort of scary."

Owings Mills, Md., is a densely populated suburb not far from a local airport, Andrews Air Force Base and the Patuxent Naval Air Station.

But for Griffin, who has studied aircraft since he was a child, the object didn’t look like anything he’d ever seen or heard about before.

The black triangle was at a low altitude, maybe 500 to 800 feet, with no lights, he said.

"It was so low, at first I thought it was something caught in the trees," Griffin said.

He said it looked a bit like a stealth bomber, but was "absolutely silent."

Griffin wonders if anyone else in the area saw something similar that evening. He spotted the object about 6:45 p.m. and watched its ascent across the sky for three to four minutes.

"It had only been dark maybe half an hour, 45 minutes," he said. "I wonder if it was out before dark."

Mysterious black triangles have been part of UFO folklore for years. Sightings of low-flying and silent aircraft are scattered across websites dedicated to the study of other-worldly activity.

The National Institute for Discovery Science, a group devoted to the study of unexplained phenomena, has gathered hundreds of reports from across U.S. and Canada of similar aircraft, often flying in high-population areas near major interstates.

One theory holds that the black triangles are experimental military blimps or balloons, perhaps equipped with electrokinetic propulsion systems, which would make them silent.

The military has never confirmed the existence of such balloons, but according to many UFO websites, Lockheed Martin did begin work on a triangular stealth blimp in 1982.

NIDS issued a report in August 2004 suggesting that the black triangles may be some kind of military aircraft, though the truth about them is not known.

Griffin finds solace in the fact that what he saw might have a logical explanation.

"I felt a little comforted when a buddy suggested it might be a military balloon," he said. "But I’d really like to know if anyone else spotted this thing."

Personal Background
Software Engineering manager, BS Operations Research 2 yrs with Marine corps/navy

Other Comments
I would love to know if anyone else in the area saw this. Had it been higher and faster I might have thought it was a stealth fighter or something, but at the distance I saw it, moving as slowly and silently as it was, I don't think it was anything military. Also, without any markers it was flying right in the BWI NW landing pattern, and there were planes fairly well stacked in bound in the area into which it was directly headed.

Reported Sighting? Yes
Reported To: Family
Location: Owings Mills Md,
Age: 48


 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 643 of 918