Full Description & Details
My sister and I went out to take the dog for a short walk before bed. It was just before 10 p.m. and we had been out about 5 to 10 minutes. Upon walking back to our house we were crossing the street and were at the mouth of a parking lot of a church on the corner of the street (we are almost at the top of a small hill). Looking north we noticed a very large, brightly lit craft flying low above the tree line. There were several passenger jet/aircraft flying at higher altitudes, so this really stook out. It was flying extremely slow in a straight line from east to west (our right to our left) It stayed at the same altitude and was momentarily blocked from view by the church building. We (and the dog) ran to the corner so that we could continue viewing the craft. It continued low above the main street and suddenly stopped, hovering above (from our vantage point) a residential neighborhood, perhaps 1+ miles) away. It hovered for perhaps a minute or less, then seemed to change direction and slowly descend, from left to right, in a vertical slant. We both could not believe what we were seeing and we were so excited I ran home to get binoculars and an instant camera. My sister kept watch. Upon returning no more than 5 minutes later, she did not see anything else. The craft simply seemed to "descend" into the neighborhood. We walked approximately 1/2 miles in the direction where we thought it may have landed, but saw nothing. We were both visibly shaken and excited/scared. I am 31 and my sister is 23. We have had other possible sightings but nothing as undeniable as this.
Personal Background
31-year old college graduate; editorial asst.
Reported Sighting? Yes
Reported To: Our parents
Location: Syracuse, NY
Age: 31