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 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 646 of 918
February, 2004
20 miles rural from Stanley, Idaho, United States

Summary:  silent moving, lighted object across the sky that stops or hovers, u-turns and changes speeds

Date Posted: 2/7/2005 7:32:36 PM

Sighting Time: 8 p.m.
Day/Night: Nighttime
Duration: 3 nights

No. of Witnesses: 2
Urban or Rural: rural
No. of Object(s): Single

Distance to Object(s): seems very high up and can look like a star when it hovers

Full Description & Details
first night: moved from west to south eats, emits flash of light, then hovers

second night: opposite direction, no light, no hover but changes speed

third night: from west to south, u-turns and goes 4 times as fast.

lighted object, third night viewed with binoculars. Made husband come out and watch it the second night but he though it was sattilite and went back inside house. It is too high up to be jet and too silent on such a quiet still night as we have here in the middle of wilderness.

Am going to try and video tape it tomorrow night as I have extra telephoto lens on a Canon L-q video camera.

It is somewhat frightening as I have never seen anything move so fast across the sky. My husband thinks it must be some kind of new military vehicle.

Personal Background
college grad, housewife, 56 years old, no children, no particular belief in UFO, more into a belief in creator

Other Comments
anyone looking at what I saw would assume this was a star. I thought so too until I say it move across the sky, then hover, and in subsequent nights, watched it change directions and go so fast I could not track it with my binoculars. Something is so strange in that I have seen this 3 separate nights. I am very skeptical of UFOs and believe this must be some kind of military object. I do intend to videotape it tomorrow night if is clear once again. I live in an area that is considered very dark as there is only one small town in this, the third largest county in Idaho. In fact, NASA is putting up a mid-level size telescope near us. They say it is to study black holes but a friend of mine who is into astronomy says that a midsize cannot study black holes. Other than it is a very dark and clear sky area, I don't understand why they do want a telescope so far away from any school or military base. We do find it interesting that in the last year or so, several CIA folks have moved into the area. I suspect there is something miliitary going on.

Reported Sighting? No
Location: custer county, Idaho
Age: 56


 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 646 of 918