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 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 648 of 918
January, 16, 2005
Bemidji, Minnesota, United States

Summary:  3 Very Large Silver Sleek Objects

Date Posted: 2/7/2005 12:19:18 PM

Sighting Time: 5:30
Day/Night: Dusk/Evening
Duration: 15min

No. of Witnesses: 5
Urban or Rural: urban and rural
No. of Object(s): Multiple

Size of Object(s): huge 3 foot ball field each
Distance to Object(s): couldnt tell mabe 20 miles away on the horizon
Shape of Object(s): long white silver objects with a slight round curve at the top of them very slight
Color of Object(s): white silver the sun was hitting em

Full Description & Details
My family and I were driving from Cass Lake to Bemidji to go shopping. Im a very intuitive person and i glanced over my little brothers shoulder through the left side window in the back seat to see the sun go down. I spotted it easily a long silver white shape just sitting on the horizon. The sun was going down so it hit the object just right. I was on the right side of the car in the back seat and my two little brothers were on my left, one in the middle one by the left window. We were driving so it was hard to get a good view as trees were getting in the way. I told my dad and he said sure man probably just a jet or exaust. I told my little brother to look out and he did and he said he couldnt see anything then he said hold on i see it! I said well tell me what it looks like. He said its very long and its just sitting there and it looks whitish silver from the sun hitting it. We finnaly get into Bemidji and my brother goes theres three of them! I still couldnt get a good look cuz i was on the other side of the seat but i could see one of em. My dad and his wife look out and now were going very slow. Hes a priest and he said holy shit thats no jet. He goes look honey to my step mom and shes like wow. They must have been about 20 miles away i couldn't tell but there wasnt a cloud in the sky and my dad goes that ones starting to move. They moved slowly, my dad was like hmm dont look at them we dont know if their friend or foe. I think the government has a deal with a civilization and the aliens can come and take people and do what they want in exchange for technology. Thats my theory, but get this about 2 months earlyer i was driving from my College to WalMart and i saw a cigar UFO it was huge and orange and i saw at about the same time. Something about the sun at dusk might make them visible.

Nate Moore

Personal Background
Highschool graduate. sophmore in college, And a mere Christian.

Reported Sighting? No
Name: Nate Moore
Location: Minnesota
Age: 27


 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 648 of 918