Beyond Roswell: The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, and the U.S. Government Cover-up of UFOs
Michael Hesemann, Philip Mantle
Drawing on top-secret government documents, eyewitness reports, and interviews -- many of which are reproduced verbatim -- the authors piece together, for the first time, the true chronology of events: a first UFO crash near Socorro, New Mexico, in May 1947, in which four aliens were recovered; the autopsy of the first of those aliens in Fort Worth, Texas, which was filmed by an army cameraman (the sensational "alien autopsy" footage that was broadcast in 1995 by Fox Television); and finally, the July 4 crash in Roswell, in which three more badly mangled alien bodies were recovered.
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From the Publisher
Last year, the media frenzy surrounding the 50th anniversary of the notorious UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico, proved that the public has an insatiable appetite for new information about aliens and government cover-ups. In this meticulously documented study, two leading UFO experts sort through all the Roswell evidence and deliver the real sotry of what happened in 1947...and beyond.
Drawing on top-secret government documents, eyewitness reports, and interviews -- many of hwich are reproduced verbatim -- the authors pierce together, for the first time, the true chronology of events: a first UFO crash near Socorro, New Mexico, in May 1947, in which four aliens were recovered; the autopsy of the first of those aliens in Fort Worth, Texas, which was filmed by an army cameraman (the sensational "alien autopsy" footage that was broadcast in 1995 by Fox Television); and finally, the July 4 crash in Roswell, in which three more badly mangled alien bodies were recovered.
But Beyond Roswell does more than simply clarify the events of 1947. The authors name names and set the record straight on the decades-long government cover-up of the crashes, from the machinations of the ultra-secret "Majestic-12 Group" to the "black projects" of the U.S. military's Area 51. Utilizing research by UFO experts worldwide, they also present the latest theories about alien anatomy, alien spacecraft design, and crash site artifacts, including alien hieroglyphs and the control boxes found in teh aliens' hands.
Illustrated throughout with hundreds of photographs, facsimile documents, and artist's re-creations, Beyond Roswell is the most comprehensive study ever published of the world's best-known extraterrestrial encounter -- a book that will be required reading for everyone who believes we're not alone.