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Unidentified Submarine Objects

Space 2001

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Summary: Unidentified objects are not just confined to the sky. In fact throughout the seas, oceans, as well as lakes and rivers of the world, strange metallic objects have provoked just as much curiosity. In this case they are abbreviated as USO's - Underwater Submarine Objects.


Unidentified objects are not just confined to the sky. In fact throughout the seas, oceans, as well as lakes and rivers of the world, strange metallic objects have provoked just as much curiosity. In this case they are abbreviated as USO's - Underwater Submarine Objects.

In many cases the line separating UFO's from USO's is a slender one. Not infrequently such objects will catapult themselves from the sea to hover above the waves before vanishing at amazing speed.

Ancient phenomenon.

Just like UFO's, sightings of the underwater equivalent go back to the dawn of civilisation Indeed the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia believed they derived all their learning from such beings who emerged from the sea. In more recent times the phenomenon has produced a steady stream of sightings. Perhaps not so many incidents as sky sightings, but since the oceans are so broad and unpeopled, this is not to be wondered at.

Brazilian Encounters.

Interestingly enough some of the best documented USO encounters have occurred off the coast of Brazil. On the night of 26th of July 1980 the crew of the tugboat Caioba- Seahorse were 60 miles off the coast of Brazil when they sighted a long grey object in the water ahead of them. At that moment a bright flashing light was seen skimming towards the tug at high speed. It eventually slowed down to hover above the grey object before lifting it from the sea. Both objects then sped off across the ocean.

Cigar shaped craft.

Only four months later an incredible incident took place on the Araguari River in Brazil. Over 70 people waiting for a ferry watched in astonishment as a 15 foot metallic object rose from the river to hover above them before disappearing from sight.

In 1967, again off the coast of Brazil, a cigar shaped craft is reported to have followed the Argentine cargo ship Naveiro. The object stayed alongside the freighter for some time yet curiously left no wake. In some astonishment the crew watched on as the object began to glow in intensity before plunging beneath the ship into deeper waters.

English Sightings.

In England several recent sightings off the coast of Cornwall excited considerable speculation. Cornwall is well known for such happenings, but strangely enough the most unusual British encounter was said to have involved the driver and passengers of a London bus. The year was 1964 and driver Bob Fall on a route near Tottenham was amazed to a see a silver cigar shaped object dive into the nearby waters of the River Lea. Police later explained the incident as a flight of ducks, but severed overhead telephone wires and a large gouge on the embankment told a different story.

Widespread Alarm.

Off the coast of South America in the 1960's the Argentine Navy pursued numerous USO's for at least fifteen days before finally losing track of them. In 1953 USO's caused considerable alarm in Buenos Aires harbour. Once again the navy gave chase but were unable to match the speed of the objects. In Panama meanwhile a USO that emerged from the sea is reported to have followed a passer-by for some distance before speeding away.

Scandinavian Mystery.

In Scandinavia mystery objects are known to have flown into and out of frozen lakes. A report in the Times of the 5th of April 1967 gave the following account: "Something incredibly powerful has smashed a huge hole through the ice covering a lake in central Sweden, but scientists and military experts are uncertain what it was". The possibility of a meteorite was quickly discounted and several days later there was a further incident. Once again it proved that USO's are every bit as elusive as their aerial counterparts.

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