Summary: Core Principles and Premises of the CE-5 Initiative
Definition: CE-5 is a term describing a fifth category of close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact. The CE-5 Initiative has as its central focus bilateral ETI-human communication based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact. CE types 1-4 are essentially passive, reactive and ETI initiated. A CE-5 is distinguished from these by conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative contacts with ETI. Evidence exists indicating that CE-5s have successfully occurred in the past, and the inevitable maturing of the human/ETI relationship requires greater research and outreach efforts into this possibility. While ultimate control of such contact and exchange will (and probably should) remain with the technologically more advanced intelligent life forms (i.e., ETI), this does not lessen the importance of conscientious, voluntary human initiatives, contact and follow-up to conventional CE-s types 1-4.
Core Principles and Premises of the CE-5 Initiative
ETI and Extraterrestrial Transports (UFOs) have been and currently are in contact with human society.
ETI has a net peaceful, benign and probably protective motive for the relationship with humanity at this time.
The CE-5 Initiative is proactive, bilaterally communicative and multi-disciplinary in nature and is not primarily motivated towards the current acquisition of ETI technology, except as mutually permitted by the ETI-human relationship.
ETI's enigmatic and elusive behavior may be understood as human-protective when viewed from their perspective: a war-torn, aggressive, nuclear armed and disunified Earth civilization must not receive further potentially harmful technologies until a lasting world peace and unity is achieved, and international human goals become peaceful, cooperative and unified in nature. Such a transformation will then indicate a readiness for a fuller contact and exchange between humans and ETI. We must respect and accept ETI's control and wisdom in this regard.
Notwithstanding the protective limits mentioned above, ETI is apparently desirous of an expanded contact with humans, and is open to voluntary, human-initiated contact and exchange. There is strong evidence to suggest that EI has been systematically introducing themselves to human civilization for the past 45 years or longer, and that such contact has steadily deepened and intensified over this period.
CE-5 communication based in a paradigm of love, unity, nonviolence, cooperation and shared interests has been and will continue to be most effective.
In addition to point number 4 above, we may expect a certain limited nature to ETI contact so that the disruptive potential of such contact will be minimized. Certainly, a massive influx of ETI culture, technology, etc. would prove harmful to long-term human evolution if said influx was sudden or ill-timed. Though the exact limits of such contact are not known, we are probably destined to experience an expansion of these limits as human civilization evolves and grows in peace and unity, or at times of significant worldwide crisis.
All CE-5 Initiative contact will be for the benefit of all humanity (as well as ETI) and will not redound to the benefit of only one nation or culture. This is essential.
All CE-5 Initiative contact will be free of hostile intent, and will be free of the presence of any and all weaponry - defensive or offensive.
All CE-5 Initiative contacts will be shared with all CE-5 associates to the exent possible. The CE-5 Initiative will cooperate with all other UFO/ETI research organizations so long as such groups are credible and have nonharmful and peaceful procedures & intentions.
Both humans and ETI have physical and mental/ spiritual aspects to their reality, and contact and communication will proceed on all levels of our shared reality.
The CE-5 Initiative affirms that humans and ETI, as conscious beings, are essentially more alike than dissimilar. Regardless of how different we may externally or physically appear, the reality of humans as conscious and intelligent beings establishes the common basis for communication, deeper and bilateral contact, and mutual self-respect.
Our embryonic efforts now will have ramifications throughout the next millennium and should therefore be undertaken with all due deliberation, vision and integrity. Our goals, methodology and conduct are oriented towards a broad-based, long-term endeavor.
The primary model for communication and exchange, as well as internal communication within the CE-5 Initiative, is that of consultation and respect for the views of others.
The most important characteristics required of CE-5 Initiative participants are honesty, open-mindedness, intuitive ability, good communication skills and trustworthiness. Technical skills and academic credentials are certainly valued, but the above qualities are primary. CE-3 and -4 contactees are especially encouraged to participate as research associates. In addition, CE-5 Initiative core groups will ideally have participants expert or competent i
Physics, Theoretical and Applied
Higher mental/spiritual functions (e.g., meditation, telepathy)
Communications and Electronics
Public Relations
Research/Documentation, including video, audio and print
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Sociology and Anthropology
CE-5 Initiative projects, training and results will be shared through conferences, symposia and publications.
The activities of the CE-5 Initiative will maintain high standards of conduct and professionalism, while preserving an atmosphere of open-mindedness and creative "brain-storming". Anyone found to be spreading misinformation or falsified cases intentionally will be prohibited from participating in any of the activities of the CE-5 Initiative.
We hold that carefully planned Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind will unlock new frontiers in the relationship between ETI and humanity. All sincere researchers and theorists are welcome to join in this profound endeavor on behalf of mankind's growth and evolution.
Steven M. Greer, M.D. + 1992, 1995
International Director, CSETI