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An Open Letter to the United Nations - October 2, 1992

HUFON REPORT Newsletter, December 1992

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Summary: we urge the United Nations to implement its GA /426 of December 18, 1978, by establishing an agency of the UN for undertaking, coordinating, and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena

In just ten days, the United States Government will initiate an intensive search for intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Program (SETI) will employ radio telescopes and computers seeking to decipher signals from some other planet very much like our own. It is based on the now widely-accepted scientific premise that out of the billions of stars in our galaxy, there is a mathematical probability that some may have planets on which intelligent civilizations have evolved.

And yet - if the evidence we have presented today as scientists and researchers from several countries at the Symposium on Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Future, at the UN at the invitation of the Parapsychology Society of the UNSRC, is to be taken seriously - there is every indication that intelligent life forms already have made contact with citizens of Planet Earth.

In other words, we are in the position of the man who is unsuccessfully trying to contact his neighbor on the telephone, because his neighbor is knocking at the door.

We support the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, however we believe that the search can - and must - begin at the UN. We are now faced with one of the most important issues of the century: the scientific study of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The resolution of this enigma will affect the future of the majority of the inhabitants living on this planet. The UFO problem touches the lives of many nations and engenders puzzlement, fear, and - at times - harm. Therefore, it is of significant scientific and technological interest, and it carries with it many implications of the existence of an intelligence other than our own.

The evidence is both intriguing and challenging. Reports of UFO activity describe incidents where the craft fly circles around high performance jet aircraft, shut down sophisticated electronic systems, black out electrical power systems, stop automobiles, upset animals, damage plants, and cause medical injuries to humans.

We now have the data to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Unidentified Flying Objects are operating in our skies on a regular and uninterrupted basis. The technology demonstrated by the UFOs is futuristic, beyond the present capability of human technology. Without warning, UFOs appear and confuse the lives of humans throughout the world. We as world citizens should no longer stand idly by and allow this to continue without a serious and united effort to address the issue.

Therefore, we urge the United Nations to implement its GA /426 of December 18, 1978, by establishing an agency of the UN for undertaking, coordinating, and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena (text enclosed). A small unit for the purpose is a good start considering the present UN financial situation.

When the first contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence is openly made, the question will be asked: "Who speaks for the citizens of Planet Earth?" and the answer must be, "We, the United Nations."


Dr. Norma Milanovich
Dr. Rauni-Luukanen-Kilde, MD.
Ms. Linda Moulton Howe
Mr. Stanton Friedman
Mr. John Schuessler

This article originally appeared in the Dec.'92 edition of HUFON REPORT, the newsletter of the Houston UFO Network. For more information call (71) 850-152.

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The United Nations and UFOs