It is important that Members of Congress see this release of evidence by the defense department of a foreign country as a "shot across the bow" of the United States demonstrating a growing impatience with the U.S. embargo on the truth of the extraterrestrial presence.
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
Congressional Alert - Another Shot across the Bow - May 12, 2004
(Past Congressional Alerts archived at: www.x-
To: Chief of Staff (all House and Senate offices)
Washington, DC - On Tuesday in Mexico City infrared footage of
lights engaging and surrounding military jets (much in the
manner of the legendary Foo Fighters of World War II) was
released to the public. Notably, this footage was provided to
researcher and journalist Jamie Maussan by the Mexican Defense
Ministry. As reported by the Associated Press:
Mexico City - Mexican air force pilots filmed 11 unidentified
flying objects in the skies over southern Campeche state, a
Defence Department spokesman confirmed Tuesday.
A videotape made widely available to the news media Tuesday
shows the bright objects, some sharp points of light and others
like large headlights, moving rapidly in what appears to be a
late-evening sky.
The lights were filmed March 5 by pilots using infrared
equipment. They appeared to be flying at an altitude of about
3,500 metres and allegedly surrounded the air force jet as it
conducted routine anti-drug trafficking vigilance in Campeche.
Only three of the objects showed up on the plane's radar.
This footage is a fraction of the thousands of photographs and
videos taken of nighttime and daylight disks also observed by
citizens in the skies over Mexico since 1991 - easily the
largest "flap" of sightings in the modern era. Naturally, these
sightings were dismissed by U.S. media, often by reasoning which
could be construed as xenophobic and racist.
It is important that Members of Congress see this release of
evidence by the defense department of a foreign country as a
"shot across the bow" of the United States demonstrating a
growing impatience with the U.S. embargo on the truth of the
extraterrestrial presence. There have been others. In November
of 2002 the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence made a
substantial release of previously classified documents relating
to the extraordinary events at Bentwaters Air Force Base near
Rendlesham Forest in 1980. In July of 1999 a "non-governmental"
committee (COMETA), notably composed of former French military
and agency officials, released a two-year study, the COMETA
Report, which among other things, clearly indicated the
likelihood of an extraterrestrial explanation for the world wide
sightings and chastised the United States government for its
obdurate and unenlightened position on the matter.
Other nations are losing patience with the U.S. led truth
embargo. One of them is going to break ranks and end this
embargo and take this legacy for itself. The United States
Congress is doing absolutely nothing to assert its prerogatives
in a matter of extreme national significance. It will be
permanently damaged if it does not take action - NOW.
Associated Press:
COMETA Report Article:
[Note: the Reuters article includes inappropriate language often
used by ignorant reporters and editors to diminish the
significance of the material being covered. This kind of
journalism is the enemy of the truth and of the U. S. Congress.]
The government imposed embargo on the truth of an
extraterrestrial presence will and must end. X-PPAC stands ready
to assist Members and their staff to engage the "politics of
Contact: Stephen Bassett 202-431-2459
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
E-mail: exppac.nul
Phone: 202-431-2459
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, Maryland 20814