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Three hovering black triangle craft over Los Angeles, 2000 - 4/17/2006
While stopped at a traffic light in West LA in my car, my girlfriend pointed to something above us. I leaned forward and looked up through the windshield to see three motionless black triangles. We lost sight of them soon after we resumed driving.
Hovering, moving metallic sphere witnessed in Texas, 2006 - 4/10/2006
I had stepped outside the store to smoke a cigarette, and I walked to the western end of our front walkway. As I reached the end I looked up casually, and I immediately saw this metallic sphere. It drew my attention because it was the only thing in the sky besides some birds and the sun.
Gray, cylinder-shaped object pacing car in Ohio, 2006 - 4/10/2006
Cylinder shaped gray cylinder moving approximately 60mph at altitude of about 40ft. My best estimates put the object at 10ft high by 7.5ft wide. It was emitting a high pitched screaming sound. My son in the vehicle with me, and the vehicle in front of me, saw the object as well.
Photograph of circular-shaped object in Norwich, UK, 2005
Rachel Kleypas-Sparrow / - 4/10/2006
My husband photographed this object late last year. I had sensed it; however, the object wasn't visible at the time this photograph was taken. There were a lot of shoppers that day and the public never noticed it. It was hanging there, invisible except to the camera. Looking objectively, the object would have been quite large had it been visible. It made no noise.
Landed craft with legs, ladder and 'turret' in Alaska, 1966 - 4/10/2006
"I was standing in the middle of our street and there was a craft on stilts or legs with a ladder down from the center. It had just snowed, and I remember windows on the upper round part... The main body was like an upside down saucer with a cylindrical 'turret' on the top. The 'turret' was approximately 3 feet across and 2 to 3 feet high and appeared to rotate."
Huge rectangular object with flames near Bend, Oregon, 1983 - 3/13/2006
"First appeared low in the fir trees looking north along Big Lake road. The first thing I saw was the appearance of a huge fireball. What looked like large flames flickered all around the object. Then it veered to my right and rapidly gained altitude. The object looked very much like Space Odyssy 2000 obelisk. Rectangular with glowing orange lines at seams."
Formation of orange rectangular objects over Algiers (Africa), 1970 - 3/13/2006
This was an organized fleet of bright orange rectangular objects with rounded corners without an identifiable light source. Each object had a small flame at the back, small relative to the size of the object itself. The flame was bluish .
Low-flying V-shaped craft seen in Ocala, Florida on March 2, 2006 - 3/11/2006
The witness was going for a walk at Fairfield Village in Ocala, Florida, when he saw a V-shaped vehicle (like a flying wing) from 35 to 50 feet in width. When he first observed it, it was about 100 feet above the ground. The silent object veered around a treetop and rested parallel to him - about 40 feet away and then left. The sighting lasted 3-5 minutes. Possible electromagnetic effects on the witness' vehicle were noticed.
Large, glowing orange craft, possible missing time in Oregon, 1971 - 3/2/2006
"I saw a large glowing orange craft over a park near a house we rented in Portland, OR. It was huge and had the appearance of a molten metal disk. It appeared hot (like molten metal would be) but didn't radiate any heat that I could tell. The craft sat in the air unmoving for some time but left very abrubtly moving quickly almost straight up."
Silent, cylindrical object with rows of lights observed in Seattle - 2/18/2006
A cylindrical object, with 3-4 rows of extremely bright spotlights around its perimeter, only about 500-1000 ft above the ground, with a medium-density, white vapor trail underneath. It was completely silent, and hovered for at least one minute....Seen from a distance of approximately 750 feet.
UFO sightings at ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas
Robert L. Hastings (2006) - 2/18/2006
Although the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO/Nukes Connection is now remarkably well-documented. Air Force, FBI, and CIA files declassified via the Freedom of Information Act establish a convincing, ongoing pattern of UFO activity at U.S. nuclear weapons sites extending back to December 1948.
Ball of light comes out of water, flies around Navy ship, 1974 - 2/8/2006
We were looking at the glowing algea coming off the prop of the destoyer in front of us when the water on the starboard side of the destoyer was turned a brilliant orange and in the blink of an eye there was a huge orange/reddish ball of light that came out of the water (round and big as the destoyer), went over the destoyer and back into the water on the (left) port side of it.
Round object with rotating lights around edge, seen in Texas, 1993 - 2/8/2006
I saw an round flying object in plain view in the night sky around 2am. It was close enough to see round lights around the edges and the lights were rotating in one direction. The ufo was traveling at a low speed and close enough to notice it was not a human made object. There was no engine noise.
Is There an Underwater UFO Base Off the Southern California Coast?
Preston Dennett, Fate Magazine, Feb. 2006 - 2/8/2006
Shortly after I began investigating UFOs in the late 1980s, I started to receive reports of unidentified ocean-going craft. Most of these reports came from a certain stretch of California coastline, from about Santa Barbara south to Long Beach. This particular body of water, I soon learned, had a widespread reputation as a UFO hotspot. Several witnesses told me they believed there was an underwater UFO base there.
3 orange lights w/ 'silvery' trail moving across horizon in Burkina Faso, Africa - 1/12/2006
3 (or 4) bright orange lights moved from north to south leaving a silvery trail behind. There was no sound. Since the object(s) was (were) at a distance of over 50 km, they must have been huge.
Articles 61 to 75 of 157