can u yell me that whether the india is lemorya or not
peanut butter jelly time 8/16/2008 5:51:00 PM
the 2 pic,s ufo look like a bubble
Lou Nunez 7/31/2008 10:09:23 AM
Stone carving in Palenque, Mexico
A few years ago I was in Rosewell, New Mexico at the UFO museam. They have a picture of a stone carving by the Maya Indians in Palenque, Mexico. In the stone is what looks like a warrior sitting down inside of a small chamber that resembles a cock pit or even crotchet motorcycle. I cannot find that picture. Please send some information if you can on this matter. Thank you.
naterlin r. 5/24/2008 6:59:54 AM
about lemuria
ya pretty good all around a little more could have been said about the rama empire and its special uniqueness compared to antlantis and its terrible war with the sons of baal and how baalbek was the seat of evil in the world and i think lemuria may have gone back farther than 78000 years as did atlantis but we always leave out the part about how we lost those powers over nature and the ability to use the cosmic forces and why we are such a bunch of dung heads today who think we really have fantastic technology is say our technology is too complex has too many moving parts and like most of our society is based on its ability to make money for a certain group of people and maintain a status quo rather than true advancement for civilization if we were to truely raise our level of conciousness and spirituality we could see the truth and better ways to do things only fools would make atomic bombs and only idiotic monsters would use them welcome back atlantian maniacs
rib 3/31/2008 9:21:44 PM
and.... even better!
HEY! everyone... check out the "structures on the moon"! apparently there's a mile high column "floating" above the surface and oh... did i mention the "glass dome" that nasa took pics of!! theres stuff littered all over the place up there. its all on the moon chaps! have a look
Anthony J. Giglio 2/6/2008 10:37:46 AM
my belief is that there is a civilation of aliens that are from this planet that as in our time foresaw a dermise the past most technology was we are rediscovering that technology only to find out that we are inevitably headed towards that same fate.hence our space station and space question is are we headed down that same road again?is history going to keep repeating itself in the same manner?
MONTE MORRIS 1/31/2008 5:49:09 PM
The ancient ones are an advanced race from ABOVE /heavens . Iam here to wake us up from the hypnotic slumber.
Fernando Dizon Aspiras 10/22/2007 7:56:54 AM
Heloo to all,
Just browsing and found this site. I am always been fascinated by unexplained, especially aliens and UFO. Will surely visit the site often.
A.Ganguly 10/2/2007 5:29:16 AM
Nothing called Rama
There was nothing called Rama Civilization in India. Indian history from 500 BC onwards in well documented supported by archaelogical remains. Mohenjo-daro was about 1500 BC ie contemporary to Egyptian & Chinese ones. All these civilisations are normal and just happended to be before the Greek-Roman ones. Invoking aliens is simply ignorant - arising from western unwillingness to accept that more advanced civilisations existed before the so called mother of western civilisations.
jimmy 7/30/2007 7:07:01 AM
i want to belive
it seems to me an advanced race would spread, and there wold be more, "proof." it all seems to have to much of the dirt munching nordic.
it's fun to think about anyways.
Sandeep 7/7/2007 3:42:17 AM
Thrilling Article
This is really thrilling article..........makes one who reads astonshing and curious ..........very good presentation.
But I would I also like to share the informaton that ideas like Vimanas, Mass destruction weapons etc are mentioned in our ancient epics( like Ramayana , Mahabaratha ). Also Atharva Veda the 4th Veda describes many details and secretes of these ...
Thanks again ,
Sandeep 7/7/2007 3:42:06 AM
Thrilling Article
This is really thrilling article..........makes one who reads astonshing and curious ..........very good presentation.
But I would I also like to share the informaton that ideas like Vimanas, Mass destruction weapons etc are mentioned in our ancient epics( like Ramayana , Mahabaratha ). Also Atharva Veda the 4th Veda describes many details and secretes of these ...
Thanks again ,
K Cook 4/28/2007 6:42:18 PM
The more I study history, especially the evidence that is provided, the more I think that Evolutionary Science is the product of ignorant men propogationg their own gain.
I can prove (through ancient texts) the evidence of every one of the civilizations listed above, up to and including Ancient Mu.
It's a shame that false science will try and deny or explain away the fact that we have a past that is not easily explainable, but nevertheless exists for a purpose.
Epion 3/7/2007 2:40:25 PM
Ancient Airships?
Ancient Airships? Rail guns? I call bullshit!
Epion 3/7/2007 2:40:13 PM
Ancient Airships?
Ancient Airships? Rail guns? I call bullshit!
Glenda Elkins 1/20/2007 6:49:59 PM
ancient civilizations
I too am a believer in ancient civilizations. i personally would love more information on ancient kings of Salem, Especially one called Melchizadeck{sp}. there seems to be no more information than what the Bible says about Jesus being forever after the order of Melchiziadeck {sp}.
thank you for your great information at any rate on what civilizations you do have.
Beverly Bittner 12/25/2006 1:36:17 PM
Ancient Civilizations
The subject matter is intrigueing. With modern day technology and more knowledge of the human population, we can only wonder about how much information superior beings may have given to past generations that once inhabited this planet.
Whatman 10/31/2006 6:12:34 AM
Ok everything seems probable until someone came in and talked about the 'different draconian races' where did you get that from and how did you get such detailed information? Star Trek?
Before we can open our mind, we better know why we are doing it. I mean if i say open your mind that humans originate from the sun, that doenst meant anything. Give us some facts.
Beverly 10/18/2006 2:24:51 PM
Ancient Civilizations
The research article by the anthropologist is extremely interesting. I believe the "proof" he has uncovered is evident that the "human race" was influenced by higher beings.
It's too bad, so many of us have kept the "blinders on" and refuse to acknowledge the fact that other "races" have and do exist out in the open spaces of our galaxy.
I find it very odd that much of the human race does not want to accept the actual/factual findings of the ancient history of mankind as never existing.
Every aspect of our lives should be looked at with an open mind. Why are so any "afraid" to see these facts?
9/20/2006 12:22:19 PM
The problem with the great story which may Or not be true, concerning the "History," of this planet. Where is all the technology? Certainly if "we": are Hybrids of these creatures-humanoids, we should have these Technologies............... we have only now come upon many revolations concerning advancemant Scientifically and mechanically. Certainly we did come from somewhere, and it wasn't here orginally. Why is everything so hidden, beneath our grasp, perhaps tis where it should remain, for another Catastrophey will occur if these Technologies were abundant. The more Science emerges, the more we suffer. Let us live and be, why fly through the Air at enormous speeds ? why Enjoy the beauty of this Planet as it is. A warning has obviously been sent several times, will "we' ever Learn?? The curiosity of Humanoids! It should read: "Curiosity killed the Human."
D. 9/20/2006 11:42:44 AM
The Crystals which are located atop many pyramid's, and sunken beneath the Oceans, were not mentioned?? These crystals are there today, only need to be sought out. These crystalscreated a Triangular Gate-way of sorts........ truly, much of the UFO's seen today are from "here." The Lotus BrotherHood, the Elders. Right here, on this planet. Which by the way is not called Earth.
edward mckeirnan 2/10/2006 6:51:24 PM
I am not alone
I have read much about these subjects since I was very young. having been derided most of my life, I feel satisfaction when I read articles such as this. keep up the good work.
Vinod Ponmanadiyil 2/9/2006 4:33:05 AM
I seriously feel the nomenclature and facts are not correct.
Please refer to Indian/any knowledgible text.
snaith goole 1/19/2005 2:35:00 PM
very interesting and informative
I rally loved this article, good work
1/10/2005 6:13:17 AM
you don't
you don't have any thing on the laws of ancient china
TACO MASTA 12/9/2004 10:27:51 PM
What is hidden will be revieled, long live the maker of speggeti.
matthew 12/6/2004 1:38:36 PM
awesome and true believe every bit of it and fasinating
Iapetus 10/9/2004 4:46:22 PM
Read Greek Methology!
I mostly agree with the article, but some elements are not strong stand! What I mean...
I've read the Greek mythology and I have found so many reports about UFOs, flying vehicles and more, but people, they don't think that they are real. WHY? Is it just mythology? I don't think that. It's much more easier to learn your history through coded stories than just reports! Check the US history books. Only 3% remembers all the american presidents, but everybody remembers the ancient Greek Gods, Heroes and stories!
9/19/2004 7:59:19 AM
I don't know about all of the information discussed here, but certainly Lemuria and Atlantis existed...however, perhaps not quite as you have imagined.
All life on this planet was brought from elsewhere, excepting deep ocean organisms, and the first wave of colonisation of this planet by aliens was that of Lemuria, approximately 2 million years ago. The colonists were reptilian beings from the Draco star system. The population of land-based organisms included dinosaurs, reptiles, birds, and crocodilians. Insect species were also brought, although many arthropods had already existed in the global ocean. Also, before the Draco colonisation, certain amphibious creatures had also existed here, as well as an intelligent amphibian race which did not possess advanced technology; but at that time the Earth was mostly a water planet which was not habitable by land-based organisms such as mammals and reptiles.
The Draco brought many flora, including tropical plants, many species of flowers , and although mostly deciduous, did bring quite a few coniferous trees as well. Among the trees seeded on Earth by the Draco were the redwoods, most trees found in the Australian and Indonesian rainforests, and several species of giant trees which are not longer in existence on the surface of this planet.
Their civilisation, Lemuria, was very imperialistic, regimented, and, well, Draconian. They believed in strict hierarchy, and possessed a 7 level caste system based upon 7 different species within their Empire. This is the basis of the 7-headed Naga found in Cambodia and other locations, as well as the Hindu caste system.
Lemuria flourished from about 1 million B.C. to 300,000 B.C. At this time, a human race from the Pleiades colonised the Earth. Called the Atlans, they colonised a continent in what is now the Atlantic Ocean called today Atlantis. This continent may actually have been referred to as "Atolan", and eventually broke down into multiple islands due to catastrophe.
The original Atlans were only semi-physical, that is, they were what the government refers to as "Extraterrestrial", meaning "Beyond Terrestriality". "Aliens" are physical beings from physical planets in this physical universe.
The Atlans brought mammalian lifeforms with them to Earth, as well as certain insect species, and a wide variety of flora. They also brought a new wave of dolphin species. Dolphins are actually an intelligent species, but they do not have very much focus in physical reality, or materiality about them. They tend to concentrate more on Astral and Hyperspace levels of reality. Their ET forms, the most prominent form of dolphins in the universe, are capable of intersteller transport by transmutating into implicate energy and then re-manifesting in the explicate order.
The Atlans were very associated with the ocean. In fact, humans appear physically the way they do because of the association of their ancstors with the ocean. Humans have little fur on their bodies, as well as a thicker layer of fat than most other mammals, to suit the oceanic climate--for wading and swimming in water. Humans are also able to control their breath the way that dolphins do, unlike most other land-based mammals. There are also remnants of dolphin genetics in the Atlantean peoples, and hence many current Earth-humans.
After the initial primarily energetic Atlan civilisation, later Atlan colonisations and civilisations were physical, and possessed technology. Wars occured between the Atlanteans and Lemurians, culminating int he destruction of Lemuria by Atlantean geomagnetic technology. In response, the reptilian Lemurians used their favourite weapon, comets, against Atlantis, blasting large sections of the continent away, although theiir weapons were mostly deflected.
The Lemurians then migrated underground, into the Inner Earth, and planned re-taking of the surface from the humans. To do this, they spied on the Atlanteans and literally attacked them from beneath their feet. In response, the Atlanteans used geomagnetic weapons to destroy Lemurian underground bases. This weakened the strata of their continent, and, now very unstable, bits of it began to sink beneath sea level.
The Lemurians, ruthlessly attempting to regain control of the Earth, used mind-control techniques and Astral possession in attempt to take control of the Atlantean peoples. As a product of their attempts, a new religion was created which worshipped an Astral reptilian named Belial. The Sons of Belial, as Edgar Cayce reported, became a major influence on Atlantean society. They created several strange animal-human hybrid creatures, including the Anubis, a race of wolf-men later to be identified as werewolves and loupe-garou.
The non-Draconianised Atlanteans maintained the original Atlantean philosophical structure (at least in theory) of the Law of One--that is, an understanding of unity and harmony based upon the oneness of everything in the Mind of God. It was at least encouraged in their society to ignite a "Christ Consciousness" within the atoms, cells and conscious structures of your being, in order to further sychronise with hyperspace rather than being controlled by physical reality.
Over time, Atlantean culture degenerated considerably. The Sons of Belial were becoming powerful, but destructive--basically a failed attempt by the Lemurians at bringing "Order out of Chaos". Respect for science and philosophy degenerated into fear of Astral deities and black magickians who manipulated humankind with their heinous morphogenetic spells and technologies.
A major infestation occured by what is referred to as "Satan Consciousness", a leftward-mentalitied parasite that latches on to physical realities in order to take control of them, believing that all realities must submit to a definite hierarchy with It at the pinnacle as Emperor of All.
The original Atlantean culture had become paranoid and militaristic from fighting with the Lemurians. They destroyed large sections of their own continent in an attempt to destroy their enemies. Simultaneously, the Atlantean civilisation had broken down into several diffrent warring factions. Atlantis was crumbling, both metaphorically and physically.
Eventually, Atlantis was actually 5 different large islands, two of which were destroyed by war, and three of which, Og, Poseidia, and Aryan. These three islands further broke down until only one island about the size of Portugal remained in the centre of the Atlantic Ocean.
Another Reptilian race, besides the Draco, is called the Abbennakki. These beings, mostly scientists who meddle with the genetics of other species, inhabit an artificial planetoid which, on its long orbit, passes the Earth every 12,000 years. Their endeavours were recorded in detail in 10,000+ Sumerian tablets discovered in 1850 by Sir Henry Austin Layard. They, according to the actual translation of the tablets, did not create all of humanity, but a scientist among them with the title of Enki did create the first of the "Black-Headed People" in what is now called West Africa. According to ancient African legends, the Black race was initially created to work in mines for a Reptilian race interested in the Earth--particularly in Earth-genetics. More detailed records state that 7 different Black races were actually created, which could account for the genetic diversity of that race. One race, a highly intelligent race of shamans, was said to have seeded the shamanic bloodlines. The "Out of Africa" theory has already been debunked by the finding of multiple humanoid skeletons elsewhere in the world, including Australia. And by the Africans' own account, the original humans came from the stars and were white-skinned, blonde-haired and blue-eyed in appearance, being called by them "Mzungu". These include the Atlanteans, as well as an advanced race from Aldebaran, apparently.
It would appear that current African traditions have confused the Abbennakki reptilians with the Draco reptilians. Currently it would be Draco who possess underground bases in the region of Africa, and Draco which are the source of their legends of a "King Umbaba" (strikingly similar to the Sumerian "Humbaba"), who lives beneath the Earth.
To return to Atlantean history, the Abbennakki planetoid, called Marduk, entered the Earth's vicinity approximately 10,500 B.C., shifting the planet on its poles, and causing massive geological upheavals. The unstable Atlantis sank in a single day and night, and the inhabitants were forced to evacuate. Many were killed. Among the survivors was a priest-king named Thoth, who was instrumental in the uplifting of an Earth-human culture in North Africa to the status of civilisation, as the original Ancient Egypt.
Earth-humans (our ancestors) were created after the sinking of Lemuria, approximately 100,000 B.C., when a treaty was signed between the Atlanteans and Lemurians, involving 12 humanoid races, as well as a human-looking but non-human race from Sirius A, and a race from Andromeda called the Krell. Earth-humans were experimentally created in many forms, and then destroyed, including neanderthals, which contained too much Reptilian DNA for the likings of the human races involved. Eventually a human-looking species was created which had a Draco DNA base sequence. This was considered acceptable by all groups. The Draco saw them as a potential add-on to their Lemurian civilisation, as a slave race. Some Atlantean scientists toyed with the wild Earth-humans, but very little serious attention was paid to them until the sinking of Atlantis took place.
Once it did occur, a group of Atlantean and alien scientists convened to determine the meting out of various experimental cultures to various scientific groups from many different civilisations. One group of Atlanteans created the Celtic and Native American peoples, while another, with the help of the beings from Sirius A, created the Egyptian-Hebrew and Middle-Eastern peoples. Another group from the former 5th planet of this solar system, Maldek, were also involved in the creation of the new Sumerian culture.
The Draco added more of their genetics to their Earth-human stock, as well as the genetics of beings from Sirius B and the grey beings from Orion. The Orions and Draco, working together, created the Oriental (Mongoloid) peoples. The Draco also created a race called the Dravidians in India, a cannibalistic and war-like people, nearby a Pleiadeian-human experiment called the Aryans. These two peoples eventually merged, creating the Rama Empire, which was controlled by Aryan-Draconian overlords now idenfitied as "gods".
The Draco also created the Australian Aboriginal peoples as one of their older experiments to create a slave race, but the Aboriginies were left to their own devices and developed into a survivalist-type people who also had many shamanic spiritual practises, as well as some contact with Inner Earth Draco civilisations.
In Eastern Europe, the Tau Cetian humans created the Slavic races, and in Central Europe and Scandinavia the Aldebaranians created the Germanic races.
The extensive influence by so many various alien races on this planet is the reason for the high degree of genetic diversity here.
In Sumeria, the Draco hijacked the experiment, and introduced a 50/50 hybrid race to become the royalty of these people. This is the same 'Blue Blooded' race from which the royalties of Europe and India emerged. They are the Naga-Kings and "Avatars" of India and Asia, as well as the current Illuminati, who control most of the Earth today.
These Illuminati are not 'aliens', as some people may mistakenly believe, but rather, they are a sub-category of Earth-humans which have a high percentage of Draco genetics. They believe that they are the rightful rulers of Earth-humanity. People like Prince Nicholas de Vere have written extensively about the original red-haired "Aryan" blueblood people who invaded Europe from Mesopotamia to become their royalty. He has a very Draconian philosophy of natural hierarchy and rule by bloodline.
These red-haired people were actually a combination between the very pure human race, the original Hebrews, who predominantly had red hair and green eyes, and the Sumerian Draco. King Solomon was one of this bloodline. However, Jmmanuel (Jesus) one of his alleged descendents, had a very small percentage of Draco genetics, and overall was very different from other Earth-humans due to his specific creation by Pleiadeians. Some of the Pleiadeians involved in Jmmanuel's life were actually from the planet Erra in the Taygeta system. These are the same beings currently in contact with Billie Meier. Although many have called Meier a fraud, it would appear that such a claim is very baseless, given that he has made scientific predictions which proved true 20 years after he made them, and also possesses metallurgical samples given to him by the Errans. Historically, these beings were widely reported to exist. In fact, in the Book of Enoch, an ancient text regarded as sacred by Hebrew Kabbalists, many Pleiadeian names appear as the names of the "Watchers", including Semjase.
9/17/2004 1:43:45 PM
Dig Dig Dig
Keep Diggin !
DD 8/6/2004 3:56:17 PM
You forgot Detroit.
They're really advanced there too and stuff.
Peniswrinkle 7/21/2004 5:32:47 PM
Vivid Imagination
What a total crock of shit! The only thing amazing about your theories is that some humans are gullible enough to believe this tripe.
Lyon 7/13/2004 8:51:20 PM
all the Above Are true..
ANCIENT MU OR LEMURIA, THE AROI SUN KINGDOM OF THE PACIFIC, UIGER CIVILIZATION OF THE GOBI DESERT And Atlantis have something in comon... These cities are of the same people and of the same population.. Even tho.. some of these empires maybe thousands of years apart, but thinking is! When Earth Quacks and other such natural destories.. These people move from location to location tell they made tech. To take them off the earth, to find other homes in the galaxy or univers..
Sorry my spelling is not so good.
6/24/2004 7:16:25 PM
the laws of ancient mayans
6/5/2004 7:46:27 AM
you need to references your articles to add depth to your argument
P.N.B. 6/4/2004 9:18:25 AM
One day humanity "as a whole" will accept the ancient teachings. They have always been true and ever year the scientific communities prove it. The true ancient texts could be explainded in 7 different ways (Math, science,history,philosophy,psychology,technology, spiritualy) there are other groupings possible, but these are enough for todays world.
Steev Douglas 5/9/2004 9:15:29 AM
I have always been interested in ancient civilizations, this has now opened my eye's and makes me want to find out more.
Sean Cannon 5/1/2004 5:42:24 AM
I really enjoyed your article. I wish more people in the scientific commuinty would research the theory of ancient astronaut's. Keep up the good work