Reader's Comments
11/16/2008 11:41:42 PM

Don't assume that our governments are idiots.

There are too many assumptions that any alien race that is technological enough to manipulate space-time would be benevolent in nature. To assume this is to make a critical mistake.

When TOP SECRET classifications are made, that's it end of story; you won't get any more information unless you plan on committing treason. The United States Government, NASA and the US Air Force in particular are leaving trace evidence about UFO occurrences in their official documents. Had this not been the case, many theories about an alien presence on the moon could never have been gleaned from official NASA Maps and Photos. Do you think it is a coincidence that NASA has never adapted its live television feed of its missions to delay so that they can censor any UFOs out of the picture? Do you think it is a coincidence that each cover story is so poorly crafted that an average person with average intelligence can see through it?

I know of no former Air Force officer or government official that has been prosecuted for speaking out after they have been told that the incidents they were privy to were classified and yet many people feel safe enough to commit treason by giving out Top Secret information concerning UFOs. This is no accident and it is not for the benefit of plausible deniability or for fear of an indirect admission of fact by the government.

Everyone should think it very curious that there have been numerous types of vehicles, numerous types of technology, one race that is benevolent, one that appear malevolent. It should be clear that this is a very complicated issue with not only one race but many. It could be possible that our governments have been given ultimatums, that they dare not challenge. Neal Armstrong told us that we had been warned to keep away from the facilities on the moon by menacing and huge objects. Many of the UFO stories for the past 50 years demonstrate an overwhelming lack of concern about how humans may feel about violations of airspace, abductions and experimentation of our citizens, tampering with our nuclear weaponry (if it were not for fail safe measures, our missiles would have launched) and as the case on the moon theft of our natural resources (helium 3).

Humans are powerless to stop them. We can not interfere with their agenda, if we do they will still take what they want; the only difference is that we won't be around to object.

Why make the assumption that the universe is not full of aliens that would work in their best interest only? If they need fuel, the will take it. If our visitors were truly benevolent, they would not be here. They would wait until our race had grown up and were ready to meet them as neighbors. Instead we are treated the same as the monkeys in the jungle when a cattle rancher cuts away a piece of land out of the rain forest.

It is a possibility that our government is keeping this secret to a point. If it were intended to be truly secret, very few of us would even know half of the stories that we do. Perhaps public acknowledgment would mean the end of the human race? If this was the case and the government gave you the information, you would still be pissed off at them when you saw an alien armada headed your way.

caesar soberano
6/26/2008 5:40:17 AM

Zechariah Sitchin"s Books Suggested

I suggest the esteemed author read Zechariah Sitchin's "Earth Chronicles". The series is a serious scholarly work that will surely expand the coverage of research work on the implications of UFO/ETI on human civilization

caesar soberano
6/26/2008 5:24:44 AM

Is the NWO for real?

The revelations of the late (killed) whistleblower Philip Schneider regarding the existence of hundreds of deep underground and underwater military bases in the US and in Europe state that the New World Order (NWO) leaders take their command from alien entities. The NWO is a secret organization whose alleged members are the filthy rich and powerful in the high societies of the US and Europe and the top honchos of the military- industrial-intelligence complexes. Schneider warned that the bases will be used in case martial law is declared in the US. What could be the real truth behind this seeming conspiracy that would entail the NWO not just working in tandem with but taking command from extraterrestrials? What are the implications vis-a-vis homo sapiens and civilization? I need some competent, well-founded answers.

john craig
4/25/2008 5:56:34 PM

area 51 ufo

where ufo came from in galaxy in universe send me about area 51 ufo




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