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Records 1141 to 1170 of 1973 - Sorted by Most Recent First

Science, Proof And The "UFO"
Val Germann
Here is one of the stickiest wickets in the whole field of Ufology. The debunkers all say "where is the proof?" And the "Ufologists" keep trying to turn themselves into physicists and produce it. But the plain facts are these: If there is a another, non-human intelligence operating on the Earth then "science" could be of little help and there may be no "proof" available except as these "others" desire. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:38:11 PM

President Jimmy Carter's Actual UFO Sighting Report
Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO
Many internet sites display a UFO sighting report related to President Carter's 1969 UFO sightings. The NICAP report, however, is only a retyped version of the original report which was filed with the International UFO Bureau in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Below you will find the original handwritten report made by the Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter in 1973, along with the letter written to him by Hayden Hewes, the Director of IUFOB at the time, asking for the report. This copy was found at the Carter presidential library in Atlanta.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:35:03 PM

President Jimmy Carter and UFO's
Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO
President Jimmy Carter has often been referred-to as the "UFO President" due to the fact that he publicly claimed to have had a UFO sighting prior to becoming president. Moreover, he was the only president on record to actually file a UFO sighting report related to his sighting. Thirdly, on at least one occasion while campaigning for president, Carter declared that, if elected, he would "make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists."
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:34:05 PM

NIDS Extraterrestrial Intelligence Online Survey Results
NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science)

Posted on 11/26/2003 5:32:16 PM

Roper Poll Survey on UFOs and Extraterrestrials 1999 (PDF)
NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science)
The 1999 Roper Poll on human reaction to contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:31:17 PM

President Carter, Daniel Sheehan, and Donald Menzel : The Congressional Research Service UFO Studies for President Jimmy Carter
Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO
Shortly after President Carter came to power in January 1977, Daniel Sheehan, then General Counsel to the United States Jesuit National Headquarters - National Office of Social Ministry in Washington, D.C., was reportedly approached by Marcia S. Smith, Director of the Library of Congress’s Science and Technology Division of the Congressional Research Service.from 1984-1985. Sheehan reported that he was asked by Smith "to participate in a highly classified major evaluation of the UFO phenomena, and extraterrestrial intelligence."
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:31:16 PM

Jimmy Carter, the Nobel Prize, and Extraterrestrials
Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO
The most recent winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, former President Jimmy Carter, has long been interested in the peaceful co-existence of humans on this planet. If historic records are any indication, however, it appears that the former President has long held a similar interest in peaceful relations with extraterrestrials who might be visiting this planet, since his sighting of a strange unidentified object in Leary, Georgia in 1969.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:29:34 PM

Roper Poll Survey 1999 - Survey Data and Methodology

Posted on 11/26/2003 5:29:09 PM

President Eisenhower Meets the Aliens?
William L. Moore, Gazette, Hollywood, California, March 29, 1989
The story about Eisenhower's February 1954 trip to Palm Springs for a winter holiday, and his subsequent late Saturday night disappearance, has fueled rumors that Eisenhower traveled to nearby Edwards Air Force Base to meet with aliens. One of the best recounting of this rumor was done by William Moore a prominent California researcher who traveled to the Eisenhower Library to do research and actually interviewed the wife of one of the key witnesses to the story. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:28:14 PM

Roper Poll Survey on "The Day After Contact"
NIDS (National Institute of Discovery Science)
How would humans react if E.T. landed? That is the question explored by the 1999 Roper Poll Survey, on behalf of the National Institute of Discovery Science.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:27:53 PM

Review of Bruce Maccabee's UFO FBI Connection: The Secret History of the Government's Cover-Up
John Alexander, Ph.D., NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science), Las Vegas, Nevada
To those involved in the UFO field Bruce Maccabee is well known as a meticulous researcher who has applied his skills as an optical physicist to many photographs of unexplained phenomena. He is also known for his strong background in the history of the field. The UFO FBI Connection will add another important piece for those attempting to make sense of the often discombobulated evidence of this complex puzzle. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:25:09 PM

The Day After Contact: Forecasting Reactions to Extraterrestrial Life
Albert A. Harrison, Ph.D. and Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., NIDS
There have been few attempts to gauge the consequences to our society of unambiguous evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence on Earth or in our solar system. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:23:56 PM

Review of Albert A. Harrison's After Contact: The Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life
John Alexander, Ph.D., NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science), Las Vegas, Nevada
In pragmatic detail, Harrison examines the human consequences of contact with such an intelligent extraterrestrial entity. Except for fictional accounts, no one previously has explored as comprehensively the many ramifications such contact would pose for those of us who live in what we believe to be technologically advanced societies. Just what would happen if we learned that we were not at the top of the evolutionary pyramid? R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:22:28 PM

President Ronald Reagan and UFOs
Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO
A question remains, however, as to how much of the UFO secret was given to Reagan the President. Reagan like the many Presidents before him had tens of thousands of issues being dealt with below him in the government. Only the most critical items were brought to the Oval office for his attention.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:20:36 PM

Roper Poll Survey 1999 - Press Release
NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science)
A nationwide survey by the Roper Organization has uncovered the following: when asked what they thought UFOs were, 25% thought they were alien spaceships, 12% thought they were secret government programs, 9% said hallucinations, 19% said UFOs are normal events that are misinterpreted by witnesses, and 7% said travelers from other dimensions. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:19:40 PM

Selected quotations about UFOs that appear in 'UFOs and the National Security State'
Richard Dolan
Quotations appearing the book ' UFOs and the National Security State' by Richard Dolan.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:16:17 PM

NASA's Dirty Little Secret: Remarkable UFOs Captured On NASA Open Broadcasts
The following video footage submitted by Oren Swearingen comes from NASA's public satellite broadcasts. NASA cannot possibly black out everything, and Oren has certainly found this to be true. In fact, it appears that during some very routine maneuvers, UFOs are distinctly visible, and in some cases edited out of the "replays" of the day's events once the live feed has taken place.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:15:08 PM

Review of Peter Sturrock's 'The UFO Enigma'
John Alexander, Ph.D., NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science), Las Vegas, Nevada
In late September 1997 a multidisciplinary group of scientists convened at the picturesque Pocantico Conference Center near Tarrytown, New York to attempt to reevaluate the evidence pertaining to UFOs. Financially supported by Laurance Rockefeller, it was the author, Peter Sturrock, who brought the two disparate groups of scientists together. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:14:53 PM

NASA Statement: The US Government and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Factsheet on NASA's official (negative) statement and position on UFOs. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:13:51 PM

President's Talk UFOs
Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO
The President of the United States of America is considered by many to be the most powerful man in the world. If that very powerful President is in change of the UFO cover-up, then that relationship is the key relationship to study in determining what is going on. If the President is not the head of the UFO cover-up, cut out of the loop by some Machiavellian group bypassing the constitution, then that is the key story to investigate. In short, the President’s relationship to the UFO situation is the key to understanding what happened, and how to end the cover-up. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:12:38 PM

List of Possible UFO/ET Craft Crashes and Retrievals
CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
This assessment of the situation and the ET's intentions is endorsed by CSETI military and intelligence witnesses, some of whom have been on the retrieval teams. Events listed include those where ET's may have been captured (dead or alive), but craft were not retrieved. Events involving only the recovery of artifacts are listed as well.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:05:41 PM

Majestic 12 Follies Returns (skeptical)
Barry Greenwood, UFO Historical Revue, #3 Jan 1999
I was surprised to find in late 1998 that attempts were being made by several individuals, primarily a Dr. Robert Wood, an engineer, and his son Ryan, a marketing and sales specialist in the computer industry, to resurrect the MJ-12 controversy. They have claimed to have received new documents supporting the notion the U.S. government actually investigated alien spacecraft beginning in the 1940s, under the banner of "Majestic-12, supposedly a panel of eminent scientists and government officials.
Posted on 11/26/2003 5:01:42 PM

Everywhere, by Stealth
Richard M. Dolan
Every day, spectacular events occur in the skies, in space, in the oceans, and on the ground. Astonished witnesses around the world see them. For many, the shock of something so extraordinary, so inexplicable, is a consciousness-shattering experience, never forgotten. Yet few people tell anyone what they saw, save perhaps a close friend or family member.
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:58:20 PM

About Richard Dolan
Richard Dolan
Around 1994, the UFO problem began to interest me. I had always possessed an average level of interest in the subject. I owned exactly one book on it, and caught an occasional documentary on television. In other words, I knew nothing of value whatsoever about the problem of UFOs, very much like most people.
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:49:43 PM

Heretic Among Heretics: Jacques Vallee Interview
In-depth interview with leading UFO researcher, Jacques Vallee. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:49:42 PM

The CIA, Official History, and You: A Study of Gerald Haines and UFOs
Richard M. Dolan, UFO Magazine, Dec/Jan. 2001
In the version we were allowed to read, Haines made two basic points. The first was that, although the CIA was concerned about UFOs until the early 1950s, it has since "paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomena." Second, Haines stated that from the mid-1950s until the end of the 1960s, "more than half" of alleged UFO sightings in the United States were actually of classified and/or experimental aircraft such as the U-2 or SR-71 spy planes.
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:47:34 PM

A Die-Hard Issue: CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90
Gerald K. Haines, CIA, Studies in Intelligence, Vol 1 No 1 1997
In late 1993, after being pressured by UFOlogists for the release of additional CIA information on UFOs, (3) DCI R. James Woolsey ordered another review of all Agency files on UFOs. Using CIA records compiled from that review, this study traces CIA interest and involvement in the UFO controversy from the late 1940s to 1990. It chronologically examines the Agency's efforts to solve the mystery of UFOs, its programs that had an impact on UFO sightings, and its attempts to conceal CIA involvement in the entire UFO issue. What emerges from this examination is that, while Agency concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s, CIA has since paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomena R
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:44:42 PM

Interview with Daniel Sheehan (July, 2001)
'Strange Days...Indeed' with Errol Bruce-Knapp and Scott Robins, Transcribed by Grant Cameron
Interview with Daniel Sheehan July 14, 2001 'Strange Days...Indeed' with Errol Bruce-Knapp and Scott Robins. Daniel Sheehan has degrees from Harvard in government, law and divinity. He established the Christic Institute in Washington D.C., and has been legal counsel on many high profile cases... Cases such as Karen Silkwood for example -- Iran-Contra, the American Sanctuary Movement, the Pentagon papers, Three Mile Island and Watergate. He has gained access to many restricted government files. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:42:10 PM

UFOs Are Real - I've Seen Them Says NASA Astronaut (Interview with Astronaut Gordon Cooper)
National Enquirer, 1/14/97
Space hero Gordon Cooper, one of the original "Right Stuff" astronauts, says he knows that UFOs exist ­ because he's SEEN them! In a world exclusive interview, Cooper has broken his silence to become the first astronaut to speak openly about alien spacecraft. He says there's been a massive government cover-up of UFOs for nearly 50 years ­ and insists the American public has a right to know the truth. R
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:38:58 PM

Mind-Body Problem
Greg Sandow
But amusing as all this is -- I could tell crazy UFO tales all day long -- it's not the crazy stories that matter. It's the sane ones. To understand the UFO phenomenon, you need to hear firsthand accounts, from reasonable people who aren't looking for publicity, like the woman in her twenties and the older married couple, who -- in separate incidents -- told me they saw something really huge pass overhead in silence, flying low, at treetop height, some years ago in the Hudson Valley (an area with many reports of such sightings).
Posted on 11/26/2003 4:38:38 PM

Records 1141 to 1170 of 1973

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