Records 1411 to 1440 of 1973 - Sorted by Most Recent First
UFOs: Challenge to SETI Specialists
Stanton T. Friedman
Major news media and many members of the scientific community have taken strongly to the radio-telescope based SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program as espoused by its charismatic leaders, but not supported by any evidence whatsoever. In turn, perhaps understandably, they feel it necessary to attack the ideas of alien visitors (UFOs) as though they were based on tabloid nonsense instead of on far more evidence than has been provided for SETI.
Posted on 9/30/2003 2:50:33 PM
The MUFON Field Investigator's Manual
MUFON has established a program to train member volunteers as Field Investigators. The heart and soul of this program is the MUFON Field Investigator's Manual, now in a newly revized fourth edition. Contents and selected excerpts. Also, ordering information.
Posted on 9/30/2003 2:39:41 PM
The Role of a Power Structure Analysis in Ufology
Joseph Burkes, MD
It is my assessment that ufology has failed to recognize the importance of how the Extraterrestrial presence profoundly threatens all terrestrial elites. This includes the international corporate, military, political and religious leaders of our planet. Without recognizing and thoroughly analyzing this challenge to terrestrial power, those interested in understanding the phenomenon of Extraterrestrial spacecraft visiting our planet, will be hopelessly confused.
Posted on 9/30/2003 2:37:59 PM
UFOlogy - Is there life after death?
Jenny Randles
The signs are not good. UFO sightings are less numerous than for many years. Close encounters seem to have been abducted or vanished into some parallel universe. Many longstanding groups and magazines are struggling, if they have not been abandoned already. UFO book authors are finding it next to impossible to persuade publishers that there is a viable market for what until recently was a steady stream of books (good, bad and indifferent). And there is an overall feeling of lethargy, if not apathy - perhaps a post Millennium blues caused by the psychological realisation that nothing spectacular happened, ET did not land and the world drifts on much as it ever has.
Posted on 9/30/2003 2:36:14 PM
The Case for the Extraterrestrial Origin of Flying Saucers (PDF)
Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Physicist
Careful review of the vast array of relevant evidence clearly leads to the conclusion that some unidentified flying objects are intelligently controlled vehicles whose origin is outside our solar system. All the arguments against the extraterrestrial origin seem to be based upon false reasoning, misrepresentation of evidence, neglect of relevant information, ignorance of relevant technology, or pseudo sophisticated assumptions about alien appearance, motivation, or government secrecy.
Posted on 9/30/2003 2:26:14 PM
UFOs - Extraterrestrial Probles?
James E. McDonald, Astronautics and Aeronautics, August 1967
On the basis of an intensive study of the UFO problem, I believe that the extraterrestrial-origin hypothesis must now be given extremely serious scientific attention.
Posted on 9/30/2003 2:02:15 PM
Cooper/Woods MAJESTIC Leak Grows Into Paper Flood
Robert Scott Martin, Space.com, October 1999
According to a press release issued by the father-and-son team, Cooper, who is best known in UFO circles for being the mysterious recipient of Majestic 12 documents, has now received more than 2,000 pages of material from various sources over the past five years.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:57:30 PM
Statement by Dr. J. Allen Hynek at the United Nations, 1978
Dr. J. Allen Hynek
There exists today a world-wide phenomenon... indeed if it were not world-wide I should not be addressing you and these representatives from many parts of the world. There exists a global phenomenon the scope and extent of which is not generally recognized. It is a phenomenon so strange and foreign to our daily terrestrial mode of thought that it is frequently met by ridicule and derision by persons and organizations unacquainted with the facts. Yet, the phenomenon persists; it has not faded away as many of us expected it would when, years ago, we regarded it as a passing fad or whimsy. Instead, it has touched on the lives of an increasing number of people around the world.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:57:09 PM
MJ-12 and William Cooper
Fortean Times
While MJ-12 - the semi-secret body allegedly overseeing the alien ‘problem - and Area 51 - the supposed alien HQ on Earth - are now well known, few people are aware of their origins in the late 1980s. veteran Ufologist Don Ecker, who had a ringside seat at the birth of this murky mythology, concludes his account.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:55:56 PM
Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12
Milton William Cooper, May 1989
Mr. Cooper's Speech, MUFON 1989 Symposium Concerning MJ-12
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:54:55 PM
MAJIC Projects
Bill Cooper
MAJESTIC TWELVE is an advisory team of scientists who's only purpose is to evaluate information and make recomendations.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:53:23 PM
Majestic 12 Operations
MJ-12 is a ULTRA TOP SECRET Research and Development, Intelligence Operation established by President Truman on September 24, 1947. MJ-12 was a "Committee" set up inside the NSC. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed the Secret Executive Order, "Order Number 54-12".(NSC=National Security Counsel)
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:52:00 PM
Is There a Case for UFOs?
Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, 2002
About the only point that can be made concerning UFOs without the risk of starting an unpleasant controversy is that they are supremely controversial. Any discussion of their nature, their origins, their significance and, indeed, their very existence, has led to long-term arguments that have yet to reach any generally agreed-upon conclusion.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:51:20 PM
More Top Secret Majestic UFO Documents Arrive This Summer
Ryan Wood, October 1999
During the summer of 1999 Timothy S. Cooper continued to receive alleged TOP SECRET MAJESTIC UFO documents both by mail and in person from several sources. Overall, the classified documents received from 1994 to present comprise over 2,100 pages of leaked documents and photographs with over 200 pages stamped TOP SECRET/MAJIC or an equivalent derivative.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:30:20 PM
Research Synopsis On The Majestic Documents
Timothy S. Cooper
In this synopsis, I argue the theory that FOIA documents in the public domain are the remnants of a high level UFO intelligence and psychological warfare program of the United States Government which began in 1946 and the Majestic documents reflect what might be a overt part of such a program.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:28:49 PM
Statement Regarding the Authenticity of the MAJESTIC 12 Documents
Joseph Firmage, Dec. 1998
Now that the new MAJESTIC 12 documents are in broad circulation, it is appropriate for me to make a few comments regarding their authenticity and their role in support of the hypothesis contained in The Truth.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:26:49 PM
Psychological Warfare & The Majestic Documents
Ryan Wood, March 2000
The theory that the professional hands of psychological warfare and propaganda experts are or were involved with the Majestic documents has been advanced. Be it modern day covert planning and leaking or old psychological warfare documents that leaked out of the garage into mailboxes and via personal meetings. This paper seeks to examine these theories and other relevant probabilities along with expert testimony as they relate to psychological warfare and propaganda operations.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:23:23 PM
Review of Kevin D. Randle's Case MJ-12
Stanton Friedman
The reality of Operation Majestic 12 (MAJIC 12 or MJ-12), and the highly classified documents associated with it, has been a disputed question in ufology for more than eighteen years. For the average person with an interest in conspiracies and UFOs, Randle's book would at first appear to be the definitive work on the subject. A much more careful review of this book, in conjunction with reading such other sources as References 1-5, leads one to a very different conclusion: namely that "Case MJ-12" is more a work of propaganda than of investigative journalism.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:22:11 PM
UFOs - A Challenge to Mainstream Science
Patricia B. Corbett
An excellent, award-winning overview of the UFO phenomenon, the evidence, and mainstream science. Examines why scientists do not look at the physical evidence; describes what the existing evidence is; and guides the reader to many books, reports and databases that contain evidence of UFO reality. In addition, lists many of the world leaders, scientists, astronauts, military personnel and other credible people who have witnessed UFOs themselves, adding convincing personal testimony to the available data.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:20:55 PM
The Case for Extraterrestrial UFOs
Don Berliner, Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR)
While most sights described as UFOs turn out to be misidentified known natural and artificial phenomena, many hundreds do not. It is these that form the core of the UFO mystery. That UFOs constitute a distinct category of describable sights is based on hundreds of highly detailed and consistent descriptions by professionals (especially airline and military pilots) of their close-up, broad daylight observations of unique flying machines.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:10:39 PM
The Case for UFO Reality
The UFO Briefing Document, Don Berliner, et. al.
If a close look is taken at the best available evidence, it is possible to deal with what is known about UFOs, and what may reasonably be assumed. The point we will make is that the evidence to support the conclusion that UFOs are unknown aircraft/spacecraft seems to be overwhelming.
Posted on 9/30/2003 1:06:27 PM
Comprehensive Briefing Document / Project Starlight - Assessment Summary
Steven Green, M.D. / CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
The summary from the comprehensive assessment of the UFO phenomenon by CSETI. "Some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft (ETS) which are piloted by extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) who originate on another planet, and most likely another star system."
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:59:17 PM
The Majestic Documents: Documents Dated 1970-present
The Majestic Documents
11 Documents
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:58:41 PM
The Majestic Documents: Documents Dated 1960–1969
The Majestic Documents
11 Documents
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:57:08 PM
The Majestic Documents: Documents Dated 1948–1959
The Majestic Documents
15 Documents
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:56:25 PM
The Majestic Documents: Documents Dated Prior To 1948
The Majestic Documents
28 Documents
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:55:45 PM
Comprehensive Assessment of the UFO/ETI Phenomenon
CSETI / Steven M. Greer, MD
A comprehensive analysis of the UFO phenomenon, as well as original research and experiences of members of the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) CE-5 Initiative Working Group, has enabled us to make some specific conclusions about UFOs, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and their motives. The summation of this analysis, which follows, is intended to assist both groups and individuals in their efforts to understand this complex subject. We have recorded only those conclusions for which we have a high level of certainty.
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:55:44 PM
The Majestic Documents (Website)
The Majestic Documents
This website is dedicated to the MAJESTIC documents and their related codewords such as MAJIC or MJ-12. The plan is to build a strong information base that focuses on the authenticity of these and new documents. We present here the detailed documentation that seems to place the stamp of reality upon the recovery of crashed extraterrestrial vehicles by the United States from 1947–1954.
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:49:33 PM
The Majestic Documents: Document Authentication
The Majestic Documents
Contains an overview of document authentication procedures and issues, and in-depth collection of essays and articles regarding authentication of the Majestic Documents
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:48:23 PM
The Majestic Documents: Introduction to Document Authentication
The Majestic Documents
The intent of this section is to provide the reader with an overview of authentication, not a step-by-step march through all the logic and supporting materials that we have developed and uncovered in this ongoing and authentication effort. We are in the process of writing a book, making a documentary and expanding our research. The goal here is to give you some of the highlights of why the documents are both interesting and genuine.
Posted on 9/30/2003 12:46:38 PM
Records 1411 to 1440 of 1973