Derrel Sims
CM Ht, R.H.A.
UFO Investigator for 36 years and Pioneer of "Alien Implant" Research in a Medical/Scientific Setting
Sims is a full time UFO Researcher with a specific interest in medical/scientific evidence of human/alien contact.
He is a Certified Hypnotic Anesthesiologist and a Master Hypnotherapist, with special certifications in Medical Hypnotherapy and Hypnotherapeutic Intervention. He uses a multimodality approach to memory retrieval and has developed specialized techniques for working specifically with alleged abductees. He has a Master Level in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), certifications in Time Line Therapy and extensive training in Graphoanalysis, Linguistics and other modalities.
Sims travels to many parts of the world, conducting expeditions for new physical evidence, providing therapeutic interventions for abductees, and as a speaker. Groups engaging Sims will find him flexible and easy to work with, combining classes as necessary and using the appropriate presentation style (lecture, workshop, or a combination of both) to meet the variable needs of the audience in your area.
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