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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


March, 13, 2005


Waroona, Western Australia, Australia


glowing sphere low in the sky, moon was a crescent on this night.

Date Reported:

3/14/2005 2:10:12 AM

Comments about the image(s): The first three images are 3 versions of the same photograph, showing the "orb" photographed by the witness. The 4th image shows where the moon was. According to the witness, "the orb was right of the tree, the moon was way left and a crescent." The orb was not seen at the time the photograph was taken (see report below.)

Sighting Time: 

around, 8.00pm



No. of Witnesses: 



5 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

hard to tell on photo

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

to hard to gauge

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

I had taken my digital camera outside to take pictures of a really great looking sunset,i took 4 photos all together,i also made a point of getting the moon in 2 of the photos because it was a crescent shape and looked good against the sunset backdrop,the photos were taken all at the same time , one after another,when i put them on my computer i noticed a strange looking light low in the sky,i checked my other photos to make sure it wasnt the moon,which it was not , for the moon was in a totally different location and was not full,it was a small crescent,i have included a photo of this too.Im not sure what this ball is ,any comments would be helpful,when i went back outside about 3 minutes later there was nothing there ,the moon was still in the same place and still a crescent,western australia did not have a full moon on the 13th of march 2005,so im stumped,has anyone seen anything similar? thanks.

Witness Background

im 31 yrs old , live in a small town in the southwest of australia, i work in a blood lab,i lived in the u.k for 13 yrs then came to australia,my intrests are music , acoustic guitar,computers and travelling.

Other Comments

i strongly believe that there is other life out there,im not sure what it was(in the photo) i can say 100% it was not the moon and my camera works just fine , so i was hoping you could help and explain what it is.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 




login D F


January, 9, 2005


Portland, Victoria, Australia


Found object in photograph after downloading from camera to laptop computer.

Date Reported:

3/14/2005 1:54:03 AM

Comments about the image(s): These are 5 versions of the same photograph, with various degrees of cropping and resizing, and slight brightening.

Sighting Time: 

11.46 AM



No. of Witnesses: 

nil known


Not Applicable

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

? 20 feet in length

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

about 1 kilometer

Shape of Object(s)

Cigar shaped

Color of Object(s):

? nil

Full Description & Details

I was doing a photographic shoot of this area, for a commercial CD I am developing. I am an experienced photographer and just acquired a Diploma of Multimedia in I.T. The area is located between Portland and Bridgewater Bay in South West Victoria / Australia. I took nine photographs of this subject / farm scene, including a view to the left and down the road, but the object does not appear in any of the other photographs. I did not notice this object at the time, but I was studying the scene for a period of about 5 - 10 minutes. I did not hear any thing unusual or experience anything unusual at the time. This discovery was made only when I was about to edit a back up copy of the photo, which was about aweek later when we had returned home from our holiday.

Witness Background

I am a Registered Nurse / Registered Psychiatric Nurse / Ex Ambulance officer / Ex Army Reserve / Ex Nursing manager I have just completed 2 years full time study in I.T. Multimedia.

Other Comments

I submit this as there may have been other people who sighted something on the same day and in a the same region. Also I am interested in the opinion of any photographic expert who would wish to analyse this photo. I have no idea what it is but I keep an open mind.

Reported Sighting? 



Tony Lanchester

Your Location: 




login D F


March, 1995


cary, Illinois, United States


While driving home from work I saw a strange looking figure.

Date Reported:

3/12/2005 9:39:33 PM

Comments about the image(s): "Here is the picture I had that is the closest I've seen that resembles what I saw in 1995."

Sighting Time: 

12:30 a.m.



No. of Witnesses: 



2-3 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

3-4 ft high

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

5 feet

Color of Object(s):

white, or pale silver

Full Description & Details

While driving home from work, I was going down a road with forest on both sides, and a gravel pit past the forest on one side.

I saw something coming out of the forest, (40 ft away) and step up to the road. At first I thought it was a large dog, but it was walking on two feet. My next reaction was that there was a car accident, and this was someone who was hurt and needed help.

Whatever it was, it noticed my headlights and and started to walk toward my car, a Honda Civic. Right now it was about 30 feet away.While rolling down my window, I estimated that this individual was as tall as my car, it had a large head,large, dark, oval shaped eyes,t two holes where a nose would be, with white skin. I really remember the arms and legs being very thin, and as it was walking the arms were swinging upward, like it was having trouble walking, almost as if it was "weighed down" .

When it was about 5 feet away I kept thinking it was a victim of a car accident, but looking at the face I realized this was not possible. The hair on my neck was standing up, I pulled forward . Not really scared, just not sure what was happening.

I kept going , hoping that maybe there was an accident and what I just saw would be explained.

Well there was nothing, and I went straight home. The next day I took several pictures of the location, and for the next three months I carried a camera with me, and had it ready to go everytime i drove down that road after work.

Nothing ever happened after that.

Witness Background

At the time, I was going to college one night a week, working full time as a printer . Married, ( I still am) with two children.

Other Comments

I have only talked to any extent about this to my wife and kids, several others at the time thought I was nuts for even bringing this up. So I quit talking about it, but to this day I can still see it's face and the weird way that it walked. I also think about it every time I drive down that road.

I once found a picture on the internet that looked pretty close to what I saw, if I can find a way to send it to you and if it would help I'll send it.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Crystal Lake, Illinois


42, at the time, 32.

login F


Summer Months 1964


Missoula, Montana,


ufos would come down every evening about dust over Montana State University fly over Missoula, then just before it would get lite,they would go over the university go up. Staight up till couldn't see them. The next nite same thing..for at least 3 months.

Date Reported:

3/12/2005 9:31:46 PM

Comments about the image(s): "Here is the picture I had that is the closest I've seen that resembles what I saw in 1995."



No. of Witnesses: 



9pm to 4 am

No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

First time I heard of such a thing, I was 22 asleep in my bed with my husband(ex now)

It was 2:30am The whole house was on fire or look like it..I jump out of bed pull my

$1.00 plastic curtains back a ball of light..like a fire flew away from house ..I woke my husband up ,I said to him..A plane has crashed and the motor is fly around...My husband just about busted at the steams..as he new a air plane motor doesn't fly aroud

after it crash. So he said to me that a UFO..haven't you heard..we been wathcing them.

He worked nites at a gas station. Got home about Mid nite that nite.

I went to my kids room...they were in their beds wrong & clothes not right.

So after that nite I stay up all nite watching the sky...some nites there would be 3

UFO"S flying around. The Missoulain Newspaper had articles about the things flying

around nite every day in paper. I never seen anything like this in my life since..

I'am 63 now.

Ufo's where like two saucers together up sde down .Big lite on bottom ...

lites around middle and small lites on top & bottom different colors.

It could move across the city of 30,000 in a few seconds... It could also be

a ball of lite or fire if it took off from the ground.

At the Neigbors one morning in their front yard , was a a brown place...

nothing would grow there.. after this happen. It burned the grass in a foot square...but only

where four legs touched down....

To many people have seen things....that I can't beleive some one would come forward.

Their must be people in their older years that are still alive that now , taken records..

where told not to talk. My husband that I have now ..has cancer .I know he would

tell....but he never seen a UFO...Wishes he had.

One time When we lived in Tuson, Az a old lady told me her brother had die...

He kept a black book for the govement,,they send him to the sightings...to keep record..

He was not to tell anyone...but he told his sister , because she wouldn't tell, but when

he die..she told me I will tell..to those that beleive. He dead so I can tell..I'am

a old lady...That was 1978.

Witness Background

Raised on a 350 acre Grade A Dairy(100 cows) Hard work 1950 to 1960. Married Dec.1960 - Lived in Missoula untill Jan.1965...in those years had two kids..a girl, a boy. Left Missoula , Mt Jan 10th ,1965 went Long Beach , Ca. Worked for McDonnell Dougluas 5/65 to 2/72 Had one more Boy.. Divorce two husbands...Been with my Third Husband 28 years(we been Married 27 years) I'am at home with my husband now as he has cancer...but have done a lot of things...I'am a very good caregiver...but I am Artist can paint just about anything ,I take to do. I love my computer. Can do great things on computer paint program ,too.

Other Comments

I have told a lot people what I seen...I know there someone out there.

I don't care if they think I'am crazy..I know what I seen & with 1000's of others have

told their stories...we can't all be wrong.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

I told some one a few years ago ..but no answer back,this is lot more inform.,

Your Location: 

Florence,Or Lane



login D F




London, United Kingdom


Saw a sphere shape with 4 airial type things protruding from its quadrants with squares all over its surface with 1 that appeared to have a black dot appear & then disappear.

Date Reported:

3/12/2005 12:57:12 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



2 mins

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

small car

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

half a mile

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

various dull silver shades

Full Description & Details

I was a child of around 10/11 yrs of age playing on the top story a double story car park at the end of our garden.I was with a friend who had decided to climb down the fence alongside this car park to go home.As he done this i walked over to get my football which was in the corner& then for some reason looked up.There silently passing overhead i guess from memory about half a mile away if that ,was a sphere that looked about the size of a small car from the distance i was at although it would be obviously bigger if you was along side it.It had a grid of squares all over its surface & in 1 of these grids was a black dot that appeared for about 30 sec's then disappeared again.It had 4 arial type things perfectly symectrical to each other at the top bottom & sides.

I stood watched it for about minute then just ran home to tell my mum & dad.By the time i had got to the bottom of the ramp of the car park the sphere had disappeared.I explained to my perants what i had seen to which they replied 'welcome to the club' as they had witnessed something they didnt understand years before. There is no doubt in my mind what i saw that day.Its still very vivid even to this day.

Witness Background

CAD Draughtsman,previously in engineering,normal high school education,normal average person really.

Other Comments


Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 




Your Location: 




login D F


March, 9, 2005


Phoenix, Arizona, United States


13 identical white winged objects, floating and swirling around, moved relatively slowly from West to East over the Ahwatukee Foothills section of Phoenix, Arizona.

Date Reported:

3/10/2005 4:56:47 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 

1, but another car stopped also


5 minutes but could have stayed longer

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

suburban and near Indian Reservation

Shape of Object(s)

shape of an aircraft with wings slanted back; angular

Color of Object(s):

Solid white with glimpses of a black outline

Full Description & Details

The sky was solid blue. Appearance was clear and each object seemed to be in the shape of some aircraft with slanted back wings. They were solid white but did get occasional glimpses of a black outline. Wondered if they were birds as they appeared to make several typical, although lopsided, V formations in groups of varied numbers. Counted them about four times coming up with 13 objects. They seemed to float and swirl breaking up into various sized groups then come back together randomly. When they floated into a single continuous line an equal distance from each other I began to wonder if they were balloons all tethered together. They appeared to be forming a question mark - curved at one end. Then they split off again so could not have been balloons. I see many aircraft over South Mountain climbing from Sky Harbour Airport. These were much smaller making me think the objects were at a much higher altitude. No noise, no exhaust, no blinking lights. I viewed them from a parking lot at 40th Street and Pecos Road and noticed another vehicle had pulled in to observe also. That driver appeared to be on a cell phone. We both left when the objects were overhead. I supposed if we had turned our vehicles we could have watched for much longer. I pulled out of the lot onto Pecos Road driving West and passed a news van/truck pulled off the side of the road. It's side read "Noticea 33" so assume that it was from a local Spanish News station. I have no idea if they were there to film this sight, but it leaves me very curious. Upon checking my cable TV listings, I found no channel 33 logo on the Spanish cable stations and wonder if they were from Tucson, AZ. The Ahwatukee area could be of news interest for other reasons. I am trying to reason out if these could be birds but all the migrating birds that I have seen in the past stayed in their formations and were deliberate in their flight. The grouping I saw floated and swirled as if in play. My bird books, which do show some underbellies of birds with white and outlined in black, do not describe flight patterns or other in flight movements. I would also think that birds moving around like that would have wing movement.

Witness Background

College grad., housewife, husband is an engineer. Former travel consultant, world traveler. Frequent hiker at South Mountain.

Other Comments

My first "sighting".

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

husband, niece

Your Location: 

Phoenix, Arizona, USA



login D F




Marion, North Carolina, United States


My Mother and I watched it from our window.

Date Reported:

3/7/2005 3:45:23 AM

Sighting Time: 

4:00 am



No. of Witnesses: 



1 hour

No. of Object(s): 


Size of Object(s)

about the size of a quarter tured on edge

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

quarter of a mile

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

red and blue lights

Full Description & Details

My Mother woke me about 4:am because she heard something at the back door .The power was out. I went and checked the door it was fine I opened it looked around didnt see anything and closed it. I then went to the front window the first thing I noticed was hundreds of rabbits and then at the edge of the woods four or five large does and a buck with a very larg rack.All the animal were looking down our driveway across the road and down our boat ramp.I followed their line of vision and on the otherside of the lake was a fenced in power station there was a ufo over it when ever it would go close to the power station our power would go out. It would go down on the station and then go up into the sky and zig-zag around very fast. and then go back down again.It did this over and over again for about one hour.My Mother and I both saw this in 1979. The next day we went down to the lake and looked around we saw large jelly fish looking blobs on the banks of the lake the were light yellow in color.I poked it with a stick I was 10 years old.

Witness Background


Other Comments

I also saw a tear drop shape object 5 years ago here in Mo. it flew right over our heads right above the trees and did not make a sound. we were camping on a piece of property we had just purchased. It gave off the same light as the sky this was at night .If it did'nt block out the stars I wouldnt have known it was there.It was moving very slow.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Piedmont MO USA



login D F


February, 26, 2005


Mesa, Arizona, United States


I was taking cloud pictures with my new Canon Digital camera and discovered the object in a shot after uploading pictures to my computer!

Date Reported:

3/2/2005 10:07:10 PM

Sighting Time: 

2:46 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



split second

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)

upside down saucer w/ protrusion

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

I ws spending a few minutes in my backyard taking pictures of random cloud formations with my new Canon20D digital SLR. I took approx. 40 shots in about 20 minutes and thought nothing of it until later when I was uploading the pictures off my memory card to my computer. I was scanning the shots and this black object appearred in just one shot! I did not recall seeing anything of the sort when I was taking the pictures. My camera was at full resolution but even with a lot of magnification the object is "fuzzy". It has a classic upside down saucer shape with a protrusion from the bottom and is perfectly symmetrical down the center axis. I have taken many pictures of birds and planes and this is neither! Any thoughts? Any other sigthings in Mesa (Phoenix) area around that time??

The pictures before and after this were clear so it was not a "object" on my lens! However, there is a few small insignificant blemishes that I did see on all my shots, dust on the lens.

Other Comments

I do not wish to include contact beyond my email. Any thoughts or questions are welcome via email.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

family and friends


Frank Penich

Your Location: 

Mesa, AZ USA



login D F


August, 16, 1957


Chicago, Illinois, United States


Man made Nazi craft. It was a craft made by the Horton bros.

Date Reported:

3/2/2005 7:14:18 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



2 hours

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

30 ft.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

a quarter mile or closer.

Shape of Object(s)

First one& second one-Disk shape.

Color of Object(s):

Florescent orange&green

Full Description & Details

I was at a park with a friend .We were both about 15 or 16 years old at the time. It was a summer night and the sky was clear. I noticed it first and asked my friend if he knew what it was that we were looking at,but neither of us could figure it out. I t was the most beautiful thing that I ever saw in the sky. This thing was relatively low,like about 200 feet up and about a quarter of a mile away. It was military black at the very bottom with a black conventional rocket exhaust pipe in the rear extending from a cuppola underneath what seemed like a platform .The platform too was black. above it was a florescent orange-red dome with black ribs extending vertically on the dome..Behind the dome was a military black tail. The lower cuppola had weird greenish glowing windows. Upon the upper part of the "platform" were what I can only call search lights. These lights were of various colors and the brightest lights that I have ever seen in my life. All the lights shown upwards at various angles.There were no lights at the bottom of this craft. Directly below the cuppola were four black bags that just hung out. My friend and I watched this thing for about two hours while we sat on a park bench at the juntion of Western ave. & Montrose ave.It was in the north west part of the sky. Eventually,we got tired of watching it. We had hoped that eventuallyight move,but it never did. We hoped also to be able to see someone in the windows of the craft,but this never happened either. I think that mabey the ocupants could look out without anyone outside being able to see in. So anyhow,I walked him home.He lived on the other side of the park. Then I walked back and looked up and noticed that it was still up there in the sky. I continued walking and crossed Montrose to go to my house. When I arrived,I told my parents about what Ken and I saw and asked them if they would like to go back to the park with me to see it themselve,but they declined as they were both tired and it was late. Since I was just a kid at the time ,perhaps they just thought it was really nothing to it. Anyhow,in the year 1984 I came accross a book in a used book store. The title was UFU Nazi Secret Weapon? Written by Mattern&Friedrich. I had read books on UFOs prior to purchasing this book and I had come to the conclusion that what I saw bacl in 1957 was probably a Ufo and that we were being visited by ETs. I would have to change all my prior beliefs when I arrived to page 119&120. Those two pages have drawings that fit precisely in all structural detail what I saw in 1957. I have writen to scientists and other UFO research organizations concerning my discovery.Later in the Year 1989 or 1990 I was driving from Ford City with my first daughter. She was about 16 years old then. We stopped for a red light as we were traveling north down Cicero ave. in Chicago. Mid Way Airport was about a block ahead of us and to the left. All of a sudden a craft pulled up from that air port and climed uo and to the north east in front of us. It was the same type of craft that I saw in 1957 only this time it did not have the undercarriage below or the rocket exhaust pipe. It also lacked the tail,but it still had the black ribs on top the dome. This time the upper dome was florscent green with a blinking red light on top. There were no steady beams of light on top the "platform"this time. It kept traveling in front of us for a while until it disapeared behind tall sky scrapers. As we continued heading due notth as it went northeast,we just lost it. I've come to theorize that these craft use electrical energy,as neither craft that I was witness to in my life made any noise. I believe that the lower section is like an elevator and is retracted during flight and that the tail is also retractable. It probably has inflatable air bags beneath for landing purposes. After my second sightig a frind of mine at work told me that I should write a book about my sightings and I thought this was a good idea and so now I have not just one, but two books about it. My first book is non fiction and my second book is fiction,but it is based upon the first. My first book is actually a booklet and is titled Coup of the Aliens/Coup for a New Order.The second one is titled The Great Coup D' Etat/UFO Revelations.

Witness Background

Retired Postal worker(Fork lift driver).

Other Comments

In my older years,I've come to believe that the Germans made contact with either advanced alliens that have colonised the inside of our planet or perhaps advanced beings inside the earth that are native to the earth but keep themselves known only to a few.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Scintists & other investigaters.


Ernest George Takala

Your Location: 

Berwyn Ill. U.S.A.



login D F


March, 2, 2005


Broadway, North Carolina, United States


there were four objrcts that were moving slowly seem to be following my car. I turned around to go back down the road to see if they followed me and they did for a short distance then disappeaerd. There was no sound and the lights were bright orange.

Date Reported:

3/2/2005 6:01:59 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 




No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

with distance couldn't really tell

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

2 miles

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

seem to have bright as day lights under neath the object they moved slowlyfollowing my car. There wasn't any sound coming from these objects . I watched them and then they diappeared.

Witness Background

mother of 3 work for Coty perfume comp.High school grad. Have been studying ufo's.

Reported Sighting? 



trudy causey

Your Location: 

Broadway North Carolina, USA



login D F