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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


October, 10, 2004


Litchfield, Connecticut, United States


3 ufo's seen while on a family trip.

Date Reported:

3/2/2005 3:02:10 PM

Comments about the image(s): These are 5 versions of the same photograph, with different levels of cropping and enlargement, and slight brightening of the shadow areas in the first 3 images. The first photograph shows the original resolution of the image, with no enlargement or shrinking, only cropping and slight brightening.

Sighting Time: 

6:57:39 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



over a half hour

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

unable to determine

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1 to 2 miles or less

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

metalic/ black/gray

Full Description & Details

I was on a trip with my family when we stoped on this step ridge/cliff to watch the sunset. One of my sons saw the 3 metalic objects in the distance. I took a picture of them as the moved to our right. The hovered in a organized formation and traveled at varying speeds (together) stopping now and then and then quickly moving to a new spot. While flying the three objects changed altitudes quite frequently and also changed positiions from time to time. After about a half our or so it was getting darker and my youngest son began to cry (was scared) and my wife got upset. We then left.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 


Your Location: 

glen ridge, nj, usa

login D F


March, 2, 2005


Okeechobee, Florida, United States


It started out as a bright star in the South East corner, appearing larger with speed towards me, as I drove up to a lighted area, the unknown object lifted up into the sky and I seen a light grey, flat triangle bottom, with 3 lights one in each corner as it glided without any sound toward the North.

Date Reported:

3/2/2005 1:19:36 PM

Sighting Time: 

2:00 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



unsure, it happened so fast

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

light grey on the bottom

Full Description & Details

On March 02, 2005, at approximately 2:00 A.M., I seen a bright star in the South East corner of where I work at, approximately 17 miles North of Okeechobee, Florida. As I drove Westward, I noticed the light appearing larger towards my direction. I got a little worried so I stepped on the gas, and it became faster with speed with a flame behind it heading behind my work vehicle. I did not know what to think except to get out of that area. As I drove up toward some lights, I noticed the bright object lift up into the sky going North. I seen a light grey triangular bottom with 3 lights, one in each corner. And as God as my witness, I have never experienced anything so-o strange in my life. I would place my hand on a stack of Bibles for what I have seen.

Witness Background

I am employed as a State Correctional Officer. And at this time I am working toward a degree in Criminal Justice.

Other Comments

This is one of those type of situations where a person has to be there to believe it. A person can kick back look up at the stars every night and see the same ole thing or take a relaxing drive down the road in the night time, and all of a sudden something unknown appears before your eyes. What are you to do? Should you tell someone?Would they believe you? This strange situation has happened to me am I going to try and make some people believe it, no, why, it is something beyond our own understanding. Some people whom have never experienced this may think I or others are nuts. But who's to say it will not happen to you. When it does, come back and tell me all about it, and just maybe we might have something to talk about.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

I notified my Supervisor and wrote an incident report.


DeAnne Davis

Your Location: 

Okeechobee, Florida



login D F


October, 31, 1988


Tryon, Oklahoma, United States


Large dark colored craft traveling in total silence, triangular with huge orange ball of light coming out the bottom, moving slowly across the sky, flew almost directly over me and my friends, sighted for aproximately 5 minutes.

Date Reported:

2/28/2005 12:39:03 PM

Sighting Time: 

10:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 

around 10 people


5-7 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Couldn't tell---seemed very large

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Couldn't tell because it made no sound

Shape of Object(s)

Triangle with orange fireball on bottom center

Color of Object(s):

Dark color

Full Description & Details

To whom it may concern: A day in my life hasn't gone by that I haven't thought of this UFO sighting because it was so frightening. I remember for sure it was Halloween Night and I am almost positive it was 10-31-88, although it could have been a year ealier or a year later, but I really don't think so (but I do realize sometimes our minds play tricks on us). Me and about 10 of my friends were really bored one Halloween night because we had nothing to do, so one my friends remembered an old house North of Tryon, Oklahoma, where he had grown up, that was supposed to be haunted. For the fun of it we drove out there and it was in the middle of nowhere. It was a clear starry night and we were standing in the road when we noticed an old satellite tumbling across the sky, and we hadn't seen one of those in years. Looking at the satellite, something far off in the distance caught our eye, it was as far away as our eyes could see right at the moment. It flew closer and closer and then flew almost directly over the top of us. It was flying slowly so we watched it for what seemed like at least 5 minutes or more, so we had plenty of time to observe it very well. It was a huge heavy dark-colored triangular shaped craft with the huge orange ball of light coming out the center of the bottom of it. It made no sound whatsoever. It could have been a flying low or it could have been a very large craft flying high, but we could not sense the altitude of the craft, mainly because it was silent. It had no other lights other than the orange ball, that reminded me of the sun when it is setting. I remember it seemed to fly almost directly over us and I was terrified to death. I had been watching too many movies I guess, and was afraid it would harm us. But it just kept going, looking as if it was flying kind of in a Northwesterly direction. We watched it go until we could not see it any more. It never did change speed, it appeared to be just floating or sailing through the air. My friends and I were just in shock. We couldn't even speak. About 5 minutes later a group of helicopters, 5 of them, in a "W" formation came out of the east, but it didn't seem to me as if they were going in quite the same direction as the craft, they were flying more in a westerly direction, but I am not sure. We scoured all the local papers the next day and if anyone saw what we saw, it didn't make the papers. We didn't report it to anyone. We were afraid they would say we had been drinking or something, but we had not been drinking. I often wondered if this craft had been sighted by anyone else that night. I have watched many shows on TV to see if anyone else ever saw a craft that looked like this one, but most people don't describe a triangular shape. It was not shaped like a stealth plane, it was a lot longer. I will try to draw it and fax you the drawing. Thanks for giving me an outlet to speak after all these years. I have lost track of most of those friends I was with that night, but I am going to try to reach one of them and see if they have anything to add about this sighting that I might have forgotten.---Dell Livsey---

Witness Background

Female who works for Okla State University in Telecommunications. At the time of the sighting I worked for Southwestern Bell. I have aprox. 2 years of college background.

Other Comments

Is there any way to know if anyone else in the country saw this UFO on that day besides me and my friends? Is there any way to find out if anyone else has seen any UFO that matches this same description?

Reported Sighting? 



Dell Livsey

Your Location: 

Stillwater, OK USA


46 now

login D F




Winlock, Washington, United States


The UFO was in a triangular shape

Date Reported:

2/25/2005 12:02:47 AM

Comments about the image(s): My sighting was simular to this one as i can remember. (This photograph is from the Belgium UFO Wave.)

Sighting Time: 

11:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



2 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

Redish Orange

Full Description & Details

The UFO was redish/orange color and in a triangluer shape. It was hovering over my neighbor's house behind my house and it had 3 circualr lights in the bottom of it with a oval shaped light in the middle at the bottom. It lasted for about 2 minutes and then all of a sudden it shot out about maybe 30 miles away from where it was hovering, faster than a bullet and then disappeared in a blink of an eye. As I was looking at the UFO, I was paralized, speechless, and scared. I was only 8 years old when i seen this UFO and I was so scared and tramatized by the insident that I have not told anybody about it because I was frightened yet till this day. The second UFO i saw was when I was looking up in the sky with my binoculars and saw a plane in the sky. All of a sudden I saw this circular object in the sky moving around in a weird way behind the plane, circularing and moving back and forth in circles and I new that it was a UFO. I then went in the house to get my binoculars which only took 5 seconds and when I got outside and looked up in the sky where the UFO was, it was already gone and so was the plane. The plane then reapeared out of nowhere flying in the same spot, and it wasnt behind some clouds because the sky was very clear that day. i was about 10 when i seen this happen and havent told anyone about this till now.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Winlock, Washington, United States





June, 2000


JHQ (a military base), Germany


A object was seen fling high, originally mistaken for jet until it pulled amazing menuvers at high speed. Object would periodicalaly disapear and reappear across the sky, lasted 5-12 minutes.

Date Reported:

2/23/2005 8:40:13 PM

Comments about the image(s): Photos of sketches of UFO and immensely simplified flight path of UFO

Sighting Time: 

7:45 ish



No. of Witnesses: 



5-12 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

small suburban area

Size of Object(s)

Slightly smaller than commertial midsize jet

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

2000 feet ish

Shape of Object(s)

disk like

Color of Object(s):

unknown, but reflective like metal (the setting sun made it look purple)

Full Description & Details

I was in the front yard of my house, playing with 2 friends, when I looked up to see what looked like a jet flying over. The setting sun made it look tinted purple, and I did not pay much attention to it untill I saw it turn in an impossibaly fast U-turn. I quickly yelled to my freinds to look up, and we stood there flabbergassed as this thing pulled almost beutiful manuvers. It made no noise at all. After around two minutes it simply dissapeared and then reappeared on the other side of the sky like something out of Monty Pythons Fling Circus. It contined more amazing manuvers and Phython dissapearances for around 6-9 more minutes. It then stoped midflight, then went extremely fast and then just dissapeared as it did earliear, but was not seen again. My friends and I were belivers every since.

Other Comments

I used to be a sceptic, but after that i've searched for the real truth, and hope one day

we will unite as nations against a common threat. The skethes are extremely fuzzy, though readable

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

family (still don't belive me)

Your Location: 


login D F


February, 11, 1985


Salem, Oregon, United States


I was riding with 2 friends on I-5 heading back home to Albany, OR-We saw what looked like a plane on fire falling to earth, with fire trail behind. Whatever it was landed.

Date Reported:

2/23/2005 8:47:05 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 

10 or more


5 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

hard to say

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1 mile

Shape of Object(s)

hard to say

Color of Object(s):

fire-orange, yellow-with smoke trail

Full Description & Details

We were headed south on Interstate5...about 11pm...I saw it first, it was a bright light in front of us, then moved to the left of us.....alot of people pulled off the highway to watch this thing fall to earth....It scared one of my friends that was with us....it looked like a big fireball falling more horizontially than vertically....huge fire trail behind it....I wish I had a videocamera back then......it looked like it landed or crashed in the foothills of the cascades just southest of Salem, Oregon. We were headed home to Albany, OR...we had been "cruising" in Salem that night....none of us were intoxicated, although accused of it whenever we told someone about what we saw.....After it landed the car wouldn't start....that was weird....We stopped at the rest area a few miles after it happened just to relax...and met up with 5 or 6 others that pulled off the road and viewed this object as well.....If someone reading this has an expanation, or has seen something similar, please reply with your story...I wish I still lived out there in Oregon...I now live in Central North Carolina....Thanks for letting me share....Rich.

Witness Background

I am now 33,male, auto parts sales most of my life...currently in college for mechanical engineering degree....single father of 1 son,11.....born and raised in Oregon....moved to NC in 1988.....this is the only UFO I have ever seen...I'll never forget it, though.

Other Comments

Please make a reply, or post if you saw this, or anything similar in Oregon. Thanks for letting me share....most folks call me crazy, so I never tell anyone anymore around here.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

friends, and people at rest area on I-5 right after it happened.


Richard Stanford

Your Location: 




login D F




Cornwall, United Kingdom


Photograph of object in Cornwall, UK. Nothing was noticed at time of snap, however there was a lot of talk in the local pub of UFO's being spotted during daylight that week.

Date Reported:

2/22/2005 12:25:16 AM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

Been sent this from a friend. He said nothing was noticed at time of snap, however there was a lot of talk in the local pub of UFO's being spotted during daylight that week. Taken in Cornwall UK.

(The date of this photograph is unknown.)

login D F




Tintagel , Cornwall, United Kingdom


Photograph of dark, oval-shaped object, at Tintagel in Cornwall, UK

Date Reported:

2/21/2005 10:14:32 PM




No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

This was taken a few short weeks ago at tintagel in cornwall united kingdom. Could you help us and tell us what the blob is? Friends think it may be a bird but we are not 100% convinced.

Additional info from second email message:

The camera is indeed a digital camera and i am told it is an olympus c-150 2.0 mega pixels . I am sorry but this is all the help i can give you.



login D F


October, 1975


Loch Sheldrake, New York, United States


We saw a fiery crash about 1/2 mile from our rented home. We heard loud cries and then running around our home. We stayed up all night filled with fear.

Date Reported:

2/21/2005 1:52:42 PM


Sighting Time: 

9-10 P.M.



No. of Witnesses: 



40 min

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1/2 -3/4 mile

Full Description & Details

We were home watching TV. We all went to Sullivan County Community College together. My dog Amber was hooked onto a very long rope outside the house staked into the ground. Our house was in a wooded area. It was about 9-10 P.M. in late Sept or early Oct 1976. I heard a loud whizzing sound and Resa and I opened the door to call to my dog. We weren't sure what the sound was. I saw something crash and make a very loud noise. I saw trees light up. It looked like a fire or something. It was pitch black cause the house we rented was in the woods. I called to my dog but she didn't answer. Then a shrieking sound started and it seemed to get closer to the house.

I screamed Amber's name again but she didn't come but the sound got louder. My body just froze, and I filled with fear. I could not move and I told Resa to close the front door,something was out there. She clung on to me and managed to take her foot and slam the door shut. Something was out there and after the door was shut we heard it run around the side of the house. We heard the leaves ruffle outside our windows. It did not come into the house but we heard something outside for at least an hour or so. I dont know what it was but I felt very strange and scared. Whatever it was it had a horrible screech, almost like when cats are having a really bad cat fight but much louder and shriekier. Resa and I were so frightened that I didn't call to my dog for at least 2 hours. My dog was gone. The next day a friend of mine from school told me that Amber was outside his house that night about 10:30 so he took her inside and that I should come to pick her up later that day. He lived about 7 miles from us. Amber seemed shaky and scared, somehow different when i picked her up. Our other friend was downstairs the entire time and said she heard noise but didn't see anything. The forth person wasn't home at the time. Other people at school saw the fire and something fall from the sky the evening before. The light in the woods continued for about 45min after it crashed. I heard police and other cars there during the evening but I was to frightened to leave my house until the morning. I never felt this type of fear before to the point that my body froze and since that day have never felt that way again. I literally could not move my arms, legs hands and I know Resa couldn't either. It took every ounce of courage and mind strength for her to slam that door and I am sure that she saved us from whatever was out there.

Witness Background

college education, own my own jewelry business

Other Comments

I also saw a UFO in 1995 on my way up to Disney World. It was two round circles that looked like moons( irridesant color) flying above in the sky as my friend Adrianne drove and her daughter nicky saw it also. My son was in the car but was only3 years old at the time. The two circles were connected and flew slowly in the sky.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

friends, teachers at school


Bonnie H

Your Location: 

Coral Springs, Fl.



login D F


August, 8, 1999


Makena Beach, Maui, Hawaii, United States


We saw lights heading towards, maybe our airport, but it turned and flew slowly over us. It was not a plane! I saw UFO's two times in my life.

Date Reported:

2/21/2005 12:31:27 PM

Sighting Time: 

11:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 

The whole state---15 people with me


15 minutes or so

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

on a quiet dark Beach

Size of Object(s)

Huge long--outlined with light 6 sided shape

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

No idea--but it seemed close...lower than an airplane would fly

Shape of Object(s)

8 sided--elongated shape...with a break and then a short similar size shape closely behind.

Color of Object(s):

Lighted, and seemingly invisible on the inside of the lighted outline.

Full Description & Details

The last and most incredible sighting:

We were sitting on the beach with a fire, for mine and a pals shared birthdays, when I saw these lights headed towards Maui from the direction of Oahu. I thought they were headed towards the airport here onm Maui, but these bright lights, turned and headed along the Kihei beach, slowly.

It was shaped like a eight sided object ---but long tube like .. About 2/3rds along the length... there was a break in the object, and then there was a second (same 8 sided shape tube) closely behind it..didn't look connected, but it could have been--and as it passed I saw many darting lights flying around the end of the object. There was the annual August meteor showers, and you could see them above this object. It seemed to be translucent..meaning we could see though it, but it had lights all along the six sided shape..outlined like. But I thought I could see stars though the long shape...It was like it was outlined in bright neon light, but you could see through it.

It was huge, and we all got really alert, and I was scared. I don't scare easily.

It flew slowly in front of us--then turned left, and flew over the top of Haleakala...and then we heard later (from other people her on Maui) down the other side and then gone. The whole state was a buzz with this for a few days, then silence...except for those that were together. We call it "The Sighting".

I had good friends having a bon fire directly up the mountain from where we were, and they saw the exact same thing.

I am an inter-Island sales rep--and a few days later..flying to Kauai, I met someone on the plane who said that they had seen the same thing on Kauai, and so did many others there.

At the opening of the Super Computer site (partial military) open house a few weeks later--I asked a representative from the LArge Telescope company--why they don't admit that what we all saw here in Hawaii..was a UFO--after two short diverting answers to my repetetive questioning..he finally said..because the public couldn't handle the news.

A second sighting in my life----Many years earlier--on the back side of Maui--up in Kanaio, I was in a hot tub, and layed my head back on the ledge of the tub--and saw three lights flying over the rim of the Haleakal Crater. They were blue lights. I watched them, as they traveled just over head...for a few minutes.then they all of a sudden turned RED and moved very very quickly forward, and then disappeared.

Witness Background

Small business owner, sales and marketing

Other Comments

Very interesting. I am faxing my drawing in a few minutes..

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

All of Hawaii was talking about it. Even the newspapers..mentioned it.

Your Location: 

Honolulu, HI, USA



login D F