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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)




Cantonment, Florida, United States


Two different kinds of objects, one kind seemed to avoid the other. Object 1 flew in over 30 feet, no noise at all.

Date Reported:

11/25/2004 8:36:25 PM

Sighting Time: 

10:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



4 Minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

not sure

Full Description & Details

(I will not put any information on the witness' actions or reasons to be there, due to he|she does not want specific mention.) There were 2 kinds of craft; apparently one kind did not like the other.

A clear and perfect night, not one cloud or aircraft to be seen for hours of star gazing. In the distance there were 3 globes of light, each in separate locations. There was one to the North, one to East North East, and one to the East. They had continually changed courses and height rapidly, but maintained general locations. I disregarded them as patrolling aircraft at first. Green Red Orange Blue White pulsating out of each one.

I and the other person turned, to see another craft approaching. It had 3 perfect bright white lights, in dome shapes. No gear or other lights at all on that craft. It was about 30 feet up, as it passed over there was no sound what so ever. This craft came directly from the south, going north. It flew slowly. An outline of a triangle blocked out the stars, the ends were rounded from what we could tell. It turned North West, then sped up towards the other 3 light orb UFOs. The other three lights came together into a loose delta formation and speed off out of view, while the triangle disappeared into the same direction.

It is my belief that the 3 orbs of light were none government. The triangle could have possibly been a government craft sent to investigate. I could be wrong.

That’s it, besides a (bad) reproduction of the triangle's fly over via an animated .gif, there’s no more that I can say.

I DID contact a local officer from a near by military base, after debunking several explanations I got a "Do not look into this matter" sort of reply.

Other Comments

I do not expect people to believe me, I have no images, but this is for those who do want to or who do look into the matter.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Friends, One Officer

Your Location: 

Cantonment Florida United States

login D F


July, 4, 1969


Jacksonville Beach , Florida, United States


Flying "V" that flew directly over my head at low altitude.

Date Reported:

11/25/2004 6:46:20 AM

Sighting Time: 

8:30 P.M.



No. of Witnesses: 



3-4 Minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

15' wingspan

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)

V or boomerang

Color of Object(s):

Red flares, black tubes.

Full Description & Details

I saw this object on the Fourth of July. I am not absolutely sure of the year though. I was about 15 years old which would have been 1969, but it could have been '68 or '70.

At this time I lived in Jacksonville Beach, Fl.. Every year my town would have a great fireworks display down at the beach which would attract huge crowds. I went out into my driveway to see how dark it was. If it was dark enough I was going to walk down to the beach to see the display. I was in my driveway facing north. The sun had set, but it was still quite light outside. I remember the sky was very clear. I was looking up at the sky when I heard a "sizzling" like sound above and behind me. It sounded sort of like bacon frying. I turned around facing south and looked almost straight up. I saw an object that looked just like the letter "V". This object seemed very low. I estimate it was only 100 feet or so above my head. It was flying with the point forward due north. It did not look very large at all. I estimate it's wingspan at most to be 15 feet. It was composed of 7 very bright red balls that glowed like flares. These were connected by very black tubes. There was a flare at the leading point and 3 equally spaced flares down each wing. There was a flare at the tip of each wing. This object was flying in a perfectly level flight at very slow speed. I estimate it was only going 10-15 miles per hour at most. I could have kept up with this object on a bicycle easily. I also noticed very faint wisps of black smoke floating off of some of the flares.

My first thought was that this was some type of new firework I had never seen before. After all, it was the Fourth of July. But it was puzzling. It was flying so slow, and I could not tell what was making it fly. It was not shooting out sparks or flames like a firework normally does. Even the wisps of smoke I saw were just floating off of the red flares the way steam floats off a cup of hot coffee.

I watched as this object passed directly over me and continued north. I was still not completely sure if it was a firework, so I kept expecting it to come down. But it never did. It maintained it's speed, altitude, and perfectly level flight until it flew out of sight in the distance. We had an unobstructed view from my house almost to the horizon. I watched this object fly for several minutes. I knew then it was no firework.

Other Comments

I am sending you a drawing I made of this object in Paint.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 




login D F




United Kingdom


The object seen seemed to be made of dark material but had many lights; it was circular and domed.

Date Reported:

11/25/2004 6:27:58 AM

Sighting Time: 

about 23.30



No. of Witnesses: 



could only have been seconds but it felt longer

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

small town in country

Size of Object(s)

size of a large family car

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

10-20ft OR 50ft

Shape of Object(s)

disk, domed

Color of Object(s):

dark: black or heavy grey

Full Description & Details

The night of the sighting was very stormy - heavy rain, wind and thunder/lightning. We (myself and then-fiance) were in my bedroom at my parents house. A donkey in the orchard at the end of the garden (south facing) was making a lot of noise - we looked out the window - there was a flash of lightning, and then the object sped past, parallel to the house and heading east. To me, it seemed close, maybe within 20 ft and about the size of a family car; but Steve guaged it as being maybe up to 50ft away. Height-wise it was only about 20ft off the ground. Whatever the distance at the speed it was going it did well to avoid the higgledy-piggledy range of houses in the area - if indeed it hadn't already hit something, because it was trailing what looked like a ropelight - the kind of white/clear tube you get with lots of coloured flashing lights inside. We heard a bell ring - quite loud and fast (like a handbell?), not tinkly. It seemed circular, made of something dark, and it was domed. I remember likening its top to a kids toy/game, 'Simon' something, which had a sort of button on top. As it went past it angled and we could see the underside which had larger lights. The illumination showed a little detail on the base - moulded shapes (some linear, some curved), and something about the base suggesting a triangular shape. As it passed we heard a strong 'whooshing' sound. The whole event could only have taken a few seconds, but it felt like we had been watching for up to a minute. Afterwards, we just looked at each other - shocked and not sure what to make of it. We didn't tell ANYONE about this until some 14 years later. In 1994 my sister (who had no way of hearing about it) told us she'd had a dream. In it, she was looking out the window to the left of the bedroom we had seen the object from. Her description of the object from her dream matched what we had actually seen in 1981or 1980. She described that in her dream she ' telepathed' "Are you angels?" and got the reply, "No, but we are very thin". All very odd. At the end of the summer months preceeding our sighting, we had noticed strange lights around/in a tree in the orchard I've mentioned. They were like green fireflies and moved around in the tree (which was about 150 yards from the back of the house). I'd say they WERE fireflies except each time we walked down the path (still some distance from the tree) they started to amass, glow more brightly and come towards us. We reported our sighting to a local ufology group in 1994 and were told a similar object had been seen on November, the 11th I think (and possibly the same night as our sighting) in Devon or Dorset in 1980/81 (sorry, can't remember which) - both bordering Somerset.

Other Comments

I believe the ufology group, SUFORIN, has now ceased to be, but that the founders may still be involved in UFO research. If you have to/choose to contact them, we would ask that our email address be withheld from them.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

SUFORIN, 1994 (years after)

Your Location: 



43 and 45

login D F


November, 13, 2004


Teotihuacan, Mexico


My wife and I were visiting the pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico, in November, 2004. At the evening, we saw an object floating in the sky. It was above a small town called San Juan Teotihuacan.

Date Reported:

11/24/2004 8:34:57 PM

Sighting Time: 

Between 5:00 PM-5:40 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



45 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

3-4 meters

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

5-7 miles

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

I don´t know

Full Description & Details

I was near the Qutzalcoatl Temple in Teotihuacan, Mexico. The object was floating and it moved very slowly. In a 40 minutes period, it did not advance very much, maybe half a mile. It had a polygonal shape, four sides, and a short tale that can be observed in the third photo. I believe I was located between 5-7 miles away. I tried to get closer but it was getting dark, so I suddenly lost it. There are three main structures in the Teotihuacan plateau: The Moon pyramid located in the North, the Sun pyramid in the middle, and the Quetzalcoatl Temple in the South of the complex. All of them are surrounded by smaller structures.

I have a digital camera, Panasonic Lumix, DMC-FZ3. I used the maximum 12X optical zoom and took 24 pictures divided in three series, using the burst mode. The three pictures you are seeing are one from each series.

Witness Background

I have an MBA degree and work for a multinational company in Mexico

Other Comments

I am interested in the UFO phenomena. I believe the object might be an air balloon, but I would like to have an expert´s opinion. I have the other pictures in case you need them. The total size of the 24 files is 7.2 Megabytes.

Best regards,


Reported Sighting? 



J.A. Scott

Your Location: 

Monterrey, Mexico



login D F




Chicago, Illinois, United States


It was like the movie Independance Day. Hovering over many buildings!

Date Reported:

11/21/2004 11:16:40 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



5-8 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Size of a city

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

visible enough to see

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

It was one night in the summertime, I was a litle girl. I cant remember what age I was. It was somewher in the 1980's At that particular time I lived in the Robert Taylor Homes, building 5201 S Federal apt.# 1308, the building had about 15-16 floors. Many children were playing outside, it was a normal funtion every day in the Robert Taylor Projects. It might have been the month between June through August (one of those months).....I was in the living room area when I heard a sudden LOUD vibrating-buzzing noise. It was for a long time. The noise kept continuing so I went outside to see what all the comotion was about, and it was totally unbelievable of what saw: I saw what was to be a figure of a super huge disk, so massive as far as my little eyes could see, it hovered slowly moving forward over the buildings and on it, it had some lights of some kind. All I know is that it was totally shocking, sudden, and unexpected that I froze and couldn't move and was in awe, it was as if my eyes were big and my mouth was wide open, and as it was over us it moved forward and suddenly took off real fast. My brother Terry came in the house and was like "did you see that!!!!" I couldn't say nothing. That was totally unexpected for me as a little girl and I will never forget it!

Till this day I think about that event from time to time. I have never talked about it.

Witness Background

I now live in a suburb of Minnesota, happily married with 4 beautiful children, and an Ordained Elder of a church. Anyone a witness to this should email me at curryrie@earthink.net.

Other Comments

I can draw this sketch to the best of my ability and knowledge. This is what I saw and will never forget it!

Reported Sighting? 



Revinia (Brandy) Townsend

Your Location: 

Albertville MN U.S.A.



login D F




Baldwin park, California, United States


It was like a snake of light in the sky moving and morphing shapes and positions. Not moving in position in the sky but, was like an illuminated ribbion freefloating in the air.

Date Reported:

11/18/2004 6:29:10 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



1 hour

No. of Object(s): 


Shape of Object(s)

many shapes

Color of Object(s):

brite white

Full Description & Details

While getting ready to depart back to my grandparents home ( where I unfortunately still lived at the time ) I noticed this werid lit up object in the sky in the backyard at my moms house. I was alittle confused as to what it was. I have seen the trails of rockects & jet fighters before as a thin string like cloud in the skies. This wasn't one of those cloud trails. It was glowing like a flouresent light and was moving in every which way. It was like a snake of light in the sky moving and morphing shapes and positions. Not moving in position in the sky but, was like an illuminated ribbion freefloating in the air. I was intrigued and curious to what the hell it was. I shot the last 2 negatives on my digital film cartridge Canon camera. My mom & I got in the car & headed east towards Riverside county to the town of Norco, my old house. Appon arrival to my grandparents I immediately jumped outta the car & looked westward in the direction we had travled from. Sure enough it was still in the sky. My mom ran into the house & yelled for my 3 younger kid cousins whom also reside there aswell. They came barreling out the front door to be stopped dead in their tracks at first glance at this mysterious object in the sky. After about 5 minutes it disapeared outta sight. How & where beats me ? I couldn't even tell you how it became non-visible, it just did. This object was able to be seen in Los Angeles county & Riverside county.

Witness Background

university student

Reported Sighting? 



Tiffany Holt

Your Location: 

Baldwin park ca USA



login D F


November, 11, 2004


Gdansk, Poland


Small, round object appearing in a photograph of a rainbow

Date Reported:

11/9/2004 1:30:17 PM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

Maila from poland, the inscription on the picture means " what is it ? " poland , gdansk, 06.11.04 [The inscription has been removed from the version above.]


Dawid Szymanski

login D F


March, 1, 1978


Middlebury , Connecticut, United States


Long Cigar shape with portholes emitting colored lights flying just above treetops. Very closeup sighting (within 150 feet).

Date Reported:

11/7/2004 8:19:46 PM

Comments about the image(s): I have already included this link in my report. I did this drawing in Paint on my computer some time ago. I have seen other objects quite different from this one. I made drawings of them as well. I will submit those stories at a later time. You are free to use this drawing, but please do not disclose personal information about me. I waited many years to report these sightings. I always wanted to talk about them, but I do not want people to believe I am a liar, storyteller, or a nutcase. I truly saw what I reported. Anyway here is the link, I keep my drawings on Photobucket.

Sighting Time: 

12:00 A.M.



No. of Witnesses: 



2-3 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

!00 ft. long, 15 ft. high round cylindrical

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

150 ft. or less

Shape of Object(s)

long cigar or hot dog shape

Color of Object(s):

Dark Grey??

Full Description & Details

I saw this object many years ago. I reported it on the NUFORC site with a date of March 1980 and the location as Oxford, Ct.. Later, when I thought more carefully about it, I realized I was in Middlebury, Ct. and the year was more likely 1978. I am not sure of the exact date, early March is a guess.

I was driving home from work. I worked 2nd shift at that time in New Milford, Ct.. It was around Midnight, or maybe a little after. I was driving eastbound on Interstate 84 to Waterbury, Ct. where I lived. I had just passed through Southbury (just past a State Highway Patrol Barracks). I came to a large hill I believe is called Bucks Hill. There is an overpass at the peak of this hill and a tall communications tower. It is still there to this day. I was coming down this hill which has a long straightaway for maybe 1 1/2 miles or more. There is an exit for Oxford, Ct., this is why I gave that as the location for my earlier report. But technically I would be in Middlebury, Ct.. Anyway, as I was coming down this hill, I glanced over to my left, across the 4 lane highway. I saw this long cigar shaped object just above the treetops, not more than 150 feet away. Probably even closer than that. It was right beside me flying parallel to me, but slightly faster. It was a very cold, clear night with a full moon. The sky was very bright. I could see this object clearly. It was dark against the sky. I can't say it's color for sure, but I would guess a dark grey. It was about 100 feet long, and 15 feet high. It had rounded ends on the front and back. It looked just like a cigar or a hot dog. It had no undercarriage as a balloon or blimp does. It also had no vertical or horizontal fins or stabilizers of any kind. It had no means of propulsion that I could determine. I rolled down my driver's window to see if I could hear it, but all I could hear was wind passing my car. I kept my window down so I could take a good look at it. As in so many UFO stories, I seemed to be the only car on the highway, and this is one of the busiest highways in my state. But I was able to take a good long look at it. On it's underside, it had 3 equally spaced, large portholes. They looked exactly like the portholes on a ship. I knew they were windows. I could see inside of this object. All I saw was blue light inside. This light also shined out of each porthole and down into the trees. The light came out of each porthole in a cone shape, like an upside-down tornado. I did not see the light illuminate the trees. The lights were steady and did not blink. This object was probably only 20 feet above the trees, so I estimate it's altitude at about 75 feet high. This thing was VERY close to me. It was pretty scary. You get the feeling or impression that it is also looking at you. This object was just gliding above the trees going slightly faster than me. I estimate it was travelling about 80-90 miles per hour. It was gaining on me. As it got ahead of me I saw that it also had a large round porthole on it's rear end. I could see inside this window as well. Inside this porthole all I saw was green light. And green light shined out of this porthole as well in a cone shape behind the vehicle for maybe half it's lenth. All of these lights were a soft light, they were not difficult to look at at all. All lights were steady.

The craft began to gain on me and came to the bottom of the long hill. Here, the highway makes a pretty sharp 90 degree left turn toward the north. The object turned and followed the highway. It was a very strange turn. It is odd to see a long cylindrical object that looks rigid do a smooth turn, but it did. That might have been the most amazing thing about it. It was now travelling north. Then, I came to the bottom of the hill and the turn. I could still see the object, but now mostly it's rear end. I was much lower now and the view not as good. I was approaching the outskirts of Waterbury and lost the object in the lights coming up from the city. My total viewing time was about 2 or 3 minutes.

I was in a little state of shock after seeing this object. I thought about calling the Police, but what good would that do? The object was gone. Then again, I thought they might look for it as it was following I-84. I never called. I have often wondered if others saw it. It would have passed right over Waterbury if it continued to follow the highway. I never read or heard any reports though.

This is not the only object I have ever seen. I have seen 4 or 5 over the years. But this was the very closest. There was no mistaking what I saw. I made a drawing in Paint on my computer of this object some time ago. I drew some other objects I saw as well. I am not an artist. This object was very simple to draw. The colors are not accurate, but it will give you an idea of what it looked like. I have it in a Photo Host. Here is the link.


Please do not release my personal information. Thank You.

Witness Background

At the time of this sighting I was about 24 years old and worked as a silk-screener for a company that made printed circuit boards. Now. I am 50 years old and work as a Quality Assurance Technician. I am a very average, down-to-earth person. I have some College but no degree.

Other Comments

Thanks for a site to talk about these things.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Wife, friends, family

Your Location: 

Torrington, Ct.



login F


October, 17, 2004


cheshire, u.k, United Kingdom


Date Reported:

11/7/2004 4:20:06 AM

Comments about the image(s): [Second email from witness - on July 15, 2005, with new, additional, hand-drawn sketches: I reported our experience across the world last year and part of this year,it is now being taken seriously, finally, and i will not give up the search for the truth about what happened that night to my wife and i.Ive enclosed some drawings,the middle part being a gas of some sort the outer illuminous colours spinning around after it give off light on our car,this happened at 1am over a period of about 5 miles in a rural part of Cheshire England before ascending up into the clouds,it appeared in front of us with a cloud of opake vapour on the road.I hope these pictures are available for everyone to see and maybe someone else has seen this too. Paul]

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 




No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

25-30 feet

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

ontop and side of vehicle

Shape of Object(s)


Full Description & Details

Hello my name is Paul reason,I live in Liverpool England. I would like someone to give myself and my wife Diane a logical explaination for what we have just experienced early hours sunday 17 th October 2004 about 1 am.We were driving home from friends in Cheshire a rural of England [near Tatton Hall], no lights on the road exept our car lights,when suddenly from the left of our car a vapour appeared, i instantly thought we were entering some kind of mist but the vapour stayed in front of the car travelling equal speed,then suddenly it started to spin. I naturally thought some kind of vortex was forming and told my wife to slow the car down.The spinning continued and i noticed some blue flashes in it, the rest was just white but was not light,The next we knew it went on top of the car and lit the front bonnet up with light reflecting on the whole of windscreen some sort of cabbage shape blueish ether effect,we both started to panic as we entered a village which was lit up quite well.We turned right, back into the dark countryside when it re-appeared next to the car on the !

left hand side , it went up into the air above the car so i opened my window and could see underneath what appeared to be two rings ,one large wraith looking one[with some sort of a blue energy in it] , and inside smaller plasma [but not illumunous]like teardrop shapes chained together spinning and individually wobbling ,we done several right turns over a streach of about 7 miles but it stayed right in front of the car till we reaches the motorway. My wife and i are very shaken by the incident,it eventually ascended upwards into the clouds and i could see it vapourize into a sheet.This is genuine and was a very disturbing experience for us both.We would appreciate it if there was a scientific explanation,i have also reported the incident to NASA and other organisations.look forward to hearing from you.Paul drnw42150@blueyonder.co.uk

Witness Background

musician ,computer technician,full educated background married 1 son.

Other Comments

ive attached a image i done using photoshop of exactly what we saw

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

all over the net including nasa

Your Location: 

liverpool u.k



login F


November, 5, 2004


Bangalore, Karantaka, India


I saw a . . .B2 shaped . . .but it had lights under it! . . .like the ones seen in Phoenix Arizona 1996.

Date Reported:

11/5/2004 6:56:11 AM

Sighting Time: 

5:45 am



No. of Witnesses: 

I am the only one


10 seconds before obsucred by clouds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

at least . . .almost as that of a B747 or intermediate . . .Airbus 320

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

No Idea

Shape of Object(s)

B2 shaped

Color of Object(s):

Black with yellow lights

Full Description & Details

I have given full description along with artificial image recreation at http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/12029072/

copy the above link and paste it in ur browser tab and if u have any commetns, mail me at y2sastralboy@yahoo.com or swarooptheone@yahoo.com


go to the url


I got up at 4:30 am, slept again and woke up at 5:00am then, brushed my teeth, turned on the comp and for a while, I actually logged on to

DeviantART.com and then, . . .responded to about 3 comments ( by sp-az, raggedyanarchist, and a note sent my cypher-neo. .. . .had I decided not to respond to them, may be I wouldnt have been on the right time to see the UFO. ).

Then, after spending about 5 minutes in front of the computer, .. .I went to the terrace, as I do everyday, to water the small plants which I maintain there.

Then, I sprayed water with the pipe to the moss, and then, . as usual, looked up at the sky to see if any bright stars/moon/planets are visible. . .and clouds were there and they obscured the view of the sky and then, suddenly , some movent in my peripheral field of vision made me turn my head, and there, . . .I saw the UFO. . . I kept visual track of it for 10 seconds or so. In those 10 seconds . .. oh my God! so much thoughts ran through me! . . like. . .'am I seeing that.' . . 'yeas I am ' . .'no hallucination. . . .no it is not' . . .what . ..is it safe for me to see it. . .. . is someone in that craft seeing me? .. . .whats they going to do to me. . . .oh my . ..Ohm Namaha Shivaya. . .wait, .. .I am not running down, .. . its something . . I may never see it again . .. once again . . .yeas, I ammmm seing ittt!. . and now I should say that at that time about 5:45 am in the dawn, the light was too dim and . .. clouds were low, . .. and occasional breaks in the cloud formation . . and. . .this UFO was flying almost at the same altitude of the thin layer of low altitude clouds. . .and. .. that actaully made me lose track of it after 10 seconds.

And I MUST say that this UFO looked exactly the way once I had seen on History channel and Discovery channel ( I am trying to find images of the UFO by google search to see if someone had seen the same ufo in the past. . . and already I have found 2 images. ..but they are low res sadly. I am searching for more. . . .and I am also going to make a sketch of how it looked)

And, . . .the way it looked .. . somewhat like a B2 stealth Bomber of the USA. . . but this had LIGHTS UNDERNEATH IT!!! . . .. I couldnt count the exact number of lights it had. . .it was a yellow light... it MADE NO NOISE . .. .no noise due to aerodynamic disturbance, . . .no noise due to engine noise.. .. and. . . it was moving at about the same speed at which I see normal airliners flying over cities . . ..and. . .it was quite big too . .. compared to the size of a Boeing747 . . but sadly, .. . I could see it flat. .. I saw only its underside .. . if it were not to be the lights under the UFO, may be I wouldnt have seen it at all . ..

It was moving from west towards east. . . Photography was out of question. . .I only have a conventional camera with film. . . no zoom, and. . .moreover. . .it would have been impossible to run down and search the camera. . .it was afterall gone out of sight in 10 seconds. . .and ... moreover. . .lighting was dim and. . I wouldnt have been able to photograph it in such poor light.


Effects of the Sighting on ME. . .

All these days, . . .I had a sort of 'belif+skeptisism+critisism' whenver I heard or saw some UFO sighitng claim in the newspapers. . .But now .. .I think . .I have no option but to accept that UFOs exist. . .But. . . .even now. . .I dont know whether I sould belive in 'alien visitors'....


Some thinking I have done on that .. .

1) It could be a B2 stealth bomber, belonging to the USA.. . doing some recoinassance ??? . ..But . . .a B2 I dont think its sooo big. . .and moreover. . .I dont think B2 has those circular lights underneath it. . .but what if the USAF 'purposefully added those lights' to make it look like a UFO??? . . but why would USA fly a recoinassance mission over India. . .which is clearly weaker in economy and military than the USA. . moreover. . .there isnt any political motive to do so. ..

2) or it couldnt be a B2. . .or may be another aircraft from a foreign country like USA/Russia. . .whose identity they have kept a seret??

3) I am in awe .. .the silence with which it moved . . .no engine noise. . .no noise due to aerodynamic turbulence. . .. . .. . .what kind of propulsion system could it be using??? moreover. . .it cant be either turbojet/turbofan . . .which would have made lot of noise . . .even if the engine was encased deep witin the airframe. . .then . ..where . . .in the silence of morning. . .I should have heard atleast a slight sound. . ..but no sound heard

4) or it could be of alien origin . ..but why would it be flying over earth like that. . . .what could they be gaining by doing it . ..

5) some searching on the internet . . . [link] now. . .hey I want to ask . . .what. . .waht on EARTH was they doing on India???

6) Ok . .. now. . ..I only have to open my mind . . .and accept that It could be of alien origin . .

7) I am still . . OK. .. I still hate people who make false claims about UFO sightings. . .and more. . .somepeople are so unscientific that they confuse meterors/satellites/ aircraft to be alien ships.

8) I must now try to contact someone in the Phoenix Arizona USA region to ask how the craft they saw looked like in 1996 and make correlations.

Witness Background

21year old 3rd year medical student at Bangalore Medical College

Other Comments

I must first thank Brad ([link]) for helping me with valuable links.

Points in favour of 'the UFO I saw was extraterrestrial in origin' theory:

1) The UFO I saw. . .didnt give a damn as to where it was flying.! Comeon! If it were to be a military aircraft, it wouldnt be flying at low speeds at low altitude over populated cities like Bangalore! When I saw it, it was flying towards east, and it was already 5:45AM, i.e, a few minutes before sunset,. . .if it had continued travelled east, it would be hovering over villages and suburbian regions, even after sunrise , ( I mean over Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu ) . . . why would a military plane do that! If it were to be military , it would have taken a route over forests/farmland instead of flying over cities! and it wouldnt be flying so low and slow!

2) SImilar UFO as I saw . . .have been reported since atleast 1942, when it HAS been photographed! And, in 1942, US forces in the Pacific , which was in HIgh alert against a Japanese airraid (WW2) , shot flak towards the UFO of similar type after shining the typical lights at it! ( [link] )

3) The noiseless propulsion, the weird circular things underneath its 'V+boomerang' shaped airframe.

4) In 1995, 96, 97, in Phoenix, Arizona USA, similar sightings were reported and VIDEOGRAPHED and Photograhed (URL [link] run with windows media player 9). Again, why would a military plane HOVER over highly populated Phoenix, Arizona!??? So, the 'theory of it being a Secret Military aircraft is flawed'

5) In the past, when F-117 and B2 were undergoing stealth flights, before their existance was made known to the public, the USA did the testing over remote unpoulated areas, . . .rather than over cities like Phoenix, AZ or over a Indian city like Bangalore. And thats one more point to prove its not of USA origin.

6) Other UFO of similar type have been seen.. . .some rhomboid, . . .some triangular, some Vshaped , some boomerang shaped and ...all of them seem to use the similar noiseless propulsion, and all of them have those Rather BIG circular light emitting stuff underneath.

7) Belgian F-16s had a RADAR lock-on on to a similar alrcraft which had a Rhomboid signature on the screen . ..however. . .they said they were extremely agile, . .. and lost altitude at unearthly speeds and acclelerated like something thats not possible by an earthly aircraft .. .at other instances . . .when Air force planes lock their RADARs on to an UFO of similar or dissimilar type, . . .they either fly extremely fast to get out of the RADAR range. . .or.. shoot up into the sky. . ..or. . cause teh aircraft RADAR to malfunction and cause WHITE NOISE on its screen.

8) In the 1960s, . . .a HUUUGE semicircular UFO with similar noiseless propulsion and too many circular big flat lights under its airframe. ... has been photographed ( [link] )

9) Thanks again to Brad (*opsidian) , he gave me link to a website where a similar sighting had been reported from Jaipur Rajasthan India.


But some other interesing points.

1) when people KNEW they had seen an UFO , in Phoenix Arizona and when they called the local Air force base (Luke I beleive), they recelived the calls. . .and later , denied that they didnt receive any. ...however, the PHONE bills of the people who called . . .cormirmed that they had called the Airfoce base that night!

2) and. . ..after. ..tehy even SET up a 'flares from A-10 thunderbolt' theory to account for the lights seen. . ..it was a pathetic attempt. . .now, . . .why did the US government try to 'cover up' . . . is it that they have extraterrestrial people recommending them to do so? and. . .now. . .I am begenning to belive that the Roswell incident was true as well . . .even then, the US had announed to the public that an UFO had crashed and later. ..denied that they had said such a thing.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

To my mother 5 minuts later, and on my blog journal on deviantart.


Swaroop R

Your Location: 

Bangalore, Karnataka , India


20yrs 10 months

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