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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


October, 1965


Pennsylvania, United States


"I saw this saucer shaped disc with a dome on top about 500 to 800 feet up in the sky in front of me. It was silver yellow in color and about 30 feet in diameter."

Date Reported:

11/14/2005 8:49:00 PM

Comments about the image(s): Witness' drawing of the UFO.

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



1 or 2 seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

About 30 feet across, color silver gold, saucer shaped, round bottom, dome on top

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

500 to 800 feet up in the sky.

Description of Area / Surroundings

I was going east on Route 70 getting ready to go onto the Pennsylvania Turnspike.

Full Description & Details

I was driving east on route70 early morning going to Pensylvania Turnpike. It was starting to get light. I saw this saucer shaped disc with a dome on top about 500 to 800 feet up in the sky in front of me. It was silver yellow in color and about 30 feet in diameter. It went vertical for about 1000 feet, then made a sharp angle and disappeared at a high rate of speed, 2 or 3 seconds, no noise. I had a corvett with the top down. It was a very clear day. I looked to the right to see if I could still see it. I saw nothing but a small white cloud. I wondered if it was hiding in it. It was a very small cloud and it was the only thing in the sky.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No never. There was nothing else in the sky.

Witness Background

Retired CEO of a electronics corporation.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Nothing before other then the news. Now I believe in UFO and watch scientific TV channels.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 



Byron H. Ritchey

Your Location: 

Dana Point, CA., USA



login D F


September, 1995


Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States


two very luminous objects adjacent form each other making a complete 360 turn. They combined together and quickly disappearing.

Date Reported:

11/6/2005 7:48:14 PM

Comments about the image(s): Illustration by witness: "Done with Photo Impression"

Sighting Time: 

around 11:30



No. of Witnesses: 



aprox 15:00 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

They were like two spherical objects emitting luminous bright light from its core or center

Size of Object(s)

Compare the stars as a dot in the sky and the two objects as a basketball in the sky.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

I would have to say they were at a lower altitude than the clouds would be in a cloudy day.

Description of Area / Surroundings

My brother and I were in the parking lot of my elementary school the surrounding is mainly farming land and stables some what isolated from the city.

Full Description & Details

While coming out from the building my brother and I interested in astronomy looked up to the sky, we both notice two white glowing spherical balls of light in the sky. I don’t know how big they were but comparing the objects to the stars they were much bigger and brighter in color with intelligent movement. They where adjacent from each other they started to turn counter clock -wise keeping its distance they made a complete 360 turn coming back to their original spot then they either combined together or went strait up making the illusion that they combined together and disappeared, and to my knowledge I haven’t seen or heard any other case like what my brother and I saw.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I don’t think the objects was man made due to how close and fast they disappeared also it couldn’t be a plane since planes can’t be that close together. I also doubt that it was the moon, birds, clouds, stars or planets due to its perfect adjacent counter clock wise turn

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

very minimum

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Family and friends

Your Location: 

Las Cruces NM, USA

login F


September, 1981


Minnatonka, Minnesota, United States


It was dark and wet outside.It was about 200 yards away and about 75 feet off lake Minnatonka. It was bright blue and I saw every detail!!!

Date Reported:

11/5/2005 10:49:39 PM

Sighting Time: 

7:00 pm



No. of Witnesses: 



about 10 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Triangle bottom and back ,wedge front to back ,circles on the back and bottom ,slits on the sides. bright glowing blue of many shades. flat on the top. made a fluid humming sound.

Size of Object(s)

my hands would be about 6 inches apart. 20 feet tall ,35 feet wide, 40 feet long.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

200 yards away, 75 feet off the ground.

Description of Area / Surroundings

It was a rural area with oak trees around a lake

Full Description & Details

This was about 25 years ago and I never reported it but I remember it like it was yesterday.I was walking home on highway 12 next to lake Minnatonka about 7 pm. when I spotted it. It was about 20 feet tall 35 feet at the widest part and about 40 feet long. it was triangular shaped and flat on the top there was circles on the bottom and back with slits pn the sides. It was glowing in bright blue of many shades. I watched it for a good 10 minutes. It was about 200 yards away and 75 feet off the water. It had a fluid sounding humm while it was huvering then it got a little louder it turned about 30 degrees in one spot then took off across the lake and behind the trees on the other side.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

NO ,NO, NO, NO, NO!!

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I did'nt know what to think about ufo's before. I dont read much at all. I am still at wow about the whole thing 25 years later.

Reported Sighting? 



Terry Radiske

Your Location: 

Springfield oregon USA



login F




London, United Kingdom


Cigar Shape UFO seen in London around about JulyAugust 1997 (maybe a year earliar or later... long time ago now) Summer time... clear blue sky with bright white clouds and sunny.

Date Reported:

11/4/2005 7:40:18 PM

Comments about the image(s): "Cigar shape UFO recreated using photoshop."

Sighting Time: 

4pm -7pm



No. of Witnesses: 



less than minute

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

I noticed this cigar shape that looked similar to a plane- metalic silver but had no windows or wings. I was really surprised at seeing this, especially at this time of day and too clear, it just looked like it shouldn't be there and looked like something from a movie. I looked one more time, just to get another clear picture of it before it went. It still drifted, no sound (couldn't tell because of the noise from the kids playing) no light- just the suns reflection and I did notice a point in the middle... so the shape was not exactly cigar shaped but more like two pencils together but joinned at the tips. The direction was heading from right to left (I live in south-west London) so, sun rises right and sets on my left. (same directions as the planes land) One final note to consider, this was very clear to me to see... I thought I might of mistaken it for a balloon or a trick but the speed was constant, no jerking, and this was quite high up in the sky (bit longer than a plane maybe?). I saw it about 3" long but I know this was definitely no plane. I didn't see it go into the sunset but I looked at it for about a 40secs to a min maybe.

Size of Object(s)

3" high distant in sky. (plane landing size) so would be a bit longer maybe but not sur exactly!

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

3" high distant in sky. (plane landing size) so would be a bit longer maybe but not sur exactly!

Description of Area / Surroundings

busy council estates... built up blocks of flats and rows of houses.

Full Description & Details

Cigar Shape UFO seen in London around about JulyAugust 1997 (maybe a year earliar or later... long time ago now) Summer time... clear blue sky with bright white clouds and sunny...

I live in local a council estate. I have lived here for over 25 years so literally all my life and have never encountered anything like this. London is well known for its fast life so it is quite amazing to encounter a UFO but during this particular year several sightings had already been reported and this hype about x-files and UFO was just beginning.

To be exact, I was walking my 2 dogs (with my dad who was walking with one) to the park which was down the road. I noticed there was alot of school children playing on the roads/pavements because it was the start of the school holidays. My dad had passed them but I had to stop to wait for the kids to clear. As I waited I looked up and noticed this cigar shape that looked similar to a plane- metalic silver but had no windows or wings. I was really surprised at seeing this, especially at this time of day and too clear, it just looked like it shouldn't be there and looked like something from a movie. I turned my head to call my dad but he had already gone. I looked one more time, just to get another clear picture of it before it went. It still drifted, no sound (couldn't tell because of the noise from the kids playing) no light- just the suns reflection and I did notice a point in the middle... so the shape was not exactly cigar shaped but more like two pencils together but joinned at the tips. The direction was heading from right to left (I live in south-west London) so, sun rises right and sets on my left. (same directions as the planes land)

One final note to consider, this was very clear to me to see... I thought I might of mistaken it for a balloon or a trick but the speed was constant, no jerking, and this was quite high up in the sky. I saw it about 3" long but I know this was definitely no plane. I didn't see it go into the sunset but I looked at it for about a 40secs to a min maybe.

Also, I know that I am a sci-fi fan and like star trek and thought about the possibilities of this influence BUT my eyes did witness a UFO and cannot be explained. I just want to know if anyone else saw this UFO also!

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

man-made but how can you explain levitation and flying without wings? Couldn't report as computers and the internet was new to my generation.

Witness Background

sales assistant

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Not much before sighting, only interested in sci-fi (X-Files and Star Trek) but recently heard more about other encounters and read more about UFO incidents.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 




login D F


October, 8, 2005


Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


A UFO came out of the water and flew away.

Date Reported:

11/4/2005 8:02:26 AM

Comments about the image(s): "... my drawings of approximately how I remember of the UFO that my wife and I saw off the Tanjung Aru Beach in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia." These are three versions of the drawing. The image of the UFO has been added to a photograph of the scene.

Sighting Time: 

7:05 am



No. of Witnesses: 



Less than 5 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The vessel was white/metalic grey in colour. It had a gently curved top and a round large ball like bottom. The closest that I can describe it is that it looks fairly close to the one shown in Photo353.htm of this site. To me the most prominent feature of the vessel was the round ball like bottom.

Size of Object(s)

It was difficult to estimate its size when it came out of the water, because of the distance, but it was definitely a lot bigger that the strip of water that we saw, and I estimated the strip to at least 8 ro 8 meters.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Beach, near the airport.

Full Description & Details

On the morning of Saturday October 8 2005 my wife and I dropped my 18 year old daughter at school. It was about 6:50 am and we decided to go to a nearby beach to wait for the shops to open so that we can have our breakfast. We reached the beach just about 7 am.

While at the beach we sat on the concrete steps facing to sea to the west. It was 7:05 am and the sun was already shining very brightly when my wife noticed something unusual on the water about 500 meters off shore and she brought my attention to it. What I saw looked like a strip of white wave breaking on the water surface and I told her that.

However instead of moving towards shore, the 'wave' was moving across the water parallel to the beach away towards our left.

She then asked me whether it was a dolphin instead, but I told her it was moving too fast for even a dolphin and probably way too big. The 'white strip of wave' by my estimation, was at least about 8 to 9 meters long. It was definitely not a boat either, because what I could see was just a strip of water breaking on the surface and nothing above.

Now, the beach that we were at was right in the centre of a gentle bay with the Kota Kinabalu International Airport about 3 kilometers away to our left at the end of the bay. The moving strip of white water was moving towards the airport at a speed of maybe about 30 or 40 Kmh.

After about 2 minutes and maybe a thousand meter from where we first noticed it, a grey/white craft broke out of the water right were the white wave was and it continued to move in the same direction except this time it was flying in the air.

From what I could see, I could not make out any conventional means of propulsion that I know of, no propeller, no rotors, no jet exhaust and completely silent from where I was. While at the distance I could here the planes taking off and landing earlier, this flying vessel was totally silent.

It flew straight towards the direction of the air strip and it flew low barely clearing the tree tops nearby and it went across the western end of the runway below the approach window which was facing the sea.

After another couple of minutes or so the flying vessel disappeared in the distance. It never headed towards the skies, but in fact disappeared somewhere among the distant hills.

I really could not find any explaination for this sighting that both my wife and I saw. Unfortunately I did not bring my camera and I do not have any proof whatsoever of this sighting. The were also no other witnesses although there were a few people jogging at the beach when this happened, but no one was looking out to sea while they jogged. I guess I was too shocked with astonishment to hail any of the joggers to bring their attention to the phenomena.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I have no explaination whatsoever

Witness Background

I am Catholic Lay Minister and a Catechist. An educator of Faith. I do not lie.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have an open mind. It just may be possible.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Just some friends


George Gregory Matanjun



Additional Information or Comments by the Editor:

Report was originally submitted on 10/11/2005, and updated on 11/4/2005 with the drawing by the witness.

login D F


September, 16, 2005


Fountain Green, Utah, United States


Seen an object travel up the mountain ridge(silent)and it stayed stationary hovering for about 15 to 20 min.I grabbed my digital camera and took a picture of it.

Date Reported:

10/28/2005 7:38:41 PM

Comments about the image(s): 1) A close-up version of the photograph (with original resolution). 2) Another version showing more of the original photograph (shrunk down).

Sighting Time: 

8:30 am



No. of Witnesses: 



15 to 20 min.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Top shapped with soft glow of light or energy emmiting from the centre of the object in a gyrosycronis pattern.

Size of Object(s)

judging by the picture and using the turkey sheds as a scale I would say the object was about 15 to 20 meters wide

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

2 miles at about 7000 feet

Description of Area / Surroundings

The object was seen in the mountain range just directly south of mount nebo near Nephi Utah and 2 miles south and west of Fountain Green.

Full Description & Details

I was with 2 other co-workers setting up a GPS base station-when I noticed an object projecting a soft glowing light which seemed more like some type of energy.I pointed out to my co-workers and they both agreed it was not a helicopter(there was no sound)as well as we agreed that it was to big to be one anyways.The base station tower that we set up was @ 8500 feet and the object was southeast of us about 2 miles-with the plain eye it appeared as a dot of light with a metalic sheen around the light.

The object traveled up the ridge of the mountain range across from us at a lower elevation and began hovering in the same spot for 15 to 20 min.I rushed back to the helipad where the helicopter dropped us off and grabbed my digital camera and zoomed in on it to get a better look at it.I snapped a picture and then observed through my camera.I noticed that while it was hovering-the soft glowing light seemed to be moving in a gyrosyncronis pattern within the hull of a metalic Top Shapped craft of some sort.It was between 8:30 to 9:00 am so the the sun was to the east on the other side of the craft low in the horizon.When the helicopter came to pick 2 of us up the man left behind noticed the object had gone.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I have never seen any man made object to date hover so silently in the same spot for that duration of time

Witness Background

I am a seismic Surveyor.I work in the mountains and foothills of North America

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I find that with the trillions of galaxies in the universe that we would be ignorant to think that there is not a civilization(S) that have developed the technology to fold space and travel in speeds we could not even fathem with our infantile technology

Other Comments

I hope this picture is analyzed by the proper People and this photo helps many people realize that we are not alone-My wish is that some day they will choose to reveal their presence and help us with the slow decay of our Planet.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 



Mike K.

Your Location: 

Calgary AB.Canada



login D F


October, 24, 2005


Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Was standing on the ridge, looking skyward, directly East. Saw 7 lights in V-Shape heading away from me, object was completely silent. Completely!

Date Reported:

10/24/2005 10:26:59 PM

Comments about the image(s): Witness' illustration of the sighting.

Sighting Time: 

8:01 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



50 Seconds - A minute.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The Object was V Shaped. It had 7 lights, all of equal luminosity, all in tight, unflinching formation. The lights were just barely dimmer than the stars next to them, but they made up for it in being about 2 times larger than the most visible star in my sight. Whereas stars mostly appear to be white with a very vague blue tinge, these lights appeared to have a more orange tinge. The lights' -relative- size from where I stood was just slightly smaller than the flat end of a pencil's eraser. They were equally spaced along the object. The -relative size- of the entire object was only a bit larger than the width of three fingers put together. Body either appeared to be chameleon-like/invisible or perhaps just itself in the shape of that same V, as opposed to a more complete triangle. I would guess that its actual size was around 1/2 the size of one, average city block.

Size of Object(s)

The -relative size- of the entire object was only a bit larger than the width of three fingers put together. The -relative- size of each light from where I stood was just slightly smaller than the flat end of a pencil's eraser. I would guess that the entire object's actual size was around 1/2 the size of one average city block (but I'm being conservative).

Description of Area / Surroundings

Its a park just off of my neighbourhood. Standard walking park: benches, trees, bike path. The ridge I was on overlooks a more forested area and the Bow River. It also has a groovy view of the downtown core. There are no power plants, military bases, anything of that nature, etc. near the park.

Full Description & Details

I was walking my dog along Lynnwood Ridge at around 7:55 PM. It was entirely uneventful for the first five minutes. At 8:00 I started looking up at the stars because the dog was just sniffing at the ground contentedly. And because I happen to like stars. So, I'm staring up at the sky, directly East, wishing I knew what bloody constellation I was staring at, when suddenly I note something moving in between the patch of stars. It was 7 lights forming a distinct V-Shape, and it was moving slowly away from me (its point was directed away from me). It was completely, ABSOLUTELY silent.

My first thought: "An Airplane. Surely it must be!" (Well, actually, my first thought was, "Why the hell is that constellation moving? Stars don't do that, right?") So I focus and examine it, and it is NOTHING like an airplane. I know, as I saw one 4 minutes prior. Unlike an airplane, this object's body was completely, well, invisible. It blended seamlessly onto the backdrop of the night sky, except for the 7 lights. The lights were all of an equal luminosity, and they stayed in their V shape consistently, which led me to believe they all comprised one object, as opposed to a fleet of smaller ones. As I watched the object for a couple seconds longer, it struck me that there was absolutely no sound resonating from it. Not anything: No roar of engines, no sound of vague humming, no -anything-. One never would've spotted it from following their ears, so I was bloody lucky I chose that instant to look at the sky!

I watched the object for awhile longer, and the lights seemed to dim a bit, as it got harder to follow it with my gaze. After looking away a moment (to peer at my dog, who was still blissfully sniffing the ground), I looked back up and was unable to find it. Absolutely stunned, and also quite amused, I start giggling like a schoolgirl and rushed back home, befuddled dog at my side.

NOW: Since that was mostly rambling and not a good description of the object, herein lies a complete summarization of details about it (including that which I already mentioned):

The Object was V Shaped. It had 7 lights, all of equal luminosity, all in tight, unflinching formation. The lights were just barely dimmer than the stars next to them, but they made up for it in being about 2 times larger than the most visible star in my sight. Whereas stars mostly appear to be white with a very vague blue tinge, these lights appeared to have a more orange tinge. The lights' -relative- size from where I stood was just slightly smaller than the flat end of a pencil's eraser. They were equally spaced along the object. The -relative size- of the entire object was only a bit larger than the width of three fingers put together. Body either appeared to be chameleon-like/invisible or perhaps just itself in the shape of that same V, as opposed to a more complete triangle. I would guess that its actual size was around 1/2 the size of one, average city block.

And this whole thing was very redundant and convoluted, I'm sure. My apologies!

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Not any objects that I'm aware of!

Witness Background

I'm a female 17 year old high school student. Predictably, I have no job.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Before the incident I had an interest in UFO's (as well as an interest in most anything paranormal), and generally believed that such objects existed, though I rarely think of their origins (because, ack, aliens give me the willies), as obviously such a large amount of sightings from such a large array of people can't -all- be false. Afterwards, its essentially the same, except, wee, I have a story of my own to share now. Hurrah! Before my sighting, I read about UFOs on occasion; maybe once every 2 months or so.

Other Comments

I can only imagine how bass-ackwards this whole thing came out, regardless of how well worded it was in my head. Sorry! Hee.

Reported Sighting? 



Robin Despins

Your Location: 

Calgary, Alberta, Canada



login D F




Bronx, New York, United States


I was playing outside with friends it must have been around 8pm, it was dark already. Saw a light that caught my attention and looked up and saw a saucer going by.

Date Reported:

10/24/2005 8:18:30 AM

Comments about the image(s): "This is my drawing, I am not good at drawing at all but this is the best I came up with. "

Sighting Time: 

8:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



2 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Object was round shaped like a carousel and when it flew by slowly it was turning and I was able to see lights all around the object, like if it had tiny windows all around.

Size of Object(s)

Not sure about measurements but it was about 3 inches across [at arms length (apparent size)].

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Not far up at all. Distance was about 1000 feet, height of object was about 2 feet [apparent altitud

Description of Area / Surroundings

Kingsbridge Road in the bronx area. Ghetto area as some people call it. No military bases the only thing nearby is the Kingsbridge Armory.

Full Description & Details

I was playing outside with friends it must have been around 8pm, it was dark already. Saw a light that caught my attention and looked up and saw a saucer going by. I alerted my friends and they both looked up and they got scared. The object was shaped like a carousel I could remember it so clearly. It was going around and had lights around the object but it was going slowly it was not fast. I spoke about it to my mother because I became very scared it was something I have never seen before but she didn't believe me, I also spoke about it the next day at school and one girl did see something but everyone ignored her and also ignored me. Never heard anything about it and years later I researched on the internet and the went to the library to research newspapers in that time and nothing until recently I found you guys and a story of man from Mt. Vernon, which is not far from me. The only difference was in the description of the object. That's how much I remember but a memory that will always stay with me. It was real that's for sure I do know.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Man Made

Witness Background

Hispanic Female, I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. I work for a major publishing company in NYC as a Marketing Manager

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I beleive there is something other than humans out there. I have never researched on it before or after

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Bronx, NY



login D F


March, 1972


Perth, WA, Australia


10 year old boy sees ufo and has telepathic experience followed by repeditive dreams later UFO was huge and signalling by its motion the holy cross shape very slowely repeating the action i noticed there were no shadows although this thing was so bright no sound and no wind clear night and felt they meant no harm but did release information to many.

Date Reported:

10/18/2005 2:06:35 PM

Comments about the image(s): Top image: Witness' illustration of the UFO. Bottom image: Line of view.

Sighting Time: 

6.55 pm



No. of Witnesses: 

4 plus others unknown


8 to 10 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

sphere Oval shape with a haze around the outside yellow band of sharp light lower third of the object slowely repeating the holy cross shape huge in size approximate 1.2klms onver lions park morley wa witnisses by over 2000 people according to the radio stations when we rang them to report it there lines were jammed.

Size of Object(s)

estimate 200 meters across

Description of Area / Surroundings

urban suburb object hovered approximatly 1000 meters above the oval and was at a slightly less than 45 degree angle from us

Full Description & Details

I was travelling in a volkswagon with my mother driving and 2 friends on my way to pick up my sister from basketball about 7pm at night we all witnessed a bright oval shaped object in the sky so overwhelming that we stopped the car and all got out and stared at this thing

i didnt know it at the time but this would play a significant part of my lifewe watched it for a couple of minutes . i was so fascinated by this experience i wanted to take everything in i noticed there were no shadows from the trees infront of us yet is was blazing white light. i noticed it did not have a sharp edge but more of a haze like you get from a road mirage around the shape I desperatly tried to look deeper into ot and notice a brilliant band of yellow light in the lower third of the object .Then i felt some kind of connection and i just knew there were beings of some kind inside of this thing Then i stsrted receiving all this information so much that my head began to ache until it was excrusiating i had to look away as my head felt like it was going to explode a clutched the back of my neck and yelled out in paid doubled over it felt like my head was swelling. we all jumped back into the car and drove around the corner to our house i raced inside to get a camera yelling to my father wheres the camera he said in the draw why? I grabbed it and raced back outside just as this thing took of striat up at an incredible speed . i never got a picture of it but every night had repeditive dreams that lasted about 6 weeks until eventually i had to will the dreams away. every night it started the same like you were fall through a tunnel of webbing.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

absoluty not this was controlled and intentional and it was manned

Witness Background

This happened almost 34 years ago and it is still as fresh as the day it happened - I do not wish to be identified through fear of ridicule or sensationalism however i did try to look up the archives as i know the newspapers reported the sighting at the time i was too young to remeber the details of dates and what newspaper it was and at the time didnt think it would really matter or that it would have such an impact over my whole life.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

had no experiences prior to this first one but a few in the years after before the sighting i didnt beleive because i had not seen anything like this before after the expeience my life and veiws changed for the positive

Other Comments

i am sure these dreams were related and meant something or somehow spirttualy enhanced me as some of the dreams were more like astral travels it felt like you were actually there you could taste and smel the air and notice things around you like you were actually there.l

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

radio station 6am and friends

Your Location: 

Perth WA



login D F


June, 24, 2005


New Norcia, Western Australia, Australia


Taking photos in the town of New Norcia, Western Australia. Did not notice the irregularity on photo till viewed on computer 3 months later. Did not notice anything in the sky at the time.

Date Reported:

10/17/2005 10:23:46 PM

Sighting Time: 

aprox 2-2:30 pm



No. of Witnesses: 




Appearance / Description of Object(s)

see above and photos AUT_ 9310 and AUT_9305 that have been emailed

Size of Object(s)


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Description of Area / Surroundings

New Norcia is A historis Monastery town in a predominately farming area. there is a radio telescope sveral kms away (to the wsw I think) and the Pearce Airbase of the Royal Australian Air Force is around 70 ks to the south.

Full Description & Details

Out for a drive to the North East of my home in Perth Western Australia. Stopped at the town of New Norcia, approx 100 km from Perth. Did not notice the irregularity on photo till viewed on computer 3 months later. Did not notice anything in the sky at the time, in terms of sight or sound..Took a series of photos of the town with the storm gathering behind as a backdrop.

The Main Photo that I first noticed the "UFO" was taken facing east in the mid afternoon (photo AUT_9310 which I have emailed via below address). other photo (AUT_9305 was taken several mins before facing south. Photo AUT_9310 was taken near the church seen in this photo. Although I am not able to tell exactly what the shape is it does not look "right" to me and a few friends I have shown it to can not give me a clear answer either.

I suppose that criteria would make it a UFO but I would be hesitant to make any claim of extraterrestrial origin till someone with more experience and access to better photographic refinement technology (not hard in my case!) had a chance to look at it. The camera is a Canon Powershot A50 1.3 megapixel. All Subsequent images, incuding one taken several seconds later but looking more to the south (as in a two part panorama shot) do not show anything like that, nor Have I winessed anything like that with the camera before.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Nothing that I can tell, but I'm no expert!! I was hoping that someone could shed some light on it for me. If it's a naturally occurring or man made thing, that's fine with me. but I thought I should share it to get others input.

Witness Background

I work in customer service, and I'm currently in study to move into the IT field.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I've read the odd bit here and there, and a couple of books on the subject. I am of the opinion that to consider ourselves the most advanced species in the galaxy is very short sighted. I beleive that there are species that are far more advanced than ourselves sharing "our" space.

Reported Sighting? 



Mark Wyncoll

Your Location: 

Perth Western Australia



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