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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


September, 2005


Lexington Park, Maryland, United States


Dark object in night sky over vacant well-lit intersection. Object - appeared small but as it got closer it was - Large - bigger than a football field and descended. No lights. Black underbelly.

Date Reported:

10/17/2005 11:54:22 AM

Sighting Time: 

1:00 am



No. of Witnesses: 

1 ?


I really don't know

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The object was dark even in the sky. Now that I think about it - it makes sense - a dark unlit object can't easily be seen at night...until it's close. But at the time, I wasn't thinking about that at all. I was just watching it. No lights anywhere that I noticed. As it got closer, it was enormous. At least a football field length long - maybe bigger but I couldn't see it completely becuase it was so close overhead. Then, the lights were on but it just glowed on the bottom. Don't know what the top was like...never saw it.

Size of Object(s)

At least a football field length - maybe bigger.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Where I live there is a military base. Large base. They test a lot of planes. Where I remember seeing the object/dreaming it? was in an intersection - nothing was around but the town where I used to live was Grand Forks, ND and there is a military base there too. And that is where I thought I was - North Dakota????

Full Description & Details

This occurred late at night - I was sleeping. I'm still not sure if it was a lucid dream, or what, but it bothers me. The first thing I remember is I was standing on a street corner - no cars were around. It was late at night and there was another girl standing near me, to my left side. I did not know her. I felt like I was waiting for something but did not know what exactly. The intersection reminded me of one in North Dakota where I lived a few years ago... because my surroundings were flat unlike my current residence where there are lots of trees and some hills. I looked to the sky and saw this dark object - it looked like a dark ball - no lights. And I thought to myself, huh, I that's not so big, I thought they'd be bigger. But then I realized that it was far away because it grew in size.

I had to tilt my head backwards to see the thing and I still couldn't see it all. It was black beneath - I have no idea what the top looked like - never saw it. I remember noticing light around me, but I don't recall seeing actual lightbulbs or lights on the underside. I don't know it's exact shape because the thing was way out and dark and then over my head. If I were to guess - I'd say triangular, but it's just a guess.

The next thing I remember is being in a small room. The lights were dimmed and it all seemed to be in muted tones. I'm fogetting some of the details - the colors and all. That bothers me too. Anyways, I realized the other girl/lady was not with me anymore and I asked this female thing where the lady went. She let me know without speaking - almost as if she sent me a chunk of information - a complete thought - I don't know how else to explain it. - that the lady/girl was on her own "tour". That's the thought I got - a tour or with other guides. Something like that. ? Then, it's like I realized I was not in my bed and I was talking to this "alien" and I got kind of excited. I looked at her better now...because before I was concerned with where this lady disappeared to and so Ii didn't even really "look" at the person in the room. But she was very thin - short but not much shorter than me - I'm 5'2''. One wierd thing - she had hair - I realized it was wierd and must have thought something like you aren't supposed to have hair (it looked like a blonde wig styled like that of a 1960's airline stewardess)????? because she sent me this thought like, it's too comfort you. I guess so I would be more at ease but it just looked so wrong. I seemed to focus on her darn hair. It was just not right. Anyways, I was still excited not frightened and not at ease either. I asked her now, am I dreaming? Because the wig/hair thing really was just wrong. She told me - or sent me the idea - no you are not dreaming. Then, I got really excited and I blurted out or thought instantly - I knew it! I knew you were real. I got this feeling of her being so pleased that it almost seemed that she was laughing...but her expression never changed. She was so pleased with me. That made me feel good. I wanted her to be happy. Then, she asked if I was ready for the tour? I followed her out of the room into a hallway. I remember that the hall was a silver grey or maybe a metallic color. It was much brighter in the hallway - I again saw no "lights" but it was light all around me. Anways, we walked a little bit and I have a vague memory of seeing some sort of elevator in the center of this large open room when we walked around the corner. (I just remembered that! I think I had forgotten) It just opened up and was huge - beautiful really. It reminded me - the closest thing I could think of - like the center of a mall. The kind that has those glass windows on the ceiling and the waterfountain below? No waterfountain was there but I think there were plants around the elevator thingy. We didn't go into the center but kept onthe outside near the wall. I followed her and I don't remember much talking/thinking from her as we walked. We entered another room and this room was enormous too. It had hundereds, maybe, of chairs in it. They appeared similar to those chairs that have the metal on the outide in a shape of an "s" and then the seats are plastic. I think they have or had them in elementary schools? Anyways, the seats were located in the center of this very large open area. Glass windows or maybe it was a shiny metal all was to my left. Then, she kind of thought to me that she hoped I would be pleased. I got the feeling I was being rewarded - that this was a surprise, a reward of some kind. And I felt that she was going to let me see my grandparents - but they are dead. I had noticed when I first entered this room that there were photos - I guess - they had people's faces on them and I guess they were photos - the photos were sitting on the chairs. The top of the photos were resting against the back of the chairs and the bottom edge of the photo was on the seat part. She walked to the left side of the mass of chairs. I just kept looking at all the faces on the photos....they were of all races. All different. All of varying ages. Hundreds - I felt overwhelmed. She got near the back rows of the seats and stopped. Then, she motioned with her hand for me to go into the row of chairs. She was so proud I felt. So happy for me and hoped I was happy too. I was feeling excited and happy but confused. Then, she told me to stop. I stopped and looked at the phtoos on the chairs. She seemed to sense my confusion. And I felt her mood change. That scared me. Concerned me. She asked if I knew these people but they were Indian - not native american but Indian...I think or maybe they were asian...but the skin was dark and the eyes were dark and the hair was dark but I am light haired and blue-green eyed. I said I didn't know these people. Like I said, I had thought I was going to get to see my grandparents and indeed these two people looked old and one was female and the other was male but they were NOT relatives of mine. Then, her mood went icy cold. She just shut off...and I felt nothing from her. I worried that I had displeased her and that I'd done something wrong. I think I kept thinking what did I do? What is wrong? Then, these shorter, twig like grey beings were around me - encircling me -and they were kind of pushing me down to the floor. She was still hadn't moved. But I could see her through the opening of the heads. I was laying on my right side and I saw this needle thingy coming toward me and I think but am not sure that the liquid inside was orange - ? Not sure. Anyways, they put it in my arms and I woke...in my bed on my left side with a sore left upper shoulder. There was a small bruise and a pin prick mark on my shoulder. It's gone now.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

It could DEFINATELY be explained as a dream but that was one hell of a dream then.

Witness Background

College educated, with B.A. in German, minor in Marketing. Worked in the celluar industry as a customer service rep, now I'm stay-at-home mother of two. I paint, write, draw, camp, bike and knit as hobbies.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have never been certain about their visiting the earth. Do I believe they exist in the universe - absolutely. Have I read about them - I have books my dad has sent me. He sends me them because he says he has seen them. I have been interested in them and I have not read them all but I have read a lot about them. I have never dreamed of them before.

Other Comments

I want to know what this was. Did I dream it? It felt very real. I have drawn the pictures of it. I've gone back through the books my dad gave me about UFO's trying to find something - something similar - but I found nothing. I did find your URL/email address from the book: The Threat. I skimmed it and don't recall anything similar to my experience. I don't remember ever having anything like this before. Just had a thought - I've also lived in Virginia Beach, VA. ...huge navy shipyard and base there.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Lexington Park, MD, USA



login D F


September, 1997


Southern Area, New Jersey, United States


Fireball with flames trailing

Date Reported:

10/17/2005 9:17:47 AM

Sighting Time: 

1:00 am



No. of Witnesses: 



approx. 2-3 seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Moving east to west(right to left) across my wind shield. A flaming ball with blue center surrounded by yellow trailing into orange and red. like a candle flame going horizontally and leaving a red trail. Came from beyond my vision behind trees and passed beyond trees on opposite side and out of my field of vision.

Size of Object(s)

Dime sized at arms length. Hard to judge because of speed and duration but the size remained the same across the windshield.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

150 to 200 feet in altitude,1/8 mile ahead of me approx.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Semi-rural,industrialized area. Many power lines and chemical factories in the area(DuPont etc.) Not aware of power plants.

Full Description & Details

Driving northbound in tractor trailer on 295 in southern NJ. Saw a flame pass from east to west directly across my field of vision in windshield. I thought at the time it might be a plane on fire or a satellite re-entry. It looked like someone had tossed a burning match head across the front of my truck. Sighting was approximately 2-3 seconds in duration and could not have been something thrown because I was driving around 60-65 MPH. It was not a jet engine flame because it flickered and trailed like a torch flame without any semblance of forced gasses behind it. It had a blue center like a gas flame with a yellow and red and orange corona and tail. The tail was mostly orange and red growing redder the farther away from the head of the flame.

I am writing this because I see there was a similar sighting in Oregon 1987. I have seen several strange moving lights in my travels around the country over the past 30 years. Most can be explained as reflections of parking lot sodium vapor lights or headlights over a hill, but this was on an interstate that is heavily traveled with wooded areas on both sides. Nothing was reported of crashes or meteors on the radio or in the news papers. I checked thoroughly. The sky was clear and relatively cloudless. It was late and quite dark. Any lighting is from the town lights beyond the wooded areas(1/4 mile away). It was a curios enough sight to stick with me all these years. I wonder if anyone else in Southern New Jersey saw a fireball aroud the same time?

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

The only possible explanation is a piece of space junk burning up on reentry or a plane on fire but it did not look anything like the shuttle pieces I saw on TV and there was no visible fusilage of a plane. The flame did not diminish in size ,or grow,across the windshield so it was probably moving slightly northward, my direction of travel.

Witness Background

Retired truck driver and trucking company manager. Experienced in the tricks that lights and fog can play. Have driven in most of the 50 states and in every possible type of weather and storm. I have a lot of experience doing accident investigation as a manager. I have traveled I-295 hundreds of times.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have read about UFO's and believe that odds are we're not alone in this vast universe. I don't claim this as a sighting of an alien craft. Just an unidentified sighting of something strange and curious to me.

Other Comments

I'd be interested to know of any other fireball sightins like mine.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 


Your Location: 




login D F


October, 13, 1997


Sydney, N.S.W., Australia


On the night of 13.10.1997 I had been doing a little star watching with my Panasonic RX10 Palmcorder, while using the full X14 zoom a bright round object danced into the viewfinder.

Date Reported:

10/14/2005 8:01:08 PM

Comments about the image(s): A photograph of a UFO captured from a live video

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



60sec or less

Description of Area / Surroundings

Normal urban area.

Full Description & Details

On the night of 13.10.1997 I had been doing a little star watching with my Panasonic RX10 Palmcorder, while using the full X14 zoom a bright round object danced into the viewfinder.

I started to record the event, the dancing slowed after I braced myself against the wall of the house. At this time there was light broken and moving cloud cover that partially obscured the object till it descended below the clouds to take on a new appearance: A perfect circle, in the center was a black dot around this was a smaller circle, the area between this and the outer circle appeared to be spinning anti clock wise. For short time the object moved up and down through the clouds, then as if for an oncore it moved out of the clouds, except for the spinning action it sat motionless for a few seconds, I zoomed out to wide angle and it became just another star in the sky and disappeared several attempts failed to relocate it.

Several times since I have looked at stars with the same X14 power zoom although they appear bigger in size there is no comparison to my first sighting of what ever it was.

There is a photograph on this site that bears a strong likeness to the afore mentioned:

July 8 2005. Photograph ID: 398 found in ( From 2000 to the present.)

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

Bus driver.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

There is too much evidence of sightings thus I would be judged a believer prior to my encounter. I haven’t read a great deal on the subject until I found this site.

Other Comments

A few people have viewed the video over the years and all said I should send it to someone but I never got to do it until I found this site.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 




login D F


December, 2004


Prague, Czech Republic


This photo was taken with a digital Olympus zoom camera. I was on a five day Christmas break with my husband. In the photo I am walking up a side street in Prague, Czech Rep and my husband took the photo from behind me whilst standing still.

Date Reported:

10/12/2005 3:25:02 AM

Comments about the image(s): 1) Original jpg of photo taken in Prague, December 2004 with digital camera 2) Enlarged view of object 3) Enlarged view of object 4) View of possible second object although too blurred to see if connected to the large object 5) Photo of the same street taken on a work trip to Prague, July 2002 with 35 mm camera

Sighting Time: 

11:30 AM



Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Gold coloured, possible metallic appearance with pattern in darker colour (like a brown/plum colour in my photo). The sun appears to be reflecting off the top.

Size of Object(s)

I do not know the size as didn't see the object at the time of walking up the road so if it could possibly be some kind of of UFO then it must have been invisible to the naked eye - at a rough guess from looking at the photo it can't be no bigger than 3 feet in diameter...but this is rough guess.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

It appears to be about 5 - 6 metres off the ground and was only about 30 - 40 feet away?

Description of Area / Surroundings

Urban area, small cobbled stoned street fairly steep slope with not many shops or restaurants around as it was in quiet area. No cars or trams on this street, only people. It was a little street down below from the castle which is on a large hill (we we walking up to the castle).

Full Description & Details

When I got our holiday photos developed I noticed this one had a strange gold coloured sphere shape which appears to be floating in mid-air in front of a white building further up the top of the road and there appears to be a smaller version near ground level in front of some people walking (although hard to tell for sure as a bit blured). At the time I thought it may have been part of the facade of the white building (like a decorative shield) but then I had some photos of Prague taken back in July 2002 so I checked these and I had a picture of the same street and there is nothing on the white building. I don't recall there being any christmas decorations hanging around at the time (in fact the side street we were in was rather plain and quiet). At the time the photo was taken it was broad day light with blue skies and sun with no rain or snow. The only possibly explanation I can come up with was some kind of balloon was either hanging in the middle of the road on invisible ropes or was floating around after someone let it go. If you look closely, there is some kind of pattern on the object but hard to tell if an actual pattern or writing but it's coloured darker and has curves to it.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Only possibility I can think of is a balloon

Witness Background

Secretary working at the British Broadcasting Corporation's World Service Division

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I am very open minded about them and know a little bit. When I was young (around 10 - 11 years old) I saw something in the sky which to this day I can't explain - it was a large dark black object shaped like a rectangle or box and was hoovering above the roofs of the local houses to where I lived in London, UK. It was not a plane because it seemed to be floating in mid air and I remember looking up at it for a while - can't remember if it moved but then it disappeared at some point out of view.

Reported Sighting? 



Caroline Kelly

Your Location: 

London, UK

login D F


October, 6, 2005


Missouri City, Texas, United States


Around 11:30 pm my wife and I went out side to enjoy a cool breeze that had just moved in, we sat and talked for about five minutes when by peripheral vision I caught a glimpse of an object moving in the skies. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.

Date Reported:

10/11/2005 5:01:05 PM

Comments about the image(s): "I have a sketch I drew up the very next day." Image #1: "Original hand sketch made by myself prior to the schematic drawing I first sent you." Image #2: The schematic drawing by the witness.

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



15 to 20 secs.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

This highly reflective object was quite large easily being over 100 feet wide. It was a cigar shape but more oval on the sides than round, being maybe 20 feet in diameter and it had spere in the middle of it protruding from the center top. The spere was more a dome on top of the body and was maybe a third of width longwise of this ship. Picture a small ball cut in half placed placed on the top center of a semi smushed cigar but all dark polished mirror surface. I could see that it was made of sections that if separated would have evenly divided the it lengthwise into four or five sections. It had no lights whatsoever or at least they were not lit and it made absolutely no sound and it moved in a perfect straight line and traveled side ways meaning the long side of the body moved forward with the dome sitting on top so there were no visible moving parts, it was solid and looked solid and clean.

Size of Object(s)

If I stretched out my arm it would be 6 inches to hold in the view of my widespread fingers. I would have to estimate the length of this cigar shaped ship to be no less than 100 ft wide, and with an oval cross section of 30 feet wide by 20 feet high with a round half dome of about 30 ft. in diameter sitting on the top and in the middle of it.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

It was flying as high as I see helicopters fly by. 400' to 600' plus or minus

Description of Area / Surroundings

We live in suburban town right outside of Houston so while on certain night we have clear skies we are limited somewhat by the light pollution that reflects off the sky. This particular night it was hazy, cool and somewhat windy. Certain bright stars could still be seen throught the hazy sky, however there were no clouds. There are now military bases that I'm aware of in this area (Zip Code 77459) only a small airport around 5 miles away which serves Sugar Land mainly for small and private aircraft. It did seem to be moving parallel with a some large powerlines that maybe a mile from our home.

Full Description & Details

The weather had been warm and humid throught most of the month of October so when the cool front finally came into our suburb town of Missouri City, located just southwest of Houston, my wife asked me to come outside to our patio to just sit and enjoy the much awaited cool breeze. Well cool it was, somewhere in the upper '60's and breezy just enough to make the tree tops sway so all that could be heard was the wind passing through the leaves. The skies were hazy, but not cloudy almost a medium grey tone. This of course is a result from local light pollution reflecting on our skies. A couple dozen or so stars managed to shine through this haze anyhow. Well we were talking face to face and our patio is open to one end almost in the shape of a U so my right side was facing the open end. Well I was about the comment on something when out of my right peripheral vision up in the sky at about I spotted something moving so naturally I turned to see it. I sprang to my feet out of astonishment in what I was seeing. It was an object, a ship like I had never seen passing throught the night sky almost directly over my adjacent neighors back yard only it was maybe four or six hundred feet high but was of a good size. Immediately I ran to the middle of our backyard dragging my wife by her arm hardly being able to speak I cried to her to look at up at the sky and bare witness to what I'm seeing here, I pointed at it! It was moving in a perfectly straight heading in a southerly direction and moving slowly, ominously and without any noise nor any lights, it was almost invisible, nearly cloked but since I caught its movement I was able to focus on it and clearly see it's shape and what its surface looked like. Had it not been for the ambient lighting of city light pollution and the grey lit sky serving as a backdrop I might have missed it since it's surface appeared to be reflective, a mirrored surface but a dark polished mirrored chrome which reflected everything around it including the grey sky and lights off the ground. I saw it clearly for what seemed a long time but infact was more like 15 to 20 seconds. It was utterly fantastic and some what frightening to witness this. I could hardly believe it was happening and I was there at the right time. However much to my disappointment it went beyond the tree line in our backyard before my wife could see it as well but. Well we ran through our home to the front to hopefully get a second glimpse of this slow moving object but we were unable to spot again.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

The shape of this flying object was one like I have never seen before. I've seen many military experimental craft and am a Sci-fi fan but not even in any movies have I seen such a shape. It was running under power as it took a steady course flying at an even altitude and maybe traveling 100 mph or less. It was moving slowy but steadily and was almost unoticable if you didnt catch its movement. Think Predator from the movie, you can see the outline and that it reflects it's environment, practically cloaked. Just amazing in size.

Witness Background

Designer for Civil Engineerig Firm, 4 Years College

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I'm 39 years old and as a youth always dreamt of journey's to the stars in make believe of course. I've been a Star Wars fan since youth so yes I looked up many nights wonder what is out there. Through out my life I witnessed maybe one other time what seemed to be lights that seemed to dance across the dark sky but they were too high an altitude see other than what looked like bright stars zipping back and fourth. There were three of them and they traveled back and fourth like no airplane could and finally just zipped off in separate directions. I was a young teenager when I saw these walking home one night while looking up at the heavens. I never saw them again, only in dreams of course but who doesn't. I'm not one to dismiss the possibility of UFO's and I am intrigued by the whole notion but I have never really seen something so amazing real with my own two eyes. I believe there many things with no explanation but I'm a rational average man with a family. I would like to see it again but since that night a few days ago have not had any luck. I am fortunate to have witnessed this and would like to know if any one else might have seen this particular shaped flying object. I have a sketch I drew up the very next day and would be happy to scan it and send it to you. Thanks for your time

Reported Sighting? 




Your Location: 

Missouri City, Tx. 77459



login D F


April, 11, 1972


Marietta, Oklahoma, United States


The full moon was just above the horizon when a round orange red ball or globe came very slowly up from below the horizon and stopped motionless at about the lower left hand corner of the moon. Judging from the distance it seemed to be from the moon and from the earth, this thing must have been humungous in size, very, very huge. It appeared to be right beside the moon.

Date Reported:

10/11/2005 3:42:50 PM

Comments about the image(s): Sketch by witness.

Sighting Time: 

1:00 a.m.



No. of Witnesses: 



about 15-20 minutes.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

A round orange red solid ball or globe.

Size of Object(s)

For relative size, it would probably have been about 1/2 inch to 1 inch. For actual size it looked to be at least 1/10th the size of the full moon.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

These distances and altitudes are given in the report above.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Description given in report above.

Full Description & Details

My Girlfriend and her brother and his girlfriend and myself, (4 people in all), were out on a double-date and it was getting late, about 1:00 a.m. in the morning. We were out on a lonely country dirt road with hardly any traffic and there were open , fenced pastures on both sides of the road with very few trees around us. We had just pulled over to talk awhile about the country band we were in at the time and other things when all of a sudden, something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye and when I turned my head from the direction of my girlfriend to look through the windshield, I witnessed a round orange red ball or globe, which looked solid, rising up from below the horizon slowly and stopping right next to the full moon at about the lower left hand corner of the moon, which, itself was just above the horizon.

Judging from the distance it seemed to be from the moon and from the earth, this thing must have been gigantic in size, a mother-ship, if you will. If it was truly next to the moon, it looked to be at least 1/10th the size of the moon.

I regret that we did not have a camera with us that night, but there were 4 of us that all agreed that we each saw the same identical thing that night. (No Alcohol was involved).

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

We all 4 agreed to this: This object did not come from this planet with our limited technologies. We could not make anything that tremendous in size and then break it loose from the earth's gravitational pull ! Uless we had some kind of anti-gravity device on board.

Witness Background

United States Navy, Retired, Disabled Veteran.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I just sort of thought of them as maybe the government might be experimenting with new types of aircraft or something of that nature. I just read a little about them and also visited the u.f.o. museum in Roswell, New Mexico.

Other Comments

No comments, just a question. Where from and how can I get a copy of each of these photos ? I will gladly pay for them, if they are not too high in price.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

rocky ford, usa



login D F


June, 2004


Sunderland, United Kingdom


I light ball seen fly over the house it then shot down and i was able to take a picture.

Date Reported:

10/11/2005 7:31:29 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



3 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Small ball of light.

Size of Object(s)

A little bit bigger than a football.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

A little higher than a house.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Rural area small street of about 5 houses.

Full Description & Details

Account of the Sighting - I was walking my dog late at night in June cannot remeber exact date. I was walking toward the entrance of my street when i saw in a south direction a Light Ball coming toward me it was far away from my location I looked at it and thought it was just a helicopter because we do sometimes get many helicopters in my area I did not take much notice of it. I then got to the entrance of my street the light was getting closer the motion of the light was very slow but i noticed something that ruled out the possibillity of it being a helicopter because there was no sound and its not normal for helicopters to be silent. I carried on going down my street and just looked on at the craft coming towards me i got to the house and the light was nearly to my location i put the dog in my house and looked up at the object at this time i knew i had to do something so i went inside very quickly and got my camera on the way to get my camera i alerted my parents and said there was a UFO i don't think they heard me i said it so quick. I rushed out and the light was above my house and as i took a picture the object blasted downwards and left a small light trail. I went back inside and my parents were still downstairs (my house has two floors but you enter the top floor first and then as you go in there are stairs going down). I asked my parents to come and take a look at my picture and were amazed at what was on the picture i have enclosed the picture of the light its a really good close up picture and you can really see what i saw was so strange.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

Senior Student (high school) got exsperience with computers and have a web site - http://www.alienationsam.tk

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I had a UFO sighting about 6 months before this sighting and was a bit interested in UFO's since the sighting i always read about UFO's and discuss UFO's at forums on the web.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 



Sam Willey

Your Location: 




login D


July, 7, 1973


Odessa, Texas, United States


Smooth stainless steel disk, right above radio tower one hundred fifty feet up in air. No windows seen, 5 witnesses, 6 counting electrician for radio company. Also had dome top. 100 foot diameter. Causing static on radio transmisson.

Date Reported:

10/10/2005 5:57:42 PM

Comments about the image(s): This is the drawing you requested of the UFO I saw in 1973. -- Stanley A. Wilson

Sighting Time: 

6:00 pm



No. of Witnesses: 




Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Shining stainless steel color, disk dome top. NO sound. There was no rotation of the UFO. Hyroglyphics on bottom. The UFO had no seams that I could see. It looked as though it had been cast, and there were no lights that I could see , and no doors.

Size of Object(s)

100 foot diameter, 35 feet high, one half mile away from UFO. The length: from wrist to end of hand (at arms length). Height: width of index finger. The biggest part of finger.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

One half mile distance. Height: 150 feet.

Description of Area / Surroundings

RURAL VERY FEW HOUSES, DESSERT AND THORN BUSHES. NO SPECIAL SITES, [except that] 15 miles from the UFO there is one of the largest meteor crater sites in the world. We HEARD LATER THERE was a flap going on. A lot of UFOs moving from the west to the east.

Full Description & Details

The Odessa Event

100 ft diameter disk shape, dome top. The color was stainless steel. It made no sound.

I sent a report about the ufo in Odessa yesterday Sept. 12. You sent an email back saying you want detailed information. I said I was a slow typer, so my little sister said she would type the complete event.

I had worked real hard that day for the state highway dept. and I was tired, so I took a nap when I got home. This was a clear summer day, and all the events occurred in the daylight. My grandmother lived in the southwest part of the city of Odessa. As I was taking a nap, she called my wife. She said, have Stanley go out and look, because there is a ufo heading your way. I lived west of town out in the country. There weren't many houses out there at that time. When I awoke, I sat and thought about it a minute, and thought my grandmother is very serious. She doesn't tease. I decided to get up and go outside and look for the ufo. First I looked toward town and saw nothing, which would have been back toward the east. Then I turned and looked toward the north and south and saw nothing. When I turned and looked toward the west, there it was. Above the radio tower, about 1 mile from my house. My wife and I got very excited, because we knew it was probably an alien ship. It made no sound. [And, as the witness added later, there was no rotation of the UFO.] About this time, my brother in law and big sister who lived about 2 streets over came flying around the corner in their car. They were hollering out of their window as they approached, saying "do you see it, do you see it?". When they got out of their car, of course all four of us were excited, and I don't remember what we said at the moment. We had no camera and they had no camera, and I ran to the neighbors house to borrow a camera and they weren't home. Then as we watched it, we were all amazed and I said, wait a minute, I think that's a radio tower! So I went to my car, I turned the radio on and started scanning all of the channels. Then in our amazement, we came across a station, and my wife said it was KBZB, to the best of her memory. But of course you have to realize this was about 32 years ago. We were really shocked when we heard the disc jockey saying that they had a ufo above their radio tower causing static. So we kept listening to his reports and watching the ufo, and I decided to go inside and look up the phone number of that radio station. I did get the disc jockey, and I don't remember his name. I did ask him if his radio tower was out on west university and he said, yes that's our radio tower. I said, we're looking at the ufo that you're talking about. I don't remember what else I said at the momet, but in a little while I hung up and went back outside with everybody else. Already the ufo had been over the tower about 20 to 25 minutes. My brother and law and I started having the discussion of driving to the ufo, which was about 1 mile from my house. So we tried getting to the tower by going down different dirt roads and couldn't reach it from that direction. So we drove to the main highway, which is west University and found a road which led to a little road which goes to the radio tower. Whether or not the ufo would have interefered with the elctric system of the car, I do not know because we killed the car and stopped at the beginning of the little road that led to the ufo. We were probably about a half mile, maybe a little farther, from the ufo. The color of the ufo was a stainless steel. My brother in law and I sat there and started having the discussion of whether or not to drive up to the ufo, which we could have done. We actually decided not to drive under the ufo, because we thought we might get a flight we did not want. I don't recall what we said during the time we sat there but gradually the ufo moved from the radio tower to the north, it made a 90 degree turn and drifted off toward the west, out of sight. We drove back to my house and they were no longer reporting the ufo on the radio station. I called the radio station again and got the same disc jockey and said, why did you stop reporting about the ufo, and he said that the government told them to shut it down or lose their license. He said, I will tell you something else though. Our electrician went out there to check on why we were having static, and when he got back he was so excited and disturbed that we had to take him to the hospital to get him a hypo to calm him down. He said there were hyroglyphics on the bottom of the ufo. So I hung up after that discussion and later on I called him back one more time and he said one of the t.v. stations had pictures of a ufo above the street lights on west university at night and the government confiscated their pictures and told them to be quite or lose their license. He said that he didn't want to talk about it anymore, because he was afraid he would get in trouble. This completes my version the best I remember of this event, and it is the truth. There were five witness, and I have thier names and occupations on the original report

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No, this was a UFO.I would be willing to take truth Sirum or a lie detector if it were needed. Besides I am a chrisian.

Witness Background

Singer song writer, Worked for State Highway department at time of sighting.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Barely new any thing about them.I was not interested at all.Now I realize GOD made more than just us.

Other Comments

Our duty to fellow human beings is to report true UFOs as I have done!

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 



Stanley A. Wilson

Your Location: 

Austin, TX. Travis county



Additional Information or Comments by the Editor:

The wife of the witness, who also saw the object, submitted a report in confirmation of her husband's sighting. Her report can be found on the following page: http://www.ufoevidence.org/sightings/report.asp?ID=6899

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Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico


3 black rounlike objects hoovering over city.

Date Reported:

10/6/2005 8:31:00 AM

Comments about the image(s): "This is a sketch of what I witnessed."

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



20-30 min

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

There were 3 black roundlike objects in a triangular formation. Not shiny, no reflection. No movement at all.

Size of Object(s)

Relative size was about 1/8 inch. for each object, and about 1 inch across for the entire formation. The actual size is a bit difficult to tell.

Description of Area / Surroundings

It is a densely populated area. The only site near the area is a chain of mountains.

Full Description & Details

Let me tell you that I lost a little bit of belive in sightings, they all seemed to be hoaks. I'd seen some (not many, only about 2 or 3) unusual things in the night skies in the past, but thougt they were just satellites. That was 'till this event happend.

I was shopping at the local SAMS CLUB around 730 PM with my girlfriend. We got a little hungry so we decided to grab a bite in the snack area (outside the store). We were sitting at a table near a tall window when suddenly I noticed something in the evening sky. My girlfriend was telling me about her day but I wasn't really paying attention because of the objects that caught my eye, so I got up and walked towards the window. At first I thougt "it's only 3 black balloons that drifted away", but as I kept watching the objects didn't move an inch. I thought that was unusual since balloons just float away and drift in the wind or breeze. About a minute after I got up from the table, my girl walked up to me and said "why did you leave talking alone?", I told her "look at that and tell me what you see". She described the same thing I was seeing: three black roundlike objects hoovering above the city. I quickly started taking refferences: the mountains in the background, distance from where we were standing and noticed the objects were pretty close.

Soon after this, other people started to gain interest at what I was watching through the window. One person actually came up close but did not dare ask what was going on. It seemed like he was trying to see something but I couldn't tell if he actually did. He probably couldn't because the sky was getting dark pretty fast.

I could still see them (the objects) because I had been observing for several minutes and knew their position, but it was getting kind of difficult because of the city lights. So I suggested we should find another location. We drove about 10 blocks to a neighborhood that is poorly lit. The sky was almost completely dark by now but I could still make the objects out. A few minutes later it was so dark I could not see them anymore.

My girl started to get a bit scared so we left.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Could not be stars because the event started with some light in the sky and there werent any. It was a clear night so no clouds. Since the objects did not move they weren't birds. Blimps and weather ballons aren't common in this region. So we (the community) would know about them.

Witness Background

I'm an architect. I own a pet store.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I used to read plenty of articles about all this, until I lost a bit of "faith". I've always wanted to witness something unusual. I think of UFO's as something man-made until rpoven otherwise.

Other Comments

I am a very honest person with no reason to lie about this. There could be an explanation, but it was pretty clear to me that these objects weren't anything I had seen before.

Reported Sighting? 



Arturo Hemkes

Your Location: 

Toreon, Coahuila, Mexico



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October, 4, 2005


Lenexa, Kansas, United States


2 flashes and 1 streak of light seen in the northern sky at about 40 degrees in altitude with an estimated magnitude similar to if not brighter than Venus. Event last around 15 seconds.

Date Reported:

10/4/2005 7:14:31 PM

Sighting Time: 

7:54 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



15 Seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The object was not visible directly. The first flash, which was also the brightest, had a magnitude comprable to that of Venus. The flash and streak that followed became dimmer. The light was white in color, there may have been a bluish hue to it, but it was likely a result of the contrast of the white on black.

Size of Object(s)

The object was not directly visible

Description of Area / Surroundings

Was in a suburban area. The sighting occurred in my backyard which backs up to a park. The tree line was just below where the object appeared in the sky. No special features in the area.

Full Description & Details

The 2 flashes and 1 streak were seen in the northern sky at about 40 degrees in altitude at an estimated magnitude similar to if not brighter than Venus. It initially appeared to be an iridium flare, however the flash appeared again, but dimmer. Its final appearance was as a dim steak of light a few degrees in length. I assume it was the same object as a straight line could be drawn from where the flashes and streak occurred. I can rule out a fireball, as it was traveling too slow and during the 15 seconds or so I saw it, the object moved only about 5 to 10 degrees (towards the horizon.) I doubt it was a disabled satellite, tumbling in its orbit because its appearance in the sky was too short, but it should not be ruled out as a possibility. I doubt it was an extraterrestrial vehicle

It should be important to note that the first flash was seen indirectly, as I was viewing a satellite as it trekked across the sky from the general direction of North to South. An airplane was seen shortly after the event traveling from West to East, so it is possible that there were witnesses there that saw the same event.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

As stated earlier, it is unlikely that the object was a fireball, as it was moving to slow. It is most likely a decaying satellite tumbling in its orbit. (I have a lot of confidence in this explaination, but what's interesting is that the sighting was so short)

Witness Background

I am a trustworthy person, I do not suffer from any mental problems except A.D.D. and it is important to note that i'm also a boy scout. I've been a lounge chair astronomer for 4 years now and I haven't seen anything like this before. I am a high school student (10th grade), and I take the topic of UFO's very seriously.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I had known quite a bit about UFO's, both as ET vehicles and as purely unidentified flying objects, before the sighting.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Lenexa, Kansas, United States of America

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