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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


September, 30, 2005


Spring Township, Pennsylvania, United States


Officers Tony Roefaro & Dale Moore were on patrol (Spring TWp Police Dept, Centre County PA, near Penn State) witnessed what we would call a low speed flying telephone pole, the 911 center was advised as well as the local airport. Two different sightings on the same day between 10:30am and noon. Approx. 1500hrs we witnessed a fighter jet in the area.

Date Reported:

10/3/2005 2:36:19 PM

Comments about the image(s): Multiple photos of object.

Sighting Time: 

between 10:30am and noon



Appearance / Description of Object(s)

"It looks like a black telephone pole."

Size of Object(s)

(40 ft.)

Full Description & Details

On friday Sept. 30th 2005, Officers Tony Roefaro & Dale Moore were on patrol (Spring TWp Police Dept, Centre County PA, near Penn State) witnessed what we would call a low speed flying telephone pole, the 911 center was advised as well as the local airport. Two different sightings on the same day between 10:30am and noon. Approx. 1500hrs we witnessed a fighter jet in the area, also the Good Year blimp was in the Penn State area due to the Penn State vs. Minn. game on sat. Oct.1st.

The National UFO reporting center was advised and we are awaiting a response as to what this is for sure. It looks like a black telephone pole (40 ft). Again I'm not saying for sure it is a UFO but we can't identify it yet. The local media was not notified yet.

Can anyone tell us what this is? Any questions please advise.

Officer Tony Roefaro #3505

Witness Background

Police officers


Tony Roefaro

Additional Information or Comments by the Editor:

There have been a couple of readers' comments regarding this sighting, suggesting an explanation: Alex Forencich writes: "The 'telephone pole' appears to be a solar bag from Edmund Scientific that got loose. Link: http://scientificsonline.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_3082480 . Description and size seem to match. Probably got loose from the location where it was released and left to drift across the country." And George Hayes writes: "I'd just like to contact you about [this sighting] on your website. It is in fact a solar airship http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/1358 Also, heres an article showing many sitings which are actually these balloons. http://www.rense.com/general51/myst.htm

login D F


June, 2005


Bakersfield, California, United States


Very dark circle stationary seen in eastern daylight sky, smaller silver/white object flew from circle to the south east. Then Dark circle in sky vanished.

Date Reported:

10/1/2005 8:18:08 PM

Comments about the image(s): This is an illustration to go with my siting report. please forgive the low quality artwork but I dont have a good art software program. I wanted to note that I was between the dark object and the sun on a clear day and yet no light whatsoever was reflected back off the dark object.

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



about 1 min in total

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Large object..Perfect circle, pitch black, motionless and could not make it out to be a 3d object. it just looked like a flat circle in the sky up about 40 degrees off horizon and the size of a dime at arms length, came and went suddenly. Smaller object...Came from the dark circle, the size of a 0 of the 2000 date on that same dime , was shiney white or silver could not make out shape because of its distance and the shine from the sun reflecting from it, moved the the south east at high rate of speed with no contrail. would estamate a minimum of 1500mph

Size of Object(s)

Actual not known because no refrence and altitude not known. clear skys.Relative for dark circle would be a dime at arms length, smaller object the size of a 0 stamped on the dime just a shiney dot.

Description of Area / Surroundings

observed from an urban area but objects were over an unpopulates low mountain area. between bakersfield and tehachapi. looked like it was over the area of Bear Mountain

Full Description & Details

I am a private Pilot and aircraft lover of all types 30 yo with better than 20/20 vision. To relax i would sit in the back yard in the swinging bench and gaze to the east where we have a view of the faroff bear mountain which is just east of Arvin California. I usually have my digital camcorder with me when ever i am outside incase i see the local Hawk that likes to hang out on the telephone pole near the rail road tracks behind the house, or if i might see a cool Helo to get on tape to make a still for my computer screensaver.

I was sitting on the bench at about 4pm or so, the sun was behind me and the house so i had no glare but the sky was lit up and not a cloud in the sky.

I was looking out and suddenly noticed something stationary in the sky, it was a motionless Black circle. It looked like a hole in the sky, it did not look 3 dimensional it looked like a flat black circle. it was the size of a dime held out at arms length.

the sky was bright blue so the circle stood out, but I had been looking in that direction for a while and did not see how it appeared, it was suddenly just there,

I stared at it for about 20 or 30 seconds trying to think what is that. it looked like a hole in the sky.

then i saw an object come from the dark area and head south east, i could not make out shape because it seemed to be so hi. it was just a shiney dot. if the circle was a dime then this object would be the size of a 0 on the 2000 date stamped on the dime

It moved in a straight line till i could not see it anymore, It covered the area of sky an airliner does but in about a third of the time, if at the same altitude as an airliner it would be doing in excess of 1500 mph but it seemed to be much higher, so it was going very fast, I am also familure with the passing satalights and this was covering area faster, it left no contrail.

once it was gone i looked back at the dark circle and it was still sitting there motionless,

I watched it for about 5 more seconds then remembered I had my camera with me.

I reached for my camera, hit the on switch and brought the camera up to my eye all with out taking my eye off the dark circle in the sky.

when i brought the camera up to my eye I had to focus on looking through that and getting the object in frame, after about 3 seconds I could not see the object on the camera so i took my eye away to get my bearing on the object again but it was gone. looked around but could see nothing, it was there then it was gone. I wish I had not gone for the cam because then i could have seen how it went. Did it close up, take off at high speed or fade out?

Has anyone seen anything like this? I dont know if it was a solid craft or mabe some sort of portal. I dont think the military has anything that could move that fast but do know they have been working on optical stealth which could explain the sudden appearance and appearing to be gone in a flash.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I am pretty familure with natural objects and how they can trick the eyes but this was no natural object i have ever seen. and if man made it is nothing conventional. If man made the best explaination i could come up with is maybe the large craft/ circle was fitted with a working optical stelth system explaining why it would appear so quick and vanish, it was very large so mabe a lighter than air craft. and the smaller aircraft, a supersonic aircraft launched from the larger one, it seemed very small so maybe unmaned. millitary aircraft do move over bakersfield once in a while, back befor the f117 was made public they had one crash near here. now what did it look like to me, it looked like the sky opened up and let in a flying object then closed back up like a worm hole or something.

Witness Background

Im a private pilot, Emt, Skydiver, SCUBA divemaster, and student. 30 y/o and better than 20/20 vision.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Being a pilot and majoring in sciences. i am very open minded to the possibility of UFOs not of this planet, but I dont buy in to every report, Even if i see something i cant explain i still want to see close up and touch and inspect before I say Im sure something is not of this earth, I know the millitary has some very cool things but there seems to be consistant ufo sitings dating back hundreds of years. Air Force cant be blamed for them all.

Other Comments

I am just curious if anyone has seen what I have seen. I havent seen any like this one on any of the UFO reporting sites.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

posted on National ufo reporting center but not sure if it went through, havent seen it there


Edward F

Your Location: 

Russellville Arkansas, usa



login D F


September, 23, 2005


Valley Springs, California, United States


Dark, early morning, about 3 or 4 AM. Distant white light, ball shaped, turned orange, kept consistant path and speed until out of sight. Traveled from South to North over edge of the Sierra foothills towards Sacramento.

Date Reported:

9/30/2005 11:39:17 PM

Sighting Time: 

345? or 445? AM



No. of Witnesses: 



1-2 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

round ball of light. first white, then like baby asprin orange.

Size of Object(s)

after viewing on its route North and seeing it was actually about 1500 - 2000 ; over land, I'd guess it was as big as a moderate building

Description of Area / Surroundings

Rural foothills.

Full Description & Details

We had a fire south of us that afternoon, which flared up again about midnight and the fire crews had to go put it out. I got up with a headache and went out on the front poarch to have a cup of coffee. I noticed what looked like a large spotlight in the sky and presumed it was a CDF helecopter or airplane looking for smoke from the site. It was too quiet though, but looked like it was about 200-300' above the hills and about a mile south, so the quiet was not much of an issue. It kept coming north along the hills and I wondered why they were not circleing the fire area. Then I realized it was quiet and too big for a spotlght. Then I was shocked to see it turn from white to orange. It was a sphere, not a saucer, and had no windows visible, but the outside was all orange glow like an LED light brightness. I ran for my glasses in my work truck, put them on to make sure I was seeing what I did, and it was surely there - the orange sphere and no blinking lights or anything. I then got my digital camera and tried to take some pictures, but first the disk was full, then the automatic flash was on!!! I got several, and if you lighten them up you might see the orange spot.

I watched it until it went out of site over the valley going towards Sacramento. I wrote Coasttocoast about it almost immediately, but never heard back. Guess they get these things all the time:-) I've never seen anything like it.

After a week, it occurrs to me that of the similarity with what was seen in "The Braxton County Monster" as a "mother ship". Maybe something crashed and caused the fire and then they came looking for their 'man'???

I'm tempted to call the local volunteer firemen and see if they know what caused the fire. It looked to be a fairly isolated area of brush.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

I've worked for the State of California Dept of Transportation for over 30 years. Am resonably educated and observant. Currently in Construction of Highways and a water quality specialist.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Of interest. I read the Braxton County Monster when the book came out. That's about it other than listening to Coast to Coast AM

Other Comments

I can send you the pictures in an email to explore for yourself.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Coast to Coast, my children and wife and one person from work

Your Location: 

Valley Springs



login D


September, 30, 2005


Paducah, Kentucky, United States


Strange unknown triangle aircraft

Date Reported:

9/30/2005 9:21:42 AM

Comments about the image(s): Witness: "Here is my best effort at what I seen that night."

Sighting Time: 

4:55 A. M.



No. of Witnesses: 



8 mins

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

A Sinister looking thick flat black triangle with rounded edges and four large white lights under it. Flat across the bottom.

Size of Object(s)

two feet if hands out stretched. 70 to 80 feet wing span and 40 to 55 length. 15 to 20 feet tall.

Description of Area / Surroundings

It was urban will lite for night houses and trees main streets. No military bases or power plants but there is A uranium inrichment plant.

Full Description & Details

I was going home on foot toward the north side of the city at 4:55 A.M. it was A cool clear night. When I looked up to my right and seen four large bright white lights. Since there is no tall buildings or towers in that area they stood out and the fact that they were in the shape of A triangle. As I got closer I could see the outline of the craft that was shaped like A thick triangle was rounded off edges. under it was four large white lights. One on the front, one on each corner and one in the back that lined up with the light on the front edge. It was A flat black color like stealth aircraft have. It was not A helicopter and it did not have the pop and click of A main rotor or the shape of A helicopter. It had no Nav lights of green or red. It made no noise until I got closer I heard A very low rumble that seemed to be behind and higher up then the aircraft. As the craft moved I heard no noise. It headed southwest low at A slow speed.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Paducah, Kentucky is the location of the only operating uranium enrichment facility in the United States. Owned by the U.S. Department of Energy, it is leased and operated by the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC). According to USEC, the facility "produces low-enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power plants in the United States and around the world."

UFOEvidence.org received a second, similar report from almost the same location, about three weeks earlier. That report from Murray, Kentucky on September 4, 2005, also described a triangular or V-shaped shaped craft. Please see the full case, including sketches by the witnesses, at the following URL:


Murray, Kentucky is less than 50 miles from Paducah.]

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No there is no man- made aircraft civil and military like it.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Before I was no sure but I tryed to keep A open mind. Now I believe there is something out there I seen it with my own eyes! I love to read and knew of UFOs but never really studied them.

Other Comments

I am not sure what to say but I would gladly take A ploygraph test if that is what is needed. I seen this craft and I will not deny it to anyone it is very real.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

national ufo reproting center


William Patrick Sims

Your Location: 

Paducah, Kentucky, United States



login D F


November, 2003


Chandler, Arizona, United States


Large fireball, flying slow and low, headed on a northeasterly path, with chunks of fire breaking off the back. Made no sound. Visible for 10-15 seconds before being obscured by palm trees. I cannot believe thousands of people did not see it.

Date Reported:

9/29/2005 4:19:29 PM

Comments about the image(s): Sketch by the witness.

Sighting Time: 

10:00 pm



No. of Witnesses: 



10-15 seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

For a split second I thought an airliner was on fire, or disintegrating. It was a round fireball, with chunks of fire breaking off the back end, almost as if in slow motion. It was very surreal, like a firework. The chunks would flip out and twirl in pinwheel fashion. The object itself appeared to be made of magma. The impression I keep getting over and over again is the Medusa, for some reason.

Size of Object(s)

Relative size was probably the size of a nickel; actual size, who knows, maybe 65-70 feet in diameter.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

It was probably a few hundred feet high, and less than one mile away.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Suburban area, late night. I was standing by the pool looking over the fence at the sky, talking on my cell phone. It disappeared in the direction of an Indian reservation, which is largely unpopulated.

Full Description & Details

I was talking to my brother who lives in Seattle on my cell phone by the pool, in my backyard. It is usual to see airliners approaching Sky Harbor (Phoenix) in this area. Being an aviation enthusiast, something in the air caught my eye - I looked up and to the near West, where a large fireball was slowly moving North-Northeast towards the Indian Reservation. It was in level flight, for the most part, with a slight bob. Sparks and chunks flew off the back of it. It was visible for a good 10-15 seconds at least, before some trees obscured my view of it. It was totally unreal. I was certain there would be thousands of witnesses. I am surprised there was not. I called the airport and air force the next day to see if something had crashed. The air force took a report.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Not really. Unless somebody staged an elaborate hoax using flares and remote control balloons, or something. That's all I can think of.

Witness Background

Project Accountant for large Engineering and Architecture firm, BA Business Administration, University of Oregon 1999.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I've always liked the subject of UFO's since childhood. I read a lot about them, but had never seen such a convincing example. Everyone has seen strange lights of course, but this was large and obvious. I feel lucky in a way, but I can't share the story too much, since people don't really care.

Other Comments

It is a very bizarre feeling to have seen this thing. It's like walking into your house and finding the dog walking on the ceiling, upside down. Totally surreal. You keep asking yourself over and over 'what is that'? 'what IS that'?! Then it's gone. I thought of every explanation I could to resist the UFO explanation.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

I called Luke Air Force Base the very next day


Dennis Kalnoky

Your Location: 

Phoenix, Arizona



login D F


January, 4, 2001


Greater Manchester, United Kingdom


Date Reported:

9/27/2005 3:24:37 AM

Comments about the image(s): Witness: "This is a picture of the exact location on which I have drawn with photoshop an image of what I believe I saw."

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



2 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Bright white large oval object. there were no observable markings or anything else visible on the outside of it.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Urban area with no military bases in the area or anything else I would consider as being significant.

Full Description & Details

Whilst travelling home in my car with my wife when I saw a very bright oval shaped object rise up from behind a house. Although it was very bright it did not hurt your eyes to look at it. The object was slowly rising steadily above a house in the street. I stopped my car to observe it the object then started to move off to the right with its speed increasing. The object then moved to the right at an estimated speed of about 20 miles per hour. It then abruptly change course by about 80 degrees and was then obscured by other houses. I restarted my car and chased after it down the side street and at this time it was out of my vision. When it got to a position in the side street where I would have expected it to have been it was gone.

Although I was with my wife at the time, a serving police officer, and we both agree that we saw it. It is disturbing to me that we both seem to have a different recollection of when and where we were when we both observed it, a difference in time of apparently only a few hours. I believe we saw it at about 12 noon however my wife believes she observed it with me later in that afternoon at about 1600 hoursand in a different location. A few days later I decided to go and photograph the same location where I believe I had observed it and with the aid of photoshop I was able to recreate a copy of what I believe we saw.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

I am now retired I have a background in the first instance of engineering and latterly of being the person in charge of a small housing association. I am interested in electronics and am also a radio amateur. I have a reasonable education.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Before this incident I had an open mind about UFO's but was sceptical

Other Comments

I have not reported this sighting before because I was then a working person with a responsible job and I didn't want to be ridiculed. I am now retired so it doesn't matter so much. My wife though is still a serving officer

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Bolton machester England



login D F


August, 1990


Alicudi, Sicily, Italy


Many many objects doing erratic and extremely high speed mouvements but with some intelligence.

Date Reported:

9/26/2005 7:00:15 AM

Sighting Time: 

02:00 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



Several hours

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

They were too far to have an idea of shape and colors.

Size of Object(s)

Objects seemed to be slightly bigger than a medium cat A/C.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Approx. 25/30.000 ft

Description of Area / Surroundings

Alicudi was at that time an absolutely dark area. On the island there was even not electric power and around the island only the dark Tyrrenian Sea.

Full Description & Details

Preface: I have now a civil pilot license ATPL though I am out of duty.

When I was 15 I was spending some weeks at Alicudi, the smallest island of the Aeolian Islands, in Sicily, Italy.

At that time Alicudi was famous to be the last place in Italy (or maybe even in Europe) to be without water, gas and electric power.

The result was an extremely dark night with wonderful starred nights.

With 6 friends I spent every night on the beach sleeping inside sleeping bags.

At the second night, staring at the wonderful sky, a girl spotted some strange light and showed to everybody. We were lucid, not high and with eyes absolutely accustomed to darkness, and we were all able to see stars and recognize planes, constellations, the Mily Way and even satellites!

The lights we saw had a very strange features. You could say they were San Lorenzo stars and follow them... Until they suddenly stopped and brills. Then, after a very crazy mouvement and another brief stop, they would fly again to another direction and again stop in the middle of the sky or even disappear from sight, in the deep space (and not behind a cloud or a mountain).

We were too excited and shocked, not being able to explain ourselves what kind of object we had tha chance to spot.

Anyway, due to eyes accustomed to darkness, we could see many many of these lights, even contemporarily, and in the nights to come. Excpet for the final days of our stay on the Island, due to the rising Moon that obscured/brightned the night sky.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Absolutely Unidentified Flying Objects due to their erratic mouvements and lack of any conventional light.

Witness Background

Italian teacher.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Before the sighting I have heard only one story from an entire family that travelled to Mexico and seen E.T. at the cinema.

Other Comments

PLS Correct my por english.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Family and some friends.

Your Location: 

Kyoto, Kinki, Kansai, Japan



login D F


September, 23, 2005


Leamington Spa, United Kingdom


Date Reported:

9/26/2005 4:25:37 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 




Full Description & Details


I just wanted to email and share an experience last Friday 23-09-05. I was driving home with my girlfriend from Shipston-on-Stour to Wellesbourne, we passed Halford on to a straight bit of road with a car in front and two behind. I noticed two red lights one slightly higher than the other behind the top of the tree line. These lights were not flashing and seemed to be going at some speed in the distance. I said to my girlfriend that they looked strange and could be fighter jets!

The lights then came from behind the tree line and I realised that the lights were extremely close and flying low cross the road ahead. I told my girlfriend it can't be jets but maybe a helicopter! There was a black outline to the lights but I could not quite make it out.

They travelled to the field on our right where the object angled revelling 4 equal spaced rows of lights leading to a central bright white prismed light, it seemed to slow and rotate slightly across the field. As I was driving with cars ahead and behind I couldn't just stop, I did turn around but it had disappeared by the time I got back.

This was a fantastic sight which excited me and scared the crap out of me at the same time. It was so close and clear I just wish I had a camera. this is something I can't explain and It would be great if anyone else saw anything similar on the same night!?

I've attached an artistic impression of what I saw that night to give you a better Idea of what I'm trying to explain.



Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

I'm a partner in a design company

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 


Your Location: 




login D F


August, 19, 1986


lahaina, Hawaii, United States


If you want a roswell type sighting this is it. Complete with an actual police report.

Date Reported:

9/19/2005 3:45:36 PM

Sighting Time: 

1:30 pm



No. of Witnesses: 



over 30 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

metalic silver saucer shaped and flat on the bottom and a paulsating glowing light sorunding it.

Size of Object(s)

about 80 to a 100 across.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

about a 100 to 150 yards away.

Description of Area / Surroundings

ocean front road about a 1/2 past the first park outside lahaina.

Full Description & Details

I was a security guard i worked in napili I was on my way back to kahului from work as I headed back towards kahului passing through lahaina A big glowing craft of some sort was hovering over the road as i approached it decended nearer to the road this frightened me so I turned back and tryed to wait this thing out after two more attempts igave up and a japanese american police officer was a witness to this event. That police officer called me and said he filed an official report this report is still on file with the lahaina police deparment so there is no way questioning my veracity.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

no way ! to do so mocks the police officers veracity as well as mines and remember I was a security guard.

Witness Background

Im a package handler for Fed Ex. A veteran.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

They EXist and to dismiss that as haox is like saying the california condor or the snow leopard don,t exist.

Other Comments

more attencion and research should be given this matter for we don.t know there intencions or what there mission is on Earth.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

NO need to police report. covers that question.

Your Location: 

sacramento Ca. USA



login D F


September, 6, 2005


Goodyear, Arizona, United States


Three bright orange/amber lights above Estrella Mountain ranch area.

Date Reported:

9/7/2005 1:55:15 PM

Sighting Time: 

9:30 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



5-7 Minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1-5 miles away, 500 ft up

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

As I was driving to my home in Estrella Mountain Ranch, I noticed a glowing light reflecting off of the clouds that I had never seen before. Normally the sky is pitch black in this area because of the low light restrictions in Estrella. I didn't think anything of it, until I reached a stopsign where I normally turn off, and in the clearing south, southwest of me I noticed three orbs of bright lights, almost the same color as the other traffic lights. They were in a line, and they looked as if they could have been flickering - however that could be anything. The lights did not move. Instead of turning, I decided that I wanted to get a closer look. So I went straight, further to "where I think they were" but, I did not see them anymore. They were gone from that point on. I was a little freaked out by it, because I had never seen the objects before in the couple weeks I've lived there, but I disregarded it. However - I did some research and sure enough someone else saw the SAME EXACT IMAGE that I saw, only a litle more than a week prior. This was extremely odd that someone else got it on film and it was the same approx. time, place, and image that I saw - without knowing of this story. I was freaked out enough to go ahead and submit this sighting. Hope it helps.

Witness Background

I work in an office, high school/some college education, I'm a DJ by night. Good family, good life - happy and such. Believe in 'something else out there' but not sure what. This experience was a freaky one to me.

Other Comments

I've always been interested in this stuff, but only to a certain limit. After last night, I don't know what to think - I just want to know what that was and why no one else noticed it last night. It was just wierd to me.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Friends, co-workers

Your Location: 

Goodyear, AZ, 85338



login D F