Appearance / Description of Object(s)
Like I said, the large disk could have passed for a cloud in the sunset and for a moon at night. In the sunset, it appeared gray and it was flashing quite a lot. If it was moving it was doing it at a bit of a slow rate. At night it had the same speed but it had a glowing yellowish color and I wasn't able to tell if it was flashing but I knew it was too close for it to be the moon. As far as the other object goes it looked like it was on its side and it had the flashing lights that didn't recognize like a plane like i said above.
Description of Area / Surroundings
The area is more like a suburb type of area. The subdivision is quite populated. Usually around this time there are some people out. I counted around 6 total last night while I was out. Platt Rd. is somewhat populated by traffic but not quite as much as Michigan Ave. Around where I saw this there are no powerplants or military bases or anything like that. The only thing close to where this was is a party store that's a bit down the way and across from the Michigan Ave. subdivision is a bank that is no longer used and a Burger King. The area is relatively quiet.
Full Description & Details
I usually go rollerblading at night around 8:30 or sometimes I go at 9 o'clock. I get home from eating out at dinner and filling up my grandmother's gas tank around 8:57. I decide to get some exercise and decide to go rollerblading. To me it seemed like a pretty typical night. Now my neighborhood is basically 2 pretty large circles and there's a neighborhood that connects to the other half of the neighborhood from where I live. But I started out rollerblading and when I am going around a curve in my subdivision that goes towards the entrance to Michigan Avenue, I noticed a type of disk that was tilted towards me and it was like a greyish silverish, possibly an off-white color. It took up a small portion of the sky, in my mind it sort of resembled moon-size, but this thing also had flashing lights on it and it seemed to be moving a bit of a slow rate from when I saw it. If no one saw it, they must have been completely blind or something. But I came to the entrance to Michigan Ave. and this thing was gone. It was like it had vanished out of thin air. So I put it on the back of my mind and thought of it as nothing. I was still rollerblading and started going onto the second half of my subdivision which I do on a regular basis each night. And when I was going in the circle I noticed something flying above me and I knew it wasn't a local private plane or a commercial plane because along with the white lights on the planes they have the red ones as well. This didn't have any red lights on it. It had 3 white lights on it and this thing seemed to be on its side. But, like I said, it had it had 3 white lights, and the first and third one would blink and then shut off and then the second one would blink and then they all would simulatneously. I got towards the entrance of the Platt Rd. entrance and I noticed the same thing I saw before on the Michigan Ave. entrance. I found it to be a bit eerie. I usually listen to music at the loudest volume so I took my headphones off and when I did, I heard an eerie kind of whirring noise and noticed the disk had moved over to a neighborhood of condominiums. Instead of staying place which I should have done I noticed, I decided to try and move towards it. But, like last time when I got there it had already disappeared. I went home after that and thought about it a lot. I tried to think it was the moon but the moon couldn't have moved from the south of the sky to the east in a matter of less than 30 minutes, let alone this was actually around 10 minutes or less. I tried saying it was something else, like possibly an aircraft but I know what planes of any type sound like, I tried saying it was a helicopter but there was no motor that even resembled a helicopter. I know that I wasn't dreaming because I fell over my rollerblades twice and ended scraping my hand up and getting a bruise on my hip. I don't do anything that has any mind altering affects. I didn't have too much caffeine in my system or anything like that. I asked a friend of mine about these sort of things and she told me she might have saw something last night.
Can sighting
be explained as any conventional man-made or natural
Nothing that I can think of. Too big to be a blimp. Too low to be a satellite. Definitely not birds or clouds. It looked like a cloud at first but it wasn't. Definitely not a star. Not a natural object. Like i said, definitely not an airplane or any other technology that's human that flies
Personal Background
I'm a high school student, that's basically it
Views on UFOs, before and after sighting
I never believed in them much before I saw this but now my mind is definitely changing
Reported Sighting? No
Location: Saline, Michigan, USA
Age: 16