Appearance / Description of Object(s)
About 30 feet across, color silver gold, saucer shaped, round bottom, dome on top
Description of Area / Surroundings
I was going east on Route 70 getting ready to go onto the Pennsylvania Turnspike.
Full Description & Details
I was driving east on route70 early morning going to Pensylvania Turnpike. It was starting to get light. I saw this saucer shaped disc with a dome on top about 500 to 800 feet up in the sky in front of me. It was silver yellow in color and about 30 feet in diameter. It went vertical for about 1000 feet, then made a sharp angle and disappeared at a high rate of speed, 2 or 3 seconds, no noise. I had a corvett with the top down. It was a very clear day. I looked to the right to see if I could still see it. I saw nothing but a small white cloud. I wondered if it was hiding in it. It was a very small cloud and it was the only thing in the sky.
Can sighting
be explained as any conventional man-made or natural
No never. There was nothing else in the sky.
Personal Background
Retired CEO of a electronics corporation.
Views on UFOs, before and after sighting
Nothing before other then the news. Now I believe in UFO and watch scientific TV channels.
Reported Sighting? Yes
Reported To: Stan
Name: Byron H. Ritchey
Location: Dana Point, CA., USA
Age: 77