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 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 74 of 330
London, United Kingdom

Summary:  Cigar Shape UFO seen in London around about JulyAugust 1997 (maybe a year earliar or later... long time ago now) Summer time... clear blue sky with bright white clouds and sunny.

Date Posted: 11/4/2005 7:40:18 PM

Click on image to view original full-sized version

Comments about the image(s): "Cigar shape UFO recreated using photoshop."

Sighting Time: 4pm -7pm
Day/Night: Daytime
Duration: less than minute

No. of Witnesses: 1

Size of Object(s): 3" high distant in sky. (plane landing size) so would be a bit longer maybe but not sur exactly!
Distance to Object(s): 3" high distant in sky. (plane landing size) so would be a bit longer maybe but not sur exactly!

Appearance / Description of Object(s)
I noticed this cigar shape that looked similar to a plane- metalic silver but had no windows or wings. I was really surprised at seeing this, especially at this time of day and too clear, it just looked like it shouldn't be there and looked like something from a movie. I looked one more time, just to get another clear picture of it before it went. It still drifted, no sound (couldn't tell because of the noise from the kids playing) no light- just the suns reflection and I did notice a point in the middle... so the shape was not exactly cigar shaped but more like two pencils together but joinned at the tips. The direction was heading from right to left (I live in south-west London) so, sun rises right and sets on my left. (same directions as the planes land) One final note to consider, this was very clear to me to see... I thought I might of mistaken it for a balloon or a trick but the speed was constant, no jerking, and this was quite high up in the sky (bit longer than a plane maybe?). I saw it about 3" long but I know this was definitely no plane. I didn't see it go into the sunset but I looked at it for about a 40secs to a min maybe.

Description of Area / Surroundings
busy council estates... built up blocks of flats and rows of houses.

Full Description & Details
Cigar Shape UFO seen in London around about JulyAugust 1997 (maybe a year earliar or later... long time ago now) Summer time... clear blue sky with bright white clouds and sunny...

I live in local a council estate. I have lived here for over 25 years so literally all my life and have never encountered anything like this. London is well known for its fast life so it is quite amazing to encounter a UFO but during this particular year several sightings had already been reported and this hype about x-files and UFO was just beginning.

To be exact, I was walking my 2 dogs (with my dad who was walking with one) to the park which was down the road. I noticed there was alot of school children playing on the roads/pavements because it was the start of the school holidays. My dad had passed them but I had to stop to wait for the kids to clear. As I waited I looked up and noticed this cigar shape that looked similar to a plane- metalic silver but had no windows or wings. I was really surprised at seeing this, especially at this time of day and too clear, it just looked like it shouldn't be there and looked like something from a movie. I turned my head to call my dad but he had already gone. I looked one more time, just to get another clear picture of it before it went. It still drifted, no sound (couldn't tell because of the noise from the kids playing) no light- just the suns reflection and I did notice a point in the middle... so the shape was not exactly cigar shaped but more like two pencils together but joinned at the tips. The direction was heading from right to left (I live in south-west London) so, sun rises right and sets on my left. (same directions as the planes land)

One final note to consider, this was very clear to me to see... I thought I might of mistaken it for a balloon or a trick but the speed was constant, no jerking, and this was quite high up in the sky. I saw it about 3" long but I know this was definitely no plane. I didn't see it go into the sunset but I looked at it for about a 40secs to a min maybe.

Also, I know that I am a sci-fi fan and like star trek and thought about the possibilities of this influence BUT my eyes did witness a UFO and cannot be explained. I just want to know if anyone else saw this UFO also!

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?
man-made but how can you explain levitation and flying without wings? Couldn't report as computers and the internet was new to my generation.

Personal Background
sales assistant

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting
Not much before sighting, only interested in sci-fi (X-Files and Star Trek) but recently heard more about other encounters and read more about UFO incidents.

Reported Sighting? No
Location: London
Age: 29


 NAVIGATION MENU     Report 74 of 330