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UFO Sighting Report


September, 2005


Canyonlands, Utah, United States


We were backpacking in the desert, We saw a rapid moving light enter the atmospere then a crash follwed with a large light. We then witnessed immedite government air response.

Date Reported:

8/16/2006 3:58:05 PM

Sighting Time: 

1:00 AM



No. of Witnesses: 




Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The light was very far away and seemed more like a large ball of light. This ball of light would move right , then left, up down and would fly in a straigh flight pattern for small periods of times. The speed of the object would cancel out any man made aircrafts and had a definatle finese and was undoubtalbly controlled by a being of some kind whether it was a government test mission or other life, it was truly amazing to witness.

Description of Area / Surroundings

There was no citys for 50 miles. And the only cities were small 200 to 2,000 people towns. We were deep in the desrt of utah where very few people actually roam. There are no hiking trails or tousist sights anywhere we were. We used topo maps and a compass to navigate and find water. We saw many anazazi ruins and heard the acient legend of the anazazi and how they dissapered. No one knows what happened but they just abandon everyitng one day and were never heard of again. I beleive that they may have had an encounter or spitually evolved and vibrated into the next realm of existance past the physical realm. They may have gone to anohter world to begin a new civilization.

Full Description & Details

I was at a wilderness program that focuses on primite living and sobriety. It was a rough program and there was one night that could never be explained. We were getting ready to do a night hike. wich is a 20 or more mile hike, alone in the desert. we did not have flashlights and we were all sitting on the ground and watching the sky, which is what we did every night. The sky is more beutiful than ever in the middle of the desert. We all noticed a light travelling very fast outside of the atmosphere. This light then began rapidly moving left and right slowly getting closer to earths atmosphere. Then we clearly saw it enter eaths atmosphere and lunge to the earth it self. about 30 to 40 miles away. It was very far away but clearly this was very abnormal and was definaley a crash of some kind beaceuse there was a large bright light and it hit. Within 2 minitues, a fleet 8 stealth bombers, 16 fighter jets, and 1 radar spy plane were in the sky over our heads travelling to the crash site. I clearly remeber seeing the bombers fly over us so damn close we almost shit our pants because you couldnt hear them at first. then the fighter jets blasted over us and finally the spy plane which at fisrt looked like an alien spacecraft wich scared the hell out of us. Before we knew it there was great deal of government air activity over the crash site. At first i didnt believe that we actually saw a ufo but what changed my mind was when it crashed onto the earth and the immediate government NORAD response. What also struck me as strange, was a man that used to work for NORAD began working at the widerenss program as an intern and assked us all about that night in a friendly manner.

Witness Background

My journey in life has taken me to many states. at age 17 i was sent away and was kind of on my own ever since then. Stuggling and trying to be grown up like the people around me. I worked alot of jobs and found a connection the universe that opens more with each day i work for it. My everyday experiences lead me to places and people i need to be connected to. I am a bhuddist and true to my heart on all costs. I have noticed my intuition and pychic ablities for a long time but only opened them in the recent years. I love phycology as well and took a class in college on it. I am very open in life and like to know a lot. I am currently taking real estate classes to learn more about property and how it all works. I play guitar and used to be in a band when i was 16. I still play acustic. I hope you guys like my story and let me know if you know any ufo organizations that are looking for emplyees.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have always been interested in ufos and other life. But I like to expand my phycic and spiritual being wich i belive is also a good way to make a connection to other life because the possibilites of the mind and soul are unlimited.

Other Comments

Send me some of your info. Are there any oraganizations looking for work.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Everyone I know and more


Ryan Moxon

Your Location: 

San Fransisco


