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UFO Sighting Report


September, 25, 2006


Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


A big bright glowing light hovering above which followed by another.

Date Reported:

9/2/2006 4:34:02 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



10 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

It was sort of an oval shape. A big bright glowing orange colour.

Size of Object(s)

All I can say is that it was big enough to notice in the clear sky at night, especially being orange in colour.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

It wasn't too far away from our car. Id have to say about 100m from the ground.

Description of Area / Surroundings

It was an urban area. We were heading towards the highway entrance. The only site close by would of been the police academy about 70m back from us.-

Full Description & Details

Myself, husband and children were travelling home in the car. As we approached the entrance to the highway my husband notice a big bright shining light above in the sky. I then looked up as I slowed down to glance at this light. It was amazing! I had to stop the car regardless of knowing the entrance of the highway was just ahead. But to see this orange light just hovering above us was unbelievable. At first we thought it may be a meteor or something, like it was on fire. But the more we looked at it the less it looked like it was burning. It was actually glowing. Then right before our eyes a second one appeared about 10m apart from each other. My husband try to get his fone to record or take a picture of it, but he was so overwhelmed he forgot to push the button. Then suddenly they both dissappeared like they made themselves invisible. That was so amazing for us to see. Never seen anything like it in our lives. Even our 9 year old daughter was amazed and knew exactly what she saw with her own eyes. Once we got home we called family to share with them of what we had encountered. We really believe it was a UFO!!!!!!

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No for the fact that it wasnt high up like even a smaller plane would fly and this was in the evening which was clear and like i said it was just above the entrance of the highway.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

For me personally I have always had a fascination with sci fi. My husband on the other hand didnt care to much until this siting and is now more convinced than ever. For me now, I want to see more.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

family only

Your Location: 

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


