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UFO Sighting Report


July, 1997


newport news, Virginia, United States


Looked like a right angle.

Date Reported:

2/18/2012 12:10:55 AM

Sighting Time: 

9:00 pm



No. of Witnesses: 



about 3 mins

Size of Object(s)

huge lol

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

it was pretty close, at least 5 thousand feet in the air

Description of Area / Surroundings

a neighborhood not far from an army base.

Full Description & Details

I was about 13 years old and was sitting outside of a party that my mom was attending in my apartment complex, 4 of my friends were also with me. Bored as we were, we just sat on my moms car being kids, i happened to just stare off into the nights sky when i noticed 4 lights, then 4 more lights connecting to it. i didnt say anything at first until they started to rotate. i told my friends to look in the sky and at first they didnt believe what i was trying to point out to them, after a few seconds we all saw it rotating. my friend christina went in the party to find her mother as we kept an eye on it. her mom nor anyone else believed what we were saying and never came outside to see. eventually it just faded away as if the lights were burning out. this figure in the sky streched pretty long in the shape of a right angle. im 27 yrs. old now and still tell this story to people whom do not believe me. its was one of the weirdest things ive experienced. a few weeks later my older brother, his friend and a neighborhood police offer spotted one in broad day light in the same apartment complex.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

nothing maan-made, nothing to do with astronomy

Witness Background

i work for a pizza company, do not do any drugs and am a spiritual person, i also write music, poetry and read alot of books.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

i always watch the skies now, i never believed in aliens but UFO's are definitely real.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

to a girlfriend


Dimitri melton

Your Location: 



