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UFO Sighting Report


May, 2010


Frisco, Texas, United States


The experience was sound and illuminating. It wasn't just a light you usually see in most common UFO reports... It was an actual aircraft.

Date Reported:

3/4/2012 7:55:32 PM

Sighting Time: 

4:00 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



10 - 15 seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

description ^

Size of Object(s)

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Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

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Description of Area / Surroundings

It was a memorial park surrounded by neighborhoods. And a ranch behind it which was the direction the aircraft came from.

Full Description & Details

It was almost midnight and me and a group of friends decided to go hangout in a park and skate. That night my best friend was ranting on and on about aliens and how he believes for sure their here and their real. In fact that was the main topic for the next 3 hours as we traversed through this park. By 3:00 A.M. my best friend and others left to go home, yet me and 2 close friends of mine stayed for longer. Well an hour passed and we all got very tired so we decided to head back to our cars. We got to the field where the pond was and 50 yards deep a most extraordinary synchronized event happened... an aircraft passed over our heads that made a most peculiar sound. I would compare it best to a sound of a microwave.The aircraft was about 150- 200 yards above us so all 3 of us had a clear view of what it looked like to its every detail. Imagine a blimp shaped object with an X shaped tail fin at the end. What struck me was that there was no propellers, no wings, no signs of an anyway of how this object gathered speed at all. I've came to the conclusion it was moving with electromagnetism using the earths magnetic field. It was 30-40 yards in length and 20- 30 in width. It was well proportioned. I didn't take my eyes off it until it reached a cloud cover that looked as if it was created for that craft so it wouldn't be seen. When it disappeared my first instinct was to look directly behind me to see where it came from and there it was... A most beautiful display of a bright red mystical cloud that had streams of mist coming out of it. It was unbelievable and right then I knew whether our government created this craft or aliens did there was no way extraterrestrials did not have an influence on this event. So it began... Endless hours of research and an insurmountable amount of experiences that led to more then 30 different UFO sightings. its been 2 years since the encounter and I am more then certain disclosure is imminent and it happens to be "2012" the year where a new age begins with our new space family.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Man made but not conventional at all. I've talked to many military persons and none of them can verify there is an object described in my report.

Witness Background

Im a waiter and attending college. Im about to move to hawaii to help better understand my spirituality through nature and my sister who is about to have a baby. My goal is to help take care of my new niece along with experiencing this world in a not so materialistic society.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I thought ufo's was just something that could have been possibly made up and never put into any interest in it. Since the sighting I know everything there is needed to know about UFO's and more... I believe they are inter-dimensional spiritual entities that allow themselves to be seen so that when our governments finally reveal the truth we the people will be more prepared for first contact.

Other Comments

Im not crazy :)

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Frisco, TX, US


