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UFO Sighting Report


March, 6, 2012


Irving, New York,


Saw an unusual shaped rainbow (kind of feathers) in the sky. When I looked at the printed out photos, they had thIs UFO on them. FIRST PHOTO TAKEN WHILE DRIVING. UFO NEAR AND BLURRED. SECOND ONE FARTHER AWAY. TAKEN WHILE I WAS STOPPED and nearer, yet the UFO seems farther away.

Date Reported:

3/7/2012 9:30:05 PM

Sighting Time: 

5pm Eastern



No. of Witnesses: 


Appearance / Description of Object(s)

looks like a space ship like in old days.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Cattaragus Indian Reservation, highway

Full Description & Details

5pm on cross road between Routes 5 and 20 in Irving NY. Was excited about seeing such an unusually-shaped feather-looking rainbow. Took one photo while I was driving. Pulled off the road for the second photo. Did NOT see the UFO, until I printed out the 2 photos, There is NO chip in the windshield of the car. Friend witnessed the highly unusual rainbow and was equally shocked to see the UFO.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

Retired Administrative secretary.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

SAW three neon green "checkmarks" just STILL, in the sky over town north of Buffalo NY. THEN, SUDDENLY, they flew to the right, FASTER than our eyes could follow. Nothing ever reported. Scared my girlfriend and I SO BAD, re ran into a bowling alley, hysterical. Took a couple hours for people to calm us down. Checkmarks were reverse, as if you were looking at them in a mirror.


Dorothy Govenettio

Your Location: 

Buffalo, New York 14206



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