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UFO Sighting Report


April, 2, 2012


Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia


Hissing silver disc with blue blinking lights hovered over industrial area in Nongsa, Batam.

Date Reported:

4/17/2012 9:32:42 PM

Sighting Time: 

20:00 GMT +7



No. of Witnesses: 



1 minute

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Disc like with bulge on top, silvery surface, blue blinking lights on its edges.

Size of Object(s)

Actual size about the size of a small bus

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

30 meters above the ground, seen from almost below the craft

Description of Area / Surroundings

Industrial area near the shores of a very busy strait dividing Batam to Singapore.

Full Description & Details

Muhammad Ridho in Nongsa, Batam, near Hang Nadim Airport, saw a strange blinking blue light among the night view of the industrial complex. Upon watched closely the light rose up fast to the sky and disappeared as if someone turn the lights off.

At the same time, two of his friends reported that a flying object has been witnessed hovering about 30 meters from the ground near PT SMOE's showroom, emitting hissing sound.

The object looks disc-like from the side, silvery, with a bulge on top and blinking blue lights on its edges. Estimated size is about as big as a small bus.

Sighting map - http://j.mp/IgsugG

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

UX designer, currently Director of BETA-UFO Indonesia.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

We used to think that UFO don't visit Indonesia. After almost 14 years of study now we know for sure they do, a lot of them.

Other Comments

We've been studied about UFO sighting in Indonesia since 1997, please visit our website should you are interested to learn further about UFO Sightings in Indonesia: http://beta-ufo.org

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

BETA-UFO Indonesia


Bayu Amus

Your Location: 

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


