6/14/2004 5:24:11 PM
Distance to Object(s) & AltitudeFAR away Shape of Object(s)disk Color of Object(s):white Full Description & DetailsI was at my end of the year soccer party when one of the moms said "look! UFO's!" I looked up and saw 4 white dots in the air. They were barely moving. I just thought they were balloons but balloons can't get that high. One of them stared separting from the others. There were 3 in a perfect line and the other was to the side and down. They were very hard to spot. I kept looking at them and then I stopped for about a min. I looked up again and they were gone. I look everywhere in the sky but they disappeared. Witness BackgroundI love to do sports and play outside. I go to Lindenhurst Middle School. Reported Sighting?YesReported To:My friend who also saw a UFOName:Donna MontalblanoYour Location:Lindenhurat, New York U.S.A.Age:13 |