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UFO Sighting Report


June, 2002


Brockton, Massachusetts, United States


A small object silently passed over our house from southwest to northeast very quickly.

Date Reported:

7/3/2005 7:36:52 AM

Comments about the image(s): The first image shows a frame from the original video. The second is a frame magnified and brightened. The third is a frame that has been cropped and magnified so you can see the balloon disappearing to the northwest (low right corner of frame). The fourth image is a map showing the object's path.

Sighting Time: 

4:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



30 - 50 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

small, 2 to 4 feet in diameter

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

50 yards or so from camera

Shape of Object(s)

indefinate to the eye. Like a blob.

Color of Object(s):

Dark color

Full Description & Details

In June or July of 2002, my brother and I had our video cameras with us, as we were documenting some car restorations.

We returned home around 4:00 pm. My brother was tired from working the night before and dozed off in the living room. My mother was in the swimming pool in the backyard.

She called: “Hey!”

I said: “What?” and went to the window to see her.

She was just looking up, with a dopey expression on her face. As she looked, I realized if I crane my neck it must be just over the house. As I tried to “peak” over the house, I saw what I took to be a large bird. The camera! “Whatever it is, I got a camera” was my only thought about what this object might be. As I bolted out the door I attempted to get a good video image of what I thought was an oblong doughy object.

But the video shows a round object. My brother was in the front yard wondering what was going on and came around to the back just in time to see it depart over the trees about a quarter of a mile away.

As evidence, this footage is basically useless. I’m very disappointed that the video is completely inconclusive. There are no reference points in the frame and I was unable to hold the camera still because I was zoomed in so tightly. The object was small. Less than four feet, it seemed to me. But again, I never got a good look with my own eyes. All I was looking at was my video camera monitor.

To be rational, I call this object a balloon. Seems to me it was a mylar balloon.

But this balloon came from southwest horizon, over very close to our house, perhaps 30 or 40 feet above and disappeared to the northeast well within a minute. The balloon did not bob or dance in the air – that is the camera shaking. There was no wind. The camera mic would have picked it up. But there is none. The balloon did not go up. Or down. It was traveling, or “flying”.

The first image shows a frame from the original video.

The second is a frame magnified and brightened.

The third is a frame that has been cropped and magnified so you can see the balloon disappearing to the northwest (low right corner of frame).

I theorize it may have been towed. Upon “computer enhancement” there appears to be a line coming from the bottom of the balloon. This makes perfect sense. It was a balloon dragged by a moving vehicle. But that would mean that a vehicle would have to be going through neighborhood yards. Or that a very long tow was not getting tangled in trees and telephone wires. Perhaps the tow vehicle was in the air. This was just weird. What do you think?

Witness Background

I have been interested in ufos for over 25 yrs. This is hardly the kind of evidence I can be proud of. I do not believe this object was from outer space but I cannot begin to explain the oddness of the encounter. It was unlike any of the accounts I have familiarized my self with reading about ufos.

Reported Sighting? 



Shawn Gillis

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