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UFO Sighting Report




Nacka, Stockholms län, Sweden


A late evening after a party I and my friend looked up at the stars when a weird craft moving southeast slowly. We only saw lights, no structure nor form of the craft.

Date Reported:

7/12/2005 2:46:09 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



10 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)

16 lights in a quadratic box fomation

Color of Object(s):

yellow strong lights

Full Description & Details

The object we saw moved slowly and consisted of totally 16 lights with 4 quadradic formatiosn placed in each corner, each consisting of four lights. Regarding each quadratic light formation, the formation was not pushed out to the edges but the lights were placed with great space from each other which means that they were pretty tight in the center were all quadratic formations met. Either it was a big craft or perhaps 4 smaller crafts flying in a tilted box formation with very synced spead. If those lights were blinking they would easily been identified as aircrafts. The craft flied in with the edge forward.

Here is a simple text drawing of the craft would look like this:

x x x x

x x x x

x x x x

x x x x

This object was however moving at a very low altitude which explains that it must have been pretty large and there were no blinking lights. The lights were strong yellow similar to spotlights. There was also absolutely no sound neither during the sighting nor shortly after. I'd like to point out that the craft was slightlyy visibile after passing above a small cloud. Shortly after we ran away home in fear.

The area where the object passed is seen here (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=stockholm&ll=59.328790,18.258011&spn=0.013801,0.020099&t=k&hl=en) on Google maps. We were standing near to the building that looks like the letter T slightly bent upwards. The object was probably flying above the forest to the right of the "T" moving to the southeast.

Very rarely fighter aircrafts (Jas-39 gripen?, Viggen?) pass this area and if they do they make a very high disturbing sound. Normal passenger aircrafts and small private aircrafts pass here a lot but they also make a lot of sound which is very difficult to "forget".

This sighting and occurence has been printed in my mind and I remember it very well. The precise date it happened is howewer something I'm working on at the moment. At the time I saw the object I was not so interested.

I saw a report on NUFORC which seems similar to what I saw. This is a quote from the site (remove it if it breaks your rules):


PENN VALLEY -- At 6:15 PM the power went out at the observer?s house that is located in the foothills around a lake. About 7 PM, he went outside and the wind was gusting to 60 mph+ when he saw an almost rectangular extremely large craft. It was slightly more narrow in the front. It was about half a football field or 150 feet long. A small box (6"x6") at arm?s length wouldn?t have covered the entire craft. It had four circular dim ambers/yellow lights on each corner of the craft that appeared to emit some sort of haze that had an amber color. It moved very slowly. Taking several seconds to come into complete view as it passed directly over my house. One look at it and I knew it wasn?t normal. There were no wings, no blinking aircraft lights, and it was absolutely quiet.

I ran inside and got my girlfriend who became really frightened nearly in tears saying "oh my God oh my God, what is that thing?" The winds were very intense. The craft continued on its easterly course until it passed over the horizon. The bottom wasn?t completely flat and had several ridges running from front to back. About five minutes later, to the northeast a very large dome shaped, deep blue flash went off. The flash was very odd. It appeared to explode then implode. The explosion expanded in a dome fashion and lit up the entire sky. About 20 minutes later the wind was back to being ABSOLUTELY DEAD CALM. We are located not too far from Beale AFB. The paper said the cause of the power outage was that two - 60kv wires hit each other causing the blackout. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director www.nuforc.org


Witness Background

I'm currently a student in what americans would call highscool. I'm going to begin the last of three years this fall. When I saw the object I was about 10years old. I haven't been so interested in UFO's till the occurence in our appartment started happening and I started reading about astronaut who had been feeling this cold touch by a "spirits". I'm now very interested in conspiracy theoris etc.

Other Comments

I would like to point out that my friend had the same age as I and was shocked after the sighting just like me. I would also like to point out that both my hearing and sight is totally ok and I've also done psycological tests (because of the occurence below) which I passed

Some very disturbing occurences have been happening in our appartment the latest months. All residents have been feeling that somekind of spiritual creature passing in forms of shadow and coldness. It seems to be interested in me however because it does weird things to me especially during the evening but that's. When looked on closely you see somekind of magnetic field in a small humanoid form. Maybe It's related because of the sighting? Everything from heavy and light pulsating sounds to sometimes failing electronics seem to happen here. Sometimes the windows even shatter strongly on sides no aircrafts nor vehicles pass. That's another story though.

I'll make a simple drawing

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Only my psychologist.


Alexander Bracquemont

Your Location: 

Nacka, Stockholms län, Sweden



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