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UFO Sighting Report


July, 1977


Eliot, Maine, United States


This was a saucer type "ship" with multi colored lights on the edge that landed in the back yard after appearing behind some trees 20 yards behind the house. I woke up in my girlfriend an my bedroom on the second floor, looked out the window and saw the lights.

Date Reported:

7/16/2005 8:35:11 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 

2 or three


20 minutes or more

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

30 feet across

Shape of Object(s)

disk, no legs

Color of Object(s):

dark gray with lights around the rim

Full Description & Details

At first I didn't wake her up but I could see the lights behind the trees which then rose above the trees and hovered in the air for a moment. I could "hear" a message in my thoughts that my desire for proof of extraterrestrials had arrived and that I was not to tell anyone. It was definitely telepathic communication and I asked silently if I could tell my woman and the reply was something like "If you want to." So I woke her up and asked her to look out the window and tell me what she could see. She described exactly what I saw and then I made sure I wasn't dreaming by several different methods(shaking my head, pinching myself, asking her if we were dreaming,etc.). I then asked her if she could "hear" the message coming mentally from the ship which by this time was landing very close to the house. She said, "It's telling us not to tell anyone and that we can come onto the ship." That's what I was perceiving also, so I jumped out of bed and started putting my clothes on as she put her robe on. I was out in the upstairs hall and headed down the stairs to the back door of the house when I heard her say she HAD to tell our roommate who was sleeping in her room. I said don't do it as I shot down to the first floor and out to the back yard. I saw the ship sitting there and there was an open door with a ramp coming out of it. Meanwhile my girl friend and roommate were headed downstairs but I was intent on getting onto the vehicle and not violating the beings who had sent the thoughts by telling more people. There was a yellowish light coming from the interior and I could see a tiled wall and what appeared to be a tube filled with liquid at the center of the room. The next thing I remembered was standing back in the house near the back door. I rushed back outside and the UFO was lifting off into the air above the yard. The women were entering the room from the upstairs by this time and they joined me outside. As I looked up following its movement high into the air(about 150 ft.) the object transformed itself into what appeared to be a U.S. Army Cargo plane, complete with a rumbling engine sound and proceeded away above the trees. Our roommate said something to the effect that it was just a plane, and I could feel waves of mental energy attempting to block and confuse my mind into a doubtful state. As we stood there in the yard I resolved not to let my memory be blanked out. We all ended up going back to bed and the next day my girlfriend said the whole thing was probably in our minds somehow, but I know it was physical/material/real time expereince because I ran onto that ship with my jeans and a t-shirt on and had only underpants on when I found myself back in the house minutes or hours later. What happened inside the ship I cannot recall but remember running up that ramp.

Witness Background

advertising marketting executive, B.A in communications/philosophy, 54 years old, enjoy reading wide variety of literature, interested science and space travel from a very young age.

Reported Sighting? 



william cole

Your Location: 

Barrington, New Hampshire, USA



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