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UFO Sighting Report


July, 2004


Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States


My room vibrated, turquoise blue light illuminated my room, I looked outside to expect to see a car with H.I.D.'s pointed towards my house, saw nothing, heard a low pitched noise like wind/subwoofer, and saw a ufo go by my room about 5 m.p.h. completely parallel to me.

Date Reported:

7/31/2005 7:55:24 PM

Sighting Time: 

10:30 p.m.



No. of Witnesses: 



Brief, 10 seconds.

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

Suburban Community

Size of Object(s)

12 feet long, 8 feet wide

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

15 feet

Shape of Object(s)

combination disk/orb with many lights and paneled windows

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

At the end of junior year, last year, I was in my room about to go to

sleep when my bed starting vibrating. I thought my mom had the washer

machine on so I ignored the rumbling. One minute later I felt a deep

calm, almost euphoric, but just unnaturally relaxed, it felt fake. I

was feeling very confused. A bright turquoise light illuminated in my

room, and I thought someone with blue tinted H.I.D. lights on a car

had it pointed towards my window, so I brushed it off as nothing. I

got fed up with the light, opened my curtain expecting to see a car

with its lights on. I was wrong. I saw nothing, was completely

confused at this point. I heard a low pitched noise, that sounded

like a combination of a subwoofer, and wind. I kept my eyes open, and

then saw a craft that was (big estimate, not 100% sure on size) 12

feet long, 8 feet tall go slowly by my room, about 15 feet away from

my window. I layed back in bed, completely dumfounded by what

happened, and didn't believe I saw what I did. The craft looked

almost exactly like the picture from your site dated July 7th, 1991 in

Mexico (90's, 37-45 on your site). It had the same panels, with red

and yellowish light emiting from the top and bottom. The only

difference is that the craft seemed to have more of a flatened shape,

it didn't resemble the typical "UFO" people hear about, and thinner

than the mexico photo. After I told my parents they assumed I was

just dreaming, but when I told them I was wide awake, they were

shocked and believed me. I don't talk about this incident very much,

it's just too weird, but I wanted to let you know about it, and

possibly give me some clues as to why they chose to go by my room.


Witness Background

I start college at the end of the summer, and up until then was the last person on Earth to believe in UFO's.

Other Comments

Please email me with any information as to what happened, why it chose to go by my house, and why my room vibrated and illuminated with blue light.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

friends and family

Your Location: 

Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA



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