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UFO Sighting Report


August, 1978


high --so. cal, California, United States


long rectangular ufo

Date Reported:

8/3/2005 2:31:38 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



20--30 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

160 ft. long by 40 ft. in front

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

65 ft

Shape of Object(s)

long retangular

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

In the high desert country of southern cal. iIn 1978 While returning from a late night dinner my buddy pointing at the windsield told me to look up, i did so ,and recieved a big surprise in the way of a big ufo.The craft was traveling toward us parallel to the road we were on. The machine was about 60 feet to our right,and 75 to 100 feet high, it was moving very slowly. I estimated the craft to be about `160 feet long. I have good hearing ,and though my friend didn't hear anything, i could hear a very low humming sound....I believe it was the first time i saw a blue light on a flying machine. In the way of a discribtion The craft had a long rectangular center section, on this section were port holes running the entire length. The front and rear of this machine were retangular boxes with many angles,the rear box was slightly different than the front. The front had blue and either green or red lights shining, but not blinking. On the bottom of the front box were two large circular light's,one beside the other. The rear box had a single large circular light, the lights formed a triangle. In the center of the long center section was one large similar light. In the center section their were light's on,and i half expected something to walk past the port holes,although we slowed down to a crawl i couldn't get my buddy to stop. I madeevery efford to commit to memory as mant detail's as i could remember. I made a drawing of the ufo. If your interested i could mail or send you the drawing. Thank you Joe Nunnally

Witness Background

Carpenter,now retired

Reported Sighting? 



Joe Nunnally

Your Location: 

Black river falls, wisconsin



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