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UFO Sighting Report


August, 23, 2005


Birmigham, Halesowen, United Kingdom


Lots of round illuminated whited obtects flying in the sky!

Date Reported:

8/24/2005 9:04:52 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



over 1 hour

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

not sure

Size of Object(s)

not sure

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

not far

Shape of Object(s)

small lights

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

as i looked outside my window i saw about 12 round white objects floating in the sky at 12:30pm they were in a big circle! so like in the circle there were two together space and then another two together ect...! they went in to the middle of the circle and then jerked out back into a circle! They were doing this repeatedly! After about 45mins an airplane was passing in the sky and at this point the circle was broke and as the plane was going past the area these objects were flying in the objects started going faster in all directions! After a while there was only about 3 of theme left untill they disserpeard! dont know what to make of it! it was under no sircumstaces a laser show at that time of night and in that location! i will also look out again tonight! tried to tape it but nothing showed! i will atemped taking some photos!

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

England Halesowen
