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UFO Sighting Report


September, 23, 2005


Valley Springs, California, United States


Dark, early morning, about 3 or 4 AM. Distant white light, ball shaped, turned orange, kept consistant path and speed until out of sight. Traveled from South to North over edge of the Sierra foothills towards Sacramento.

Date Reported:

9/30/2005 11:39:17 PM

Sighting Time: 

345? or 445? AM



No. of Witnesses: 



1-2 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

round ball of light. first white, then like baby asprin orange.

Size of Object(s)

after viewing on its route North and seeing it was actually about 1500 - 2000 ; over land, I'd guess it was as big as a moderate building

Description of Area / Surroundings

Rural foothills.

Full Description & Details

We had a fire south of us that afternoon, which flared up again about midnight and the fire crews had to go put it out. I got up with a headache and went out on the front poarch to have a cup of coffee. I noticed what looked like a large spotlight in the sky and presumed it was a CDF helecopter or airplane looking for smoke from the site. It was too quiet though, but looked like it was about 200-300' above the hills and about a mile south, so the quiet was not much of an issue. It kept coming north along the hills and I wondered why they were not circleing the fire area. Then I realized it was quiet and too big for a spotlght. Then I was shocked to see it turn from white to orange. It was a sphere, not a saucer, and had no windows visible, but the outside was all orange glow like an LED light brightness. I ran for my glasses in my work truck, put them on to make sure I was seeing what I did, and it was surely there - the orange sphere and no blinking lights or anything. I then got my digital camera and tried to take some pictures, but first the disk was full, then the automatic flash was on!!! I got several, and if you lighten them up you might see the orange spot.

I watched it until it went out of site over the valley going towards Sacramento. I wrote Coasttocoast about it almost immediately, but never heard back. Guess they get these things all the time:-) I've never seen anything like it.

After a week, it occurrs to me that of the similarity with what was seen in "The Braxton County Monster" as a "mother ship". Maybe something crashed and caused the fire and then they came looking for their 'man'???

I'm tempted to call the local volunteer firemen and see if they know what caused the fire. It looked to be a fairly isolated area of brush.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

I've worked for the State of California Dept of Transportation for over 30 years. Am resonably educated and observant. Currently in Construction of Highways and a water quality specialist.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Of interest. I read the Braxton County Monster when the book came out. That's about it other than listening to Coast to Coast AM

Other Comments

I can send you the pictures in an email to explore for yourself.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Coast to Coast, my children and wife and one person from work

Your Location: 

Valley Springs



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