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UFO Sighting Report




Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico


3 black rounlike objects hoovering over city.

Date Reported:

10/6/2005 8:31:00 AM

Comments about the image(s): "This is a sketch of what I witnessed."

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



20-30 min

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

There were 3 black roundlike objects in a triangular formation. Not shiny, no reflection. No movement at all.

Size of Object(s)

Relative size was about 1/8 inch. for each object, and about 1 inch across for the entire formation. The actual size is a bit difficult to tell.

Description of Area / Surroundings

It is a densely populated area. The only site near the area is a chain of mountains.

Full Description & Details

Let me tell you that I lost a little bit of belive in sightings, they all seemed to be hoaks. I'd seen some (not many, only about 2 or 3) unusual things in the night skies in the past, but thougt they were just satellites. That was 'till this event happend.

I was shopping at the local SAMS CLUB around 730 PM with my girlfriend. We got a little hungry so we decided to grab a bite in the snack area (outside the store). We were sitting at a table near a tall window when suddenly I noticed something in the evening sky. My girlfriend was telling me about her day but I wasn't really paying attention because of the objects that caught my eye, so I got up and walked towards the window. At first I thougt "it's only 3 black balloons that drifted away", but as I kept watching the objects didn't move an inch. I thought that was unusual since balloons just float away and drift in the wind or breeze. About a minute after I got up from the table, my girl walked up to me and said "why did you leave talking alone?", I told her "look at that and tell me what you see". She described the same thing I was seeing: three black roundlike objects hoovering above the city. I quickly started taking refferences: the mountains in the background, distance from where we were standing and noticed the objects were pretty close.

Soon after this, other people started to gain interest at what I was watching through the window. One person actually came up close but did not dare ask what was going on. It seemed like he was trying to see something but I couldn't tell if he actually did. He probably couldn't because the sky was getting dark pretty fast.

I could still see them (the objects) because I had been observing for several minutes and knew their position, but it was getting kind of difficult because of the city lights. So I suggested we should find another location. We drove about 10 blocks to a neighborhood that is poorly lit. The sky was almost completely dark by now but I could still make the objects out. A few minutes later it was so dark I could not see them anymore.

My girl started to get a bit scared so we left.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Could not be stars because the event started with some light in the sky and there werent any. It was a clear night so no clouds. Since the objects did not move they weren't birds. Blimps and weather ballons aren't common in this region. So we (the community) would know about them.

Witness Background

I'm an architect. I own a pet store.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I used to read plenty of articles about all this, until I lost a bit of "faith". I've always wanted to witness something unusual. I think of UFO's as something man-made until rpoven otherwise.

Other Comments

I am a very honest person with no reason to lie about this. There could be an explanation, but it was pretty clear to me that these objects weren't anything I had seen before.

Reported Sighting? 



Arturo Hemkes

Your Location: 

Toreon, Coahuila, Mexico



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