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UFO Sighting Report


June, 2004


Sunderland, United Kingdom


I light ball seen fly over the house it then shot down and i was able to take a picture.

Date Reported:

10/11/2005 7:31:29 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



3 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Small ball of light.

Size of Object(s)

A little bit bigger than a football.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

A little higher than a house.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Rural area small street of about 5 houses.

Full Description & Details

Account of the Sighting - I was walking my dog late at night in June cannot remeber exact date. I was walking toward the entrance of my street when i saw in a south direction a Light Ball coming toward me it was far away from my location I looked at it and thought it was just a helicopter because we do sometimes get many helicopters in my area I did not take much notice of it. I then got to the entrance of my street the light was getting closer the motion of the light was very slow but i noticed something that ruled out the possibillity of it being a helicopter because there was no sound and its not normal for helicopters to be silent. I carried on going down my street and just looked on at the craft coming towards me i got to the house and the light was nearly to my location i put the dog in my house and looked up at the object at this time i knew i had to do something so i went inside very quickly and got my camera on the way to get my camera i alerted my parents and said there was a UFO i don't think they heard me i said it so quick. I rushed out and the light was above my house and as i took a picture the object blasted downwards and left a small light trail. I went back inside and my parents were still downstairs (my house has two floors but you enter the top floor first and then as you go in there are stairs going down). I asked my parents to come and take a look at my picture and were amazed at what was on the picture i have enclosed the picture of the light its a really good close up picture and you can really see what i saw was so strange.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

Senior Student (high school) got exsperience with computers and have a web site - http://www.alienationsam.tk

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I had a UFO sighting about 6 months before this sighting and was a bit interested in UFO's since the sighting i always read about UFO's and discuss UFO's at forums on the web.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 



Sam Willey

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