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Belgium UFO Sightings

Among some of the better documented and investigatable cases that have occurred in the last decade is the rash of UFO sightings which took place over Belgium. Some very poignant factors make this case history extremely rare, with regards to how these cases usually run. Foremost of these determinants is the highly uncommon action of the Belgian government and Air Force, in being very open with their own verifications of the sightings with the public at large. This is the first time that such a sharing of apparently unfiltered military data has been, not only provided, but given over in an earnest attempt to invite public investigation. Beginning in late 1989, a definite UFO "flap" converged on Belgium, with the majority of the sightings occurring in the vicinity of Wallonia. For some time from that point on, literally thousands of people reported seeing triangular aircraft in the Belgian skies, exhibiting flight characteristics which simply cannot be explained, with regard to mundane terrestrial aircraft. Unlike previous flaps, these accounts generated report after report of what, in essence, was exactly the same type of craft. The eyewitness descriptions have been surprisingly similar in the vast majority of these reports. A surprising number of these civilian sightings were confirmed by individuals in the Belgian Air Force, police officers, and air traffic controllers.

articles & documents

An Analysis of The 3/30/90 Belgian Radar Data

Mark Cashman, Temporal Doorway

The data gathered from an airborne radar during the intercept of a UFO on 3/30/90 in Belgian airspace provides a unique opportunity to analyze the three-dimensional flight profile of a possible UFO.

Best UFO Cases III: Belgium, 1989-1990

Loy Lawhon, About.com

Brief overview of the Belgium UFO sightings, by Loy Lawhon.  R

Beyond the Belgian Flap--UFOs and Europolitics

J. Antonio Huneeus, August 1993 FATE Magazine

For decades, certain American ufological groups have unsuccessfully attempted to get Congress interested in UFOs. Actually, Congressional hearings on this issue did take place in 1966 and 1968, sponsored by the House Armed Services and Science and Astronautics Committees respectively; these occurred at a time when the Air Force was funding Project Blue Book. All efforts to rekindle Congressional UFO interest have failed since then.  R

Breaking Down 'The Wall' of UFO Silence

Antonio Huneeus

In a totally unprecedented move in the history of ufology, the Belgian Air Force and government has not only carefully documented the great UFO wave over Wallonia, but shared its results with civilian investigators and the public, in effect literally breaking down "The Wall" of UFO Silence that still stands in the western world.  R

Eupen, Belgium - UFO Sighting

At dusk in the evening of 29th November, 1989, two Sergeant-Majors of the Belgian Gendarmerie who were on patrol on the road from Eupen to Kittenis in the Hautes Fagnes region of Belgium, noticed a phenomenon two hundred meters away on one side of the road. It was moving slowly and was some three hundred meters above a field that bordered the road. This was the first sighting of the famous triangular craft and it was next seen in the famous case of 'The Wavre' in March 1990.  R

New UFO Wave Hits Belgium

Dieter Bosh / James Neff, Jan. 2002

In the years 1989-90, just after the Russian UFO wave, Belgium became very well known throughout the world for its flap of triangle shaped UFOs and other sightings, beginning in the dutch area of Eupen and eventually touching the entire country.  R

'Paris Match' Article on Belgium UFO

Marie-Theresa De Brosses, Paris Match


Report concerning the observation of UFOs in the night from March 30 to March 31, 1990 (Full Report)

Belgian Air Force (UFOs at Close Sight)

The full version of the Belgian Air Force report by Major Lambrechts, VS 3/Ctl-Met 1. This report provides the full picture of the reports of the involved units of the Belgian Air Force and the reports of the eyewitnesses of the Gendarmerie patrols on the unknown phenomena observes in the airspace (further refered to as UFOs) in the south of the line Bruxelles-Tirlemont during the night from March 30 to March 31, 1990.  R

Summary Report on Observations 30-31 March 1990

Belgian Air Force (UFOs at Close Sight)

Summary of the offical report by the Belgian Air Force regarding the UFO events of March, 1990. R

'Sunday Express' article on Belgium UFO

SUNDAY EXPRESS Newspaper, September 17, 1995.


The Belgian Sightings

Auguste Meessen, Inforespace, Nov. 1990

In-depth article/study of the Belgian UFO sightings by Auguste Meessen, professor of physics at the Catholic University of Louvain.  R

The Belgium UFO Wave

UFO Casebook

Brief overview of the Belgium UFO Wave, from the UFO Casebook. R

Triangular UFOs over Belgium (1989-1991), a short analysis

Lieve Peten

An overview and analysis of the Belgian UFO sightings. R

UFO Briefing Document - Case Histories: 1989-1990 UFO Sighting Wave in Belgium

UFO Briefing Document

From October 1989 throughout 1990, hundreds of reports of lighted objects, frequently described as enormous and triangular in shape were recorded in Belgium. Air Force supersonic F-16 jets chased these strange objects, which were simultaneously tracked by both airborne and ground radars. The Belgian Government cooperated fully with civilian UFO investigators, an action without precedent in the history of government involvement in this field.

UFO Update: Belgium's Military Has Begun to Work Hand In Hand with Private Groups to Track UFOs

Beth Livermore, OMNI magazine, July 1991, p. 75

The following article provides a rare example of the civilian and military sectors successfully working together to investigate UFO sightings.  R

Wavre, Belgium - UFO Sighting

During the night of 30-31 March, 1990, many reports were received by the police from members of the public of a phenomenon in the sky above Wavre, twelve miles south of Brussels.  R

websites & organizations

Belgium UFO Photos

UFOs at Close Sight

Pictures of the ufo sighted from the ground at Petit Réchain in Belgium in early April 1990, with the computer enhanced versions from an analysis made at the Royal Military Academy by Prof. M. Acheroy. Source Guy Mossay/Sofam.

The Belgium Flap: Sketches and Flight Paths

UFOs at Close Sight

Some sketches and drawings related to the ufo cases over Belgium between 1989 and 1993

UFOs at Close Sight: The Belgium UFO Wave

UFOs at Close Sight

In-depth collection of documents related to the Belgium UFO wave.