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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


September, 4, 2005


Murray, Kentucky, United States


A triangular shaped object traveling south east faster than a commercial airliner.

Date Reported:

9/4/2005 8:11:24 PM

Comments about the image(s): Two sketches made by the witnesses of the object they saw.

Sighting Time: 

8:53 PM CST



No. of Witnesses: 



15 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

2 1/2 moons

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

We were stargazing in the backyard, facing east. Before the sighting we saw a satelite and a regular commercial airplane. Then, we saw a triangular shaped object traveling south-east. It was moving faster than an airplane. It was similar to an isosoleis triangle; the two longest sides were lined with atleast 6 lights each and the shortest side appered dark/transparent. It appeared to be as large as 2 1/2 moons. It was silently traveling low in the horizon.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: UFOEvidence.org received a second, similar report from almost the same location, about three weeks later. That report from Paducah, Kentucky (less than 50 miles from Murray) on September 30, 2005, also described a triangular shaped craft. Please see the full case, including sketches by the witnesses, at the following URL:


Paducah, Kentucky, the location of that case, is the site of the only operating uranium enrichment facility in the United States. Owned by the U.S. Department of Energy, it is leased and operated by the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC). According to USEC, the facility "produces low-enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power plants in the United States and around the world."]

Witness Background

School teacher, artist

Reported Sighting? 



Chad and Dale

Your Location: 

Murray, KY USA

login D F


August, 13, 2005


Bruges, Belgium


Photograph of unidentified object at night over Bruges

Date Reported:

8/31/2005 9:52:20 AM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

This photo was taken on the 13th or 14th of August 2005 with a digital camera in Bruges, Belgium... I don't see nothing in the sky but in the photo there is something strange. could you tell me something about this?

NOTE: For a similar photograph taken in Spain, May 2005, see the following page:



Alberto Giustetto

login D F


between the year 2000 and 2002


Sister Bay, Wisconsin, United States


Bright hovering light, followed by multiple satellites in the area that the UFO was in.

Date Reported:

8/29/2005 6:37:54 PM

Comments about the image(s): crude sketch of what i saw



No. of Witnesses: 



5-10 min

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1/4 of a mile

Shape of Object(s)

difficult to tell, as it was surrounded in a bright light, but it seemed to be orb shaped.

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

My dad and I were taking a walk at night around our block. We were at our cottage in Door County. We had been walking for about 20 mins when we saw a bright hovering light ahead of us. As we walked, it seemed to always stay ahead of us. It was there for about 10 mins. The memory is a bit hazy; I don't remember exactly how it left, but it did so after about 10 mins . As we continued our walk, we noticed about five satellites, all headed towards where the UFO was. It was very cold, and windy. The UFO made no noise.

Other Comments

I am currently 14. I was about 11 or 12 at the time of the sighting. I have never seen a UFO since. I have, for as long as I can remember, had a fear of aliens, but I also feel strangely attracted to them.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

my family


Christian V.

Your Location: 




login D




Phoenix, Arizona, United States


During the Lunar eclipse when the moon almost turned completely red...small "star" size lights, started to apear to exit the moon moving around fast *um...sort of like fireflies

Date Reported:

8/29/2005 3:25:32 PM

Comments about the image(s): Sketch: the planet is the moon and the glowing dots are the ufo's i saw moving around frantically *really really fast* [ed.note-- (the bigger dots near the moon).]

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 

Me and my mom


Couple of mintues

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

star size

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)

small lights

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

We were all outside in my backyard looking at the lunar eclipse. When the moon was almost fully red, Little speckles of light began to jump out..as if they were exiting the moon. They looked like distant stars only they were moving around really fast. They could be soon seen wiggling arouund the moon, but they then took off. Only me and my mom saw these. And i truly belieive it must have been something not from this earth.

Witness Background

I'm attending my last year in high school and i'm going to pursue in writing. I am also in a heavy metal band which i play guitar/vocals for. I speak russian, english, and spanish and i'm 17 years of age..Male.

Other Comments

I will send a picture of what i saw by photoshop.

Reported Sighting? 




Your Location: 

Phoenix, AZ



login D




Coast of Florida, near Orlando, Florida, United States


Metallic UFO under the clouds over the river towards Orlando, FL. Underside of UFO had a black triangle.

Date Reported:

8/29/2005 1:48:56 PM



No. of Object(s): 



Cindy Waller

login D F


January, 13, 2001


Ajijic, Mexico


Photograph of diamond-shaped object over Lake Chapala in Mexico.

Date Reported:

8/25/2005 11:09:08 PM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

I was working in Mexico just outside the city of Guadalajara in a little city called Ajijic, we were renting a house and I was taking pictures of the view. We were reviewing pictures June of this year when we noticed this one, I’d like to know what you think. This is over the biggest inland lake in Mexico (Lake Chapala) notice the date on the picture over 4 years ago.


Mike Brueggeman

login F


August, 6, 2005


Salt River Canyon, Arizona, United States


Photograph of disc-shaped object in Salt River Canyon, AZ

Date Reported:

8/25/2005 9:01:27 PM

Comments about the image(s): Four versions of the photograph.

Sighting Time: 

5:00 PM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

What do you think this is? Maybe you know how to blow up this picture.

I took this photograph while driving through the Salt River Canyon (between Globe and Show Low) on Arizona State Route 60. We were approaching the bridge at the bottom of the canyon. If you will recall this is the same general area where the movie "Fire in the Sky" was filmed. The date was Saturday, August 6th at about 5:00 PM. I did not see the object in the sky. It only became visible when I downloaded the images onto my computer. There was one other person in the car with me, my wife who was driving. I took the photo with our Kodak Easy Share CX4200 digital camera. I was taking a picture of the bridge because I am a crane operator and one of the men who built the bridge several years ago. There were no other photographs taken through the front windshield on this day but I can assure you that this was not a spot on the windshield. We enlarged the already big picture that you sent and there appears to be a figure or distinct image on the belly of this thing. Too bad our resolution was not better.


Ed O'Toole

login D F


MID 1970S


MEDINA, Ohio, United States


'Huge' disc-shaped circle of small lights, with beam of light shining down

Date Reported:

8/25/2005 1:12:25 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 




No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

It was late in evening, dark, when I stepped out of the house, off the patio and into lawn toward the barn where the children were feeding the horses. A bright searchlight, motionless, was suddenly upon me. I looked up to see where it was coming from, when I saw a HUGE disc-shaped circle of small lights to the right of me. It appeared to be a craft and judging from the distance and size and the many lights, big enough to accomodate 100 people (?) in my judgment. The second I made eye contact, the spotlight was gone and the craft shot up like the speed of light, soundless.

Witness Background

RN, Hopital nurse, mother of 5 children

Other Comments

There were several strange incidents happening in our area in Ohio during that time, cows found dead without blood, a fellow nurse told me of small disc shaped crafts bombarding her with pellet like beams on her way home from 3-11 shift......

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 


Your Location: 

orange, va 22960 usa

login D F


August, 20, 2005


Seoul, Korea, Republic


Disc shaped UFO photographed in South Korea.

Date Reported:

8/24/2005 10:10:15 AM



No. of Object(s): 


Full Description & Details

Email from HeeJoo Kim in South Korea:


I've watched 3 types of UFO in Aug. 20, 2005 at Seoul, South Korea.

That was very clear sky and some of withe cloud. Time was 4:00 P.M to 5:30 P.M. My camera is Sony DSC-F707 attatched with skylight filter.

The first UFO I have watched was below.

I went out to take a picture about 4:00 P.M. near my house. When I saw sky, very bright white and circular object was moved East to West. That was not too fast, so I clearly watch the object untill that was disappeared behind the cloud. I think that was about few minutes. I took some picture of that, but my camera was in Shuter Time priority mode. The shuter speed was 1/20s, so the image was too bright to analyze.

Second was black disk type object.

That was very fast and too far too take a picture well. After downloaded from my camera I found out only a black small point. That object was moved right and left, and after a few seconds, that was moved opposit direction of me very high speed. I thought the UFO was hovering around my area and resoluted I would not miss to take some picture well if that UFO appear again.

Third time was below.

After missed two times of the UFO, I thought the UFO was hovering around my area and resolved I would not miss to take some picture well if that UFO appear again. I have turned on my camera, and watched sky cafully here and there. That time, one UFO was flight right over on my place. That was very close. I was on the new road which width was about 10m and not open. So any of car was parking on that road. The UFO was flight top of the road and moved left side of the road. So I took about 10 pictures. That was very clear day, the sun light was too bright to see the LCD view finder. So I took pictures the UFO without viewing finder of my camera. Fortunately, I succeeded to take four picture. When I watched the UFO first, that was black and emulate bright light intermittently and rotated left to right.

After downloaded the image files and opened it, the image of the UFO was close blue color. You can see the different position of the emulating point on the four picture of the UFO. Because I was stand same direction on the road. The sun was front of me. I watched the object about 3 minutes. The UFO was disappeared from my sight to the South.

That was my watching story.

I send you 4 pictures of UFO and just 2 pictures of the sky of that place where I took the pictures. And just added enlarged pictures.

My English is not good. Please revise all of the sentence, and ask me any questions.

best regards

HeeJoo Kim


HeeJoo Kim

login D F


August, 23, 2005


Birmigham, Halesowen, United Kingdom


Lots of round illuminated whited obtects flying in the sky!

Date Reported:

8/24/2005 9:04:52 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



over 1 hour

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

not sure

Size of Object(s)

not sure

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

not far

Shape of Object(s)

small lights

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

as i looked outside my window i saw about 12 round white objects floating in the sky at 12:30pm they were in a big circle! so like in the circle there were two together space and then another two together ect...! they went in to the middle of the circle and then jerked out back into a circle! They were doing this repeatedly! After about 45mins an airplane was passing in the sky and at this point the circle was broke and as the plane was going past the area these objects were flying in the objects started going faster in all directions! After a while there was only about 3 of theme left untill they disserpeard! dont know what to make of it! it was under no sircumstaces a laser show at that time of night and in that location! i will also look out again tonight! tried to tape it but nothing showed! i will atemped taking some photos!

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

England Halesowen
