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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)




Bull Bay, Amlwch, Anglesey, North Wales, United Kingdom


object in sky travelling relatively slowely

Date Reported:

7/5/2005 8:13:45 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



a few seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

cliff road traveling over sea

Size of Object(s)

aircraft size

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

dont know quarter mile?

Shape of Object(s)

cylinder with sphere at each end

Color of Object(s):

dark grey

Full Description & Details

I was having a rest sitting on a publick bench half way along Bull Bay Road betwen Amlwch and Bull Bay and talking across the road to some ladies doing some power walking as I turned to watch them dissapear down the hill I saw this objexct in the sky it was a dark grey cylinder with a dark grey sphere at each end seen side on it wasnt travelling very fast there was a bit of mist but the cloud was high I turned to look the other way and when I turned back it had gone it seemed to be accumpanied by a noise like a slow deisel or the blades of a helecopter possibly a chinook or huey but it wasntn a helicopter, I know what a helicopter looks like.

Witness Background

unemployed somewhat overwheight diabetic unemployed I neather drink nore smoke nore do I take any form of drugs other than those prescribed by my doctor for medical reasons.

Other Comments

none I saw it it was there what it was I dont know

Reported Sighting? 



John Guy Vivian

Your Location: 

Amlwch, Anglesey, North Wales UK



login F




Newtown Square, California, United States


Very low flying, slowly traveling, triangle UFOs passed directly over our driveway and house as we were getting in our car to go out.

Date Reported:

7/4/2005 1:03:04 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



1 minute

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

Rural suburban

Size of Object(s)

60 feet

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

200 feet above us

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

very dark grey or black

Full Description & Details

On the night of the sighting, my girlfriend, sister, and myself spontaneously decided to run to the store for some ice-cream. We went outside and got in our car to leave. I had already started my car when my girlfriend noticed the objects and alerted us to them. My sister and I looked out our window and saw 3 triangle shaped flying objects passing not too far above the tree level (perhaps double the tree level).

It was extraordinary enough that we were stuck there watching it. We didn't hear any engine noise so I turned off my car engine to listen more closely. However, it was silent. I rolled down my window to stick my head out and look up, as they were directly over us. After a few seconds, I got out of the car to join my girlfriend and sister who had already gotten out to see them closer. We stood in our driveway as they passed directly over us, moving very slowly. The objects were the shape of an equilateral triangle with large round lights on each of the three tips. The closeness of the objects and the light polution of the suburb allowed us to see the shape of the object beyond the illuminated tips. We could also see the center of the body of the objects and certain smaller and very dimly lit lights in the middle of them (another color, though memory fails us).

The three objects were traveling in a south-easterly direction.

They were moving very slowly. Our view would have been obstructed by forest and trees had they not flown directly over our driveway. So the only time we could see them was during that brief passing. However, even this short patch of sky took them a little over a minute to cover the distance.

After it passed, we all talked about it and were excited that we saw a UFO. However, we considered them a UFO in the true sense. An "Unidentified Flying Object" - not necessarily an extra-terrestrial object. Our talk about it has subsequently referred to them as some sort of experiental government plane.

Witness Background

I am a database administrator and filmmaker living in Burbank, CA. I have a university degree in Sound Technology.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

United States



login D F


June, 2002


Brockton, Massachusetts, United States


A small object silently passed over our house from southwest to northeast very quickly.

Date Reported:

7/3/2005 7:36:52 AM

Comments about the image(s): The first image shows a frame from the original video. The second is a frame magnified and brightened. The third is a frame that has been cropped and magnified so you can see the balloon disappearing to the northwest (low right corner of frame). The fourth image is a map showing the object's path.

Sighting Time: 

4:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



30 - 50 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

small, 2 to 4 feet in diameter

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

50 yards or so from camera

Shape of Object(s)

indefinate to the eye. Like a blob.

Color of Object(s):

Dark color

Full Description & Details

In June or July of 2002, my brother and I had our video cameras with us, as we were documenting some car restorations.

We returned home around 4:00 pm. My brother was tired from working the night before and dozed off in the living room. My mother was in the swimming pool in the backyard.

She called: “Hey!”

I said: “What?” and went to the window to see her.

She was just looking up, with a dopey expression on her face. As she looked, I realized if I crane my neck it must be just over the house. As I tried to “peak” over the house, I saw what I took to be a large bird. The camera! “Whatever it is, I got a camera” was my only thought about what this object might be. As I bolted out the door I attempted to get a good video image of what I thought was an oblong doughy object.

But the video shows a round object. My brother was in the front yard wondering what was going on and came around to the back just in time to see it depart over the trees about a quarter of a mile away.

As evidence, this footage is basically useless. I’m very disappointed that the video is completely inconclusive. There are no reference points in the frame and I was unable to hold the camera still because I was zoomed in so tightly. The object was small. Less than four feet, it seemed to me. But again, I never got a good look with my own eyes. All I was looking at was my video camera monitor.

To be rational, I call this object a balloon. Seems to me it was a mylar balloon.

But this balloon came from southwest horizon, over very close to our house, perhaps 30 or 40 feet above and disappeared to the northeast well within a minute. The balloon did not bob or dance in the air – that is the camera shaking. There was no wind. The camera mic would have picked it up. But there is none. The balloon did not go up. Or down. It was traveling, or “flying”.

The first image shows a frame from the original video.

The second is a frame magnified and brightened.

The third is a frame that has been cropped and magnified so you can see the balloon disappearing to the northwest (low right corner of frame).

I theorize it may have been towed. Upon “computer enhancement” there appears to be a line coming from the bottom of the balloon. This makes perfect sense. It was a balloon dragged by a moving vehicle. But that would mean that a vehicle would have to be going through neighborhood yards. Or that a very long tow was not getting tangled in trees and telephone wires. Perhaps the tow vehicle was in the air. This was just weird. What do you think?

Witness Background

I have been interested in ufos for over 25 yrs. This is hardly the kind of evidence I can be proud of. I do not believe this object was from outer space but I cannot begin to explain the oddness of the encounter. It was unlike any of the accounts I have familiarized my self with reading about ufos.

Reported Sighting? 



Shawn Gillis

Your Location: 




login D F


June, 25, 2005


Monroe, Washington, United States


Big flashes, black circle, two small blinking lights

Date Reported:

6/26/2005 2:02:39 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



15 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

not sure

Size of Object(s)

15' by 15'

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)

small lights, big black circle

Color of Object(s):

flash was white and small lights were pale yellow

Full Description & Details

We were going to look at the planets supposed to aline last night and I saw a big flash then two small blinking lights and then there would be another big flash. We went in side and kept hearing dogs barking and hearing loud noises.

Witness Background

middle school students

Other Comments


Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

mom and dads


Kasey and Tatiana

Your Location: 

Monroe, WA USA





June, 2, 2005


Cardiff, Armed F. Europe, United Kingdom


A grey/blue disk floating aprox. quater of a mile away from my car. It looked like it had some sort of lid on it

Date Reported:

6/10/2005 5:16:27 AM

Comments about the image(s): [image submitted with report - NOT a photograph of sighting]

Sighting Time: 

aprox. 8.30pm



No. of Witnesses: 



2 and a half mins

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

it was aprox, twice as big as the moon from what i could see

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

aprox one quater to one third of a mile away

Shape of Object(s)

it was like a disc (frisbee) moving from left to right

Color of Object(s):

greyish blue

Full Description & Details

I was aprox. quater of a mile away from the actual craft. I am 100% sure it wasnt a plane, bird or anything other that what i am telling you of.

Witness Background

I was born in New York but my parents decides to split up, i went with my mom to live in the UK.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

i reported it to my closest friends


Anthony Newby

Your Location: 


login D




Oakland County, Michigan, United States


Date Reported:

5/24/2005 9:55:05 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



about 5 to 10 mins

No. of Object(s): 


Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

My little brother and I were in the backyard. I looked up and saw something flying over us, then it stopped and hovered for awhile, then it flew out of sight towards the north, then came back a few minutes later going towards the south, much faster though. It didn't look like any of the airplanes or helicopters that usually fly past our house, and it flew over too large of an area to be remote controlled. It appeared to be a spinning silver disc. I decided we shouldn't tell anyone because no one would believe us because I was only 7, and adults seldom believe children.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 






May, 10, 2005


San Antonio, Texas, United States


Dark Triangle with white lights on each point and one blinking red light almost center with no noise detectable.

Date Reported:

5/12/2005 6:39:01 PM

Sighting Time: 

10:35 to 10:40 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



5 Min.

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

50 Ft best guess

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

100 Feet

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

Dark almost Translucent

Full Description & Details

MY sister and I were outside in our front yard on May 10th at about 10:30 PM and noticed this object which was traveling from the SW to to NE, then traveled due North as it was over us. It's speed was very slow. When we fiest saw it coming from the SW we saw three lights almost in line with one another as approached. The object then changed position until we determined it was a Triangle about 40 to 50 feet above the ground and maybe 20 feet above the house tops. We noticed that it did not cast a shadow or had any noise at all. It slowly traveled North until we lost sight of it.

Witness Background

Both my sister and I are Retired / Disabled

Other Comments

The lights were very bright at the points, but no shadows or light projections were seen as a shearch light would project. We are faxing a sketch to 309-402-0673

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

6 Local Radio Stations in our area


Esperanza Villarreal and Helen A. Haynes

Your Location: 

San Antonio, Texas


58 and 59

login D F


June, 1978


Pickens, South Carolina, United States


My friend and I noticed a very large black tiangle above the tree tops.

Date Reported:

5/8/2005 5:28:17 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



15 min

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

100 x 100 x 100 ?????

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

300 ft.

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

It seemed to hover there for several minutes and had bright white lights on all three corners and a round glowing light in the center. It made no sound and slowly moved away. I still rember it now .... 30 years later as if it were yesterday.

Witness Background

Day Trader self employed

Reported Sighting? 




Your Location: 

Pickens, SC 29671 USA



login F


August, 23, 2002


Constanta, Romania


A slow moving, circle object hovering near a star.

Date Reported:

5/6/2005 7:48:28 PM

Sighting Time: 

8:45 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



Less than a minute

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Shape of Object(s)

Small circle

Color of Object(s):

Blue-ish and white

Full Description & Details

While on holiday to Romania, I decided to go outside from my cousin's house and smell the fresh summer air. I looked towards the few stars in the sky, that's when I noticed a small, circle like object hovering near a star. I told my cousin about it and showed it to him. He couldn't believe it neither. He first thought it was a satellite but it was white and blue-ish. I couldn't tell.

Other Comments

This is the first UFO I ever saw.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

My cousin

Your Location: 


login D F


March, 23, 2005


Clifton, Virginia, United States


Multiple luminous spheres during thunderstorm

Date Reported:

5/6/2005 6:21:07 AM

Sighting Time: 

00:30 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



5 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1/8 of a mile

Shape of Object(s)

bright circular obs

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

Received an email from a Clifton, Virginia man, reporting that his wife witnessed something strange late in the night, during a storm that hit our area the previous day (Clifton is approximately 12 miles west of Springfield, in which Multiple luminous spheres during thunderstorm I reside). Email sighting account in part: "We had a power outage last night and my wife was awakened by the answering machine clicking on and off as the power tried to recover, and then it went out completely. She went to the front door to see if it was raining or windy and saw a very large object hovering over a nearby house about an 1/8 of a mile from our house. It was larger than the house, seemed to be at an angle to her view with the bottom exposed and had lights all around it evenly spaced. When it began to move away, several lightning flashes were seen and then it was gone. The power returned two hours later".

A second email was received the next day stating that he had a chance to talk to his wife about this sighting and he added that it would seem that his wife might have actually observed "balls of lightning". He also wrote: "what she describes sounds just like a multiple ball lightning display which she says disappeared as she watched it, and then a bolt of lightning went up into the space above the house from the ground to where the lights had appeared to be".

A little more details were obtained during a telephone interview that was conducted March 31st. Sighting took place around 12:30 AM, March 23, during a thunderstorm, as she was facing south, towards Manassas. The length of the appearance lasted just a few seconds, from the "balls of light" formation to the vertical lightning flash.

It is my belief that this incident may have been a natural, Rare Atmospheric Phenomena (RAP) involving multiple ball lightning, or Mobile Luminous Spheres. To be a witness of one or two of these lightning balls are rare but witnessing a group of ten or more is phenomenal! According to Dominion Virginia Power website, their electrical outage legend summary dated 3/23/2005, indicated that there were about 24 homes that were affected by this storm in the Northern Virginia's Fairfax County area.

March 23rd temperature: 44 degrees, cloudy with rain, average humidity 81, wind 13 mph NE.

Witness Background

MUFON Field Investigator - Virginia

Other Comments

This is a complementary report. A drawing/graphic will be sent shorlty.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 



Norman Gagnon

Your Location: 

Northern Virginia

login D F