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UFO Sighting Reports > Full Text View (multiple)


April, 1999


Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia


Several starting from date above : Black triangle, 2 weeks later large diamond, V shaped recently, others less descriptive too far away.

Date Reported:

4/18/2005 3:21:31 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



15 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Listed in full description

Full Description & Details

1. Black triangle - ball on each end, device moving side to side between balls, no sound, few metres above our heads. (2 week time between demonstrates to me they were linked, purposeful in my seeing them, and second one was obviously not of this world.)

2. Larger diamond, brillliantly lit up, stationary above me 70-80 metres, I communicated to it in my head afterwhich it darted to side so quickly that tail of light trailed it, it went invisible before my eyes after few seconds.

3. V shaped, lights on forward moving side only, super fast, 150 metres high approx, no sound.

4. 2 occassions with large ball situated in constellation of Southern Cross, identifiable by me as it's on our flag - indicating it was deliberate, small moon appearing, too far away but distance could be judged within the atmosphere.

Witness Background

High school teacher, two university degrees

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 


Your Location: 

Gold Coast, Australia



login F


November, 31, 1977


Motherwell, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom


I saw what appeared to be two bright stars in the sky. One of them flew away.

Date Reported:

4/12/2005 10:18:29 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



5 Minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Appeared like a star in the sky

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Unable to tell

Shape of Object(s)

Again like a star

Color of Object(s):

White light

Full Description & Details

It was early evening in November 1977 and I was on picket duty during the Fire Brigade strike of that year.

Myself and a friend were looking at what appeared to be two rather bright stars when one of them flew off and streaked across the sky disapearing close to the horizon. I looked at my friend and exclaimed "did you see that" and he said that he had.

A few years later when we were talking about the experience it turned out that he had seen slightly more than me. He saw the 'star' arriving. He said that at first he thought it was a satelite moving across the sky but then it stopped and it was at this point that I started watching it.

The remaining star was probably just that as it never moved for the duration of the time we were there.

We mentioned it to others but no one had seen it and accused us of 'drinking while on picket duty.' We never really mentioned it much after that and he moved away to another fire station. He then moved to England and we have now lost contact with each other.

Witness Background

I was a Firefighter for 24 years. On my early retirement I started driving for Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust running patients to and from hospital for treatment. This was on a volunteer basis. I am new working as a support worker with Sense Scotland which supports deaf/blind people.

Other Comments

I realise that there may be a logical explanation for this although I can't think of any and I thought it would be of interest to you.

Reported Sighting? 



Graham Henderson

Your Location: 




login F




Kokomo, Indiana, United States


When I was 9 years old I sighted 3 UFOs in clear blue skies on a summer day at midday, while playing with my 1 year younger friend in my backyard.

Date Reported:

4/12/2005 2:01:59 PM

Sighting Time: 

11 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



3 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Perhaps 100ft long cigar-shapes, 50ft long nose-cone

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

500-1000 feet

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

Cigar Shapes - Metal Gray, Nose Cone - Metal White

Full Description & Details

I was only 9 at the time, my friend Jason and I were swinging on my swing set and generally being bored in my backyard. It was nearly midday and it was a hot summer day with a clear blue sky. I sighted the first object, a "Hot-dog" shaped object hovering slowly over (maybe 1000 feet up or more, but not very high altitude) at the speed of a prop-plane or helicopter with flashing red lights. The Lights flashed on and off, from red to white. The general color of the object was a shiney metal gray. The most noticeable thing was that it made absolutely no noise, usually planes make noise and choppers too. Then a second one after the last had disappeared (not even a minute or more), with alternating white and green lights. And Then a third object appeared at a slightly faster speed perhaps a minute afterwards. The object was differant, although shaped like the nose-cone of a jumbo-jet airplane (Complete with multiple rows of windows), it was just the cone, with the back end being flat and having no wings or any propellers. The object was a shiney white and had no lights like the last two objects. All of this happened within a few minutes in the middle of a clear blue day in our backyard. My friend and I both witnessed it and were baffled. I promptly went inside and told my mother I saw a UFO. My friend and I spent the rest of the day talking about them and watching the skies. We saw nothing else.

Witness Background

I'm 19 years old, a Biology Major and I currently work for a Local Hospital. I've had 2 years of college and have graduated highschool.

Other Comments

I did not include phone number and address because I have no indication of what you would need that information for.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Kokomo, Indiana, USA



login F


April, 10, 2005


Merrifield, Virginia, United States


2 Bright lights, resembling stars, but larger and brighter, floating around the moon

Date Reported:

4/10/2005 8:51:54 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



10 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Slightly larger than a star

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

No idea, possibly thousands of miles

Shape of Object(s)

bright star-light round lights

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

We're driving back from a moive when 1 person in the car noticed 2 bright lights floating very closely by the moon, one to the left, 1 right under it. We continued to watch the lights in surprise as we drove down the street. After watching for about 5 minutes, they both flew up to be above the moon. Then, a minute lster, 1 flew away to the right of it and disappeared. The other remained for a few minutes before dimming, becoming level with the moon, and then also moving away to the right. At the rate at which we were driving, around 45 mphs, there was no way these lights were just street lights appearing to move by the change in our perspective. They also did not appear to be tower lights because they were constant, not blinking, and bright white, not red. Also, they were not moving at rates which would indicate that it was just our change in perspective that made them appear to be moving. The weirdest thing is that I never stopped the car, and now I'm kicking myself for it.

Witness Background

I'm a student at GMU. My first "UFO sighting", one of the other girls in the car had previous experiences with possible UFO sightings.

Other Comments

send and email to amlong222@gmail.com if you saw anything like this around the same time

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

fairfax, va, usa



login F


March, 29, 2005


West Islip, Long Island, New York, United States


Photograph of silver disc UFO, seen for 30 seconds, moving slowly over residential area

Date Reported:

4/1/2005 7:02:59 PM

Comments about the image(s): These are two versions of the same photograph.

Sighting Time: 

12:30 p.m.



No. of Witnesses: 



About 30 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

This sighting only lasted about 30 seconds. The object moved slowly from the south to the north. 4 people saw this.One object. Silver disc.

I was outside with my two neighbors and my son. I was taking photos of my son playing baseball, which is why I had the camera. Everything was normal. Thats when my neighbor pointed out the object in the sky. We were amazed by it. It moved prettey slowly and made no noise. I snapped a few photos of it, but this was the best one. I have no experience with cameras other than taking pictures for the family album.

login D F


August, 16, 2002


Cleveland heights, Ohio, United States


Using my telescope i video taped an object or shadow of an object passing over the moons surface. In slow motion it looks to move in and out of the moons craters.

Date Reported:

3/25/2005 8:03:41 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



2-3 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Large (object vs moon crater size)

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Lunar distance

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

In August of 2002 my son and i were using our new meade reflector telescope and electronic eye piece to video tape the full moon (looking SouthEast). An object or shadow of an object passed over the surface of the moon. When we played it back in slow motion it looks to move in and out of the moon craters. Like a shadow of an aircraft would over ruff terrain. It looks to move up the sides of hills and down into the valleys very very quickly. It does not seem to be a satellite. It looks to be very close to the moons surface. It looks to be oval in shape. I could not have been an aircraft because i was focused on the moon under high magnifcation. If an airplane or bird passes in front of the telescopes field of view under high mag. it will look very large and out of focus. I was focused at the moon and the object is in focus with it. This tells me the object is at the same distance as the moon.

Click here to view the video in MPEG format

Witness Background

Aerospace Quality Engineer

Other Comments

Video Available

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Dan Bright (unexplained .com)

Your Location: 

Cleveland heights Ohio USA



login D F


February, 1996


San Francisco, California, United States


A black sphere with flames flickering off it's body and exhibiting navagational manuevers and independent intellegent control flew over downtown San Francisco.

Date Reported:

3/25/2005 3:41:57 AM

Comments about the image(s): Hi, This is Joe Perez I had submitted a sighting to you that occurred to me in February of 1996 in San Francisco (this is how to find it in your database). The black fireball sighting in Union Square. Although it took me awhile to get back to you, here is a photo of the area over the hotel that the sighting occurred. The shorter hotel in the middle foreground with the line of dark windows surrounding it along its top floor near its roof is where I was located. The object flew slowly across the foreground of this photo at about the level of the dark window panes. It's travel from the photos perspective is from the left to the right, the large hotel on the photos right side is the hotel that obscured my view before it came back(see my description) I also included an illustration of what I saw. Please post these with my sighting that I posted on your site. Thanks. Joe

Sighting Time: 

9:30 P.M.



No. of Witnesses: 



2 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

Diameter est. 60ft. +

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

about 200ft. +

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):

Black, flames, amber-green tail

Full Description & Details

Working at a high class nightclub in downtown San Francisco, California It was a week night and the plush lounge was getting busy with customers. The tables filled up and the cocktail waitresses were busy serving the steady increase of patrons for the night. I was walking by the emergency exit door which like the rest of this 21st story hotels nightclub was surrounded by a panoramic view of the city and shopping district below. The night was clear with no clouds or precipitaion. The moon was not visable from my point of view and venus was not visable either. I noticed that a garbage can next to the door was in danger of being knocked over. so I moved it and then took a break from the busy dining room floor by going into the small prep. kitchen next to the glass emergency exit doors. Across from my vantage point looking outside the cooks small window I noticed that there was three military helicoptors lit up and hovering over the bay next to the bay bridge. They remained motionless as though they were waiting or looking for something. This caught my attention, because over the last few weeks I noticed regular daytime black helicopters running a sentry patrol over the water. It seemed odd, but I brushed it off as military excercises. Two helicopters would head towards each other pass side by side and then pass each other going in the opposite direction. Like guards on patrol at the gate of a building. This came to mind as I now watched these lit helicopters at night before the sighting. I told the cook "hey, don't those look like U.F.O.'s?" The cook said yes, but I new they were not and I was just making a joke about them. I went back on the floor and then stood by the exit doors looking out the windows at the objects above the bay. I felt that these were not military exercises, but brushed it off and as I was about to go back on floor of the club to work I stopped and for some unknown reason looked up out the window and to my upper right. That's when the U.F.O. appeared flying over the roof of the hotel from behind my perspective and entering the forground of my vision. The object was a black sphere that was covered by flickers of flame that peeled themselves from the surface of the objects body and then disapating in the sky only to be replaced by new flames appearing on the object and again peeling off. It was after a flame came off it that I could tell it was black. It's blackness was darker then the night sky surrounding it. It also had a long variable sized triangular tapered tail that changed length as the object changed directions. After it moved over the top of the hotel ( I was surprized that it navigated so close to the roof, but did not hit it. If it crashed into the roof it would have been a disaster. It moved towards the far background of my straight ahead view to the south. Its path entering from the north. It moved slow and I would estimate it was moving about 20 to 30 miles per hour. It changed it's direction and then started east and returning from the south a bit northenly and into my immediate foreground view. The tail shrunk and then extended itself once more. The tail had a border of green and the inside area of the tail was amber yellow. As it flew from my right side (west) to my left(east) I took a mental stock of all that it was not even the obvious things it was not. I said in my mind. "Is it a plane, a meteor, a missle, a helicopter etc.etc.?" It was Unidentified. I also noticed that eminating out of the objects front were sparks that seemed to be a reaction to the objects forward motion. Like it was energizing the atmosphere ahead of it as part of it's propulsion system. The sparks would appear in front of the object and then shoot forward at it, but then burning out before striking the objects surface. Still moving at a steady speed two of the waitresses came uponm me looking out the window and one told me "What are you looking at Joe?" I thought of what kind of answer I could give her, but opted for the truth. I told her " A U.FO..

She began looking and said wow in a dazed manner. Then another waitress joined her. I stepped back away from the window, I became scarred and it was surreal to see the waitresses in front of me and this object out in the sky past them. I snapped out of it and ran to the kitchen and I told the cook to check this out. I then went back to the windows front and watched it till it flew past the hotel directly across from us. The waitresses went back to work and as I began to, I hesitated and could not believe what I had just witnessed. I knew from my look into ufology that I had just been apart of history. So I stood there looking out the window in disbelief and shock. Just as I walked away from the window I was the one who ended up kicking over the trash can. I scooped it up and reset it and began to head out to check the tables for dirty glasses that needed to bussed back to the bar. I thought to myself "Wait a minute-after what I just saw the job can wait." I returned to the window and considered what I had watched. Then I justified it as being a meteor. Even though it could not have been after the way it moved of it's own volition. I laughed it off and then with a smile and a last thought that it was'nt a U.F.O. it was a meteor - it had to be. That's when it abruptly zipped back from about the same angle that it had been obscured by. This time I watched it solo and I said to myself not to take my eyes off it, because this is my second chance to admire it's truth. The fireball U.F.O. took a sharp incline heading straight up and moving with a shorter tail as it climbed in elevation while I watched. Then without warning it excellerated to an unimaginably fast speed that made me think it would easily break orbit and I would get to watch it go off back to space. Just when I thought that it came to a dead stop with not even a bit of drag. Since a body in motion stays in motion unless it has something to stop it. What stopped it's motion. If it was a meteor how could it do that? What's weird is it was like it did this in a reaction to my mental thought of them not being real even after all that I just saw. Then it just remained hovering high in the sky, but only about a couple of hundred feet above the hotel across from us. As it hovered it pulsed or vibrated. With flames still flickering off it, it seemed to be angrey with my disbelief. I captured a clear sense of malevolence and superiority. I felt like we are all nothing to them accept to what ever aggenda they might have for us in their grand experiment. I became conscious of the time and that I could get in trouble if I dont go back to the floor. then it took off slowly towards the east again, and not up into space like it was going to do before it stopped. I remember thinking to it-" I have to get back to work. It moved away like it was insulted that I would place my meanial job before it's remarkable nature. Then the waitresses passed my position and one became very perturbed at me. She complained that I had been gone for a long time, but it was'nt long as we had all just been standing at hte window. When I told her I was there at the window and she knew this, but the look on her face was like I was lying. Then the other waitress came by and she was also saying I was not around for a long time. I also noticed that what was once a packed section of cocktail lounge tables were now empty seats. Then the bartender for that side of the lounge heard me and the waitresses and when they went back to pick up there drinks I told him I was here. He looked at me as though I was telling a lie. This is the first part of my missing-time episode. The other part came when the house lights got turned on by the manager and we were closing down. Since we close around 1 a.m. on a week night and the sighting was around 9:30 A.M. there was an immediate realization that I can not account for two hours of my time. The next day the cook agreed with my description of it looking like a fireball, but got upset when I wanted to discuss it's U.F.O. nature. The first waitress to join me as I watched it would not even agree that she saw anything (she blacked it out, or did not want to be associated with it, because of her reputation.) and the other waitress agreed with me that it was a U.F.O., but did not want to discuss it further. One last thing that puzzles me is that after it happened I chose not to write down any details for months after. I recall thinking to myself that i did not want to force defintiions of it on my perspective, so I held it instead in my mind. To this day nine years later I can still play it back in my head with an amazing clarity.

Witness Background

Currently I am a college student, but at the time I was a fine-dining waiter. I have studied martial arts, meditation, and before this I had never seen a U.F.O., and I have not seen one since. I am single and have never been married. I love cats and nature. I am learning how to speak Japanese. I love movies and want to make them and am learning how to make 3D animation, which I will use one day to make an animated version of what I saw that night nine years ago.

Other Comments

Prior to the event and after it, I have been an amateur enthusiast of the phenomena. So when I recall my sighting and look at it within the mainstream data currently available I am astonished by the remarkable sequence of events that make up my experience, which includes a vague sense of missing-time. I still have not seen any video sightings that come close to what I saw. I am without a doubt certain that the object I encountered was intellegently controlled by non-human entities(because of objects excelleration and G-force not withstandable by humans) and it gave off a vibe of malevolence that made the intellegence behind it a frightening idea to behold. Although I have no photographic evidence I can strongly make the opinion that WE ARE NOT ALONE. SETI eat your heart out they are here and they are so beyond us in advancement that we are like mere protozoa by comparison. We are millions of years behind them in evolution. Just a vague sense I got as it hovered during my sighting.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

friends and family only



Your Location: 

Los Angeles



login D F




Between Warragul and Darnum, over the BAW Baw mountains, victoria, Australia


A long stationary white beam with coloured lights plotted at regualr intervals, with a gap in the middle, above the BAW BAW Mountains, Victoria,Australia.

Date Reported:

3/19/2005 3:37:17 AM

Sighting Time: 

about 10 p.m?



No. of Witnesses: 



15 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

Darnum/Warragul, in state of Victoria,Australia

Size of Object(s)

very long

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude


Shape of Object(s)

long thin cigar

Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

One evening, as a car/automobile passenger coming home from visiting, i noticed an object above the Baw Baw Mountains. I was the first to notce it, and called out to my parents to see if they noticed it a s well. They said that they could also see it.

As described above, it was a long white beam(stationary), but above the horizon of the hills/mountains...it was not in any way emitting from the top of the hills/mountains. It was clearly some distance above them. Along this beam were 6 round lights..3 at the bottom, and 3 a tthe top..with a space in the middle. The lights were perfectly placed at intervals to each other. They were from memory red/green/and white.

The object was clearly visible for 15 minutes until we got further away from the object, when it slowly begun to fade, but still visible.

I remember feeling very eerie about it at the time..it was a strange feeling.

Has anyone else seen anything similiar before?..would be nice to know.

Witness Background

30/Male Qualified Horticulturist

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Geelong , Victoria, Australia



login D F




Vlaardingen, Netherlands


My childhood sighting

Date Reported:

3/15/2005 2:09:31 PM

Sighting Time: 

7:30 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



3 to 5 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

small town

Size of Object(s)

size of a large plane/ship

Shape of Object(s)

dish with a long bar attached

Color of Object(s):

grey, dark. covered with lights

Full Description & Details

When I was about 8 years old I was watching TV on the sofa.

It was after we had dinner. My mother was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. The sofa was next to a large window from where you can see the front garden.

It was dark outside, and it was about 7:30 PM. Suddenly, something caught my attention. In the corner of my eye I saw a large object in the sky, so I walked to the window to take a closer look.

What I saw is best to be described as a big round dish with a long bar attached to it. I think the size of the object was large, maybe as large as a ship or airplane. And it was pretty close to our house. It was full with little lights and it went over our house slowly and very calm. I called my mother to come look at it, and we both looked at the object. As soon as it was above our house, out of our sight, we ran upstairs, and looked through the bedroom-window where we could see it again.

Slowly it drifted over our house into the darkness of the evening. I think the whole encounter took about 3 to 5 minutes. I have a very clear memory of my childhood. I'm an illustrator, and a year ago I made an image of what I remember. What you see on the image is what I saw from the bedroom window. This is what I "almost exactly" remember, including the atmosphere of the sky. Except that I don't know about the little lights, how many there were and where they where positioned.

When I asked my mother about it she said she remembers it as "full with little lights". I can´t explain it. I've never seen a photograph or a sketch that looked like the object that we saw.


Answers to some further follow-up questions:

Q. Also, what direction was the object moving (was the long bar in the front,or was the round dish in the front)?

A. The dish was in the front

Q. And can you estimate the height (altitude) of the object or distance to the object?

A. 30 to 50 meters I think. (difficult to say)

Q. Can you estimate the speed of the object?

A. Best to compare with what I remember is, the speed was "calm", like a ship slowly moving forward in the ocean. That's the best way to describe it. It was not in a hurry at all. It was going forward with the dish in the front. No strange movements, just straight forward.

Q. If you can also describe the relative size -- if you held your arms stretched out in front of you, how far apart would your fingers or hands have to be to cover the UFO, for example "1 foot across at arm's length"?

A. Very difficult to say, I was a child, my arms where shorter! I really don't know. What you see on the picture is what is in my memory.

Q. Were you born in the Netherlands; if not, how long have you lived there, and how did you learn to speak English?

A. I was born and still live in the Netherlands, english education start at about when I was about 12 years old. (That's normal for that age in the Netherlands)

Q. Specific town or location where the sighting took place?

A. The sighting was in a town called "Vlaardingen".

Witness Background

I'm an illustrator. Academic art education.

Reported Sighting? 




Your Location: 

the netherlands



login D F


May, 8, 2004


Santa Barbara, California, United States


At first we dismissed it for driftwood, ...we havnt been back to the beach since

Date Reported:

3/15/2005 3:42:06 AM

Comments about the image(s): this was done by me to send to my mom, she was so freaked out by the incident and she had no idea what i was trying to explain to her.... this is the scanned drawing i gave to her

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



15 mins

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

Rural but you can see downtown in the distance

Size of Object(s)

7-8 1/2 feet

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

200 at closest - 500 ft at its furthest

Shape of Object(s)

Large, skinny, well defined humanoid

Color of Object(s):

dark brown

Full Description & Details

Im a Brooks student, i've lived in Santa Barbara almost two years now. Me and 5 other friends of mine just got back from a school break and decided to go star gazing at a beach some 10 miles away from downtown. (Santa Clause Lane for those who are familiar with the area).

We walked out onto the beach and scoped out the scene for wierdos who may also be out there that we should be aware of, however there were no cars and the houses are at least a mile away from us in all directions. I noticed a large black object in the water that seemed pretty heavy by the way it was flowing around in the current, it must have been 500 ft away it would go under the water and closer then further away from shore, after watching it for about 5 mins it flows closer to the break then it happened.

(Please take this time to note that i am not making this up, i know at first it will sound a little strange but just try to visualize it)

It came up onto the shore on 4 legs, about the size of a small horse but its form was very skinny, it jetted across the shore for a good 100 ft, at almost a gallop, at this point we were scared. It turned to its right toward highway 101 and went onto 2 legs at this point i would guestimate it being a good 7 ft tall and it walked up the beach at a staedy pace moving slower then it looked like it should have been going (when i say this i mean it walked, but its speed in sand up hill was very fast) and when it reached the rocks that divide the street from the beach which are very big it hopped over with ease and dissapeared. (these rocks are very large, during the day their a challenge but at night you have to go slow, watch your feet placement and put you butt down and scoot from rock to rock to be safe)

at this point we were ready to go, we were completely scared cause there was nobody there and it was to late at night for anyone to be skinny dipping alone in the ocean. On our way to the rocks an unmarked cop car pulls up, we thought it was coming to ticket my car and tell us to go home because the beaches there close at sunset but they didnt, the shined their searchlight toward the ocean in the exact place where the thing had been in the water and crossed over us but they didnt say anything to us.

as we were leaving a crazy whistle started happening, and i just want to say that none of us were in the mood for whistling, as we were climbing the rocks back to our car we were followed by this really creepy old time whistle that sounded really loud.

i know this is cheesy but the only way to describe the creature as it looked on its two back legs was signs, for anyone that has seen the movie there is a scene where there is a home video from a childrens birthday party in brazil where the alien walks across an alley way.... and thats the exact picture i have in my head of what we saw

Random Note: the next day all over the news was a report of 16 unidentified flying objects messing with mexican air drug traffic officials during a routine test. The objects were hovering around the area and only visible through advanced media, like infared and digital video... i dont remember the whole story but if you google Mexican Air Force 16 UFO im sure you'll find something on May 8

Witness Background

Im a 20 year old girl from Sacramento California, im living in Santa Barbara while attending Brooks working on a BA in Still Photography with a Scientific/Industrial Major

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

just family and friends

Your Location: 

Santa Barbara CA



login D F